Chapter 157

Hardin’S POV

It has been a long day of settling disputes, signing documents and holding meetings and right now, I can’t wait to go and spent the night in Reign’s comforting arms.

Last night I spent almost the entire night rubbing and talking to her tummy in the name of having a conversation with my son and she was done with me.

I love them, God I love them so much that I would die if anything happened to them.

I walk into our bedroom and I expect to see Reign sleeping on the bed or brushing her hair in front of the mirror, but I don’t.

If she’s not here, then she must be with either mum or the girls. I exit the bedroom and go over to Kylie’s bedroom where I meet her seated in the sitting area, reading a book and looking all nice and pretty.

“Hey there” I greet as I walk towards her.

“Hardin!” she calls with a bright smile as she puts the book aside and rises from the couch.

I engulf her in a warm hug and I can feel her smiling from molar to molar.

To be honest, I miss spending time with her. Ever since Reign came into the picture, we have been distant. I’m just happy that she understands.

“How have you been love?”

“I’ve been okay.”

“And how is training going? Hope you haven’t been boycotting”

“Tss… do you want to get whooped by Miguel? Also Kol has added in the picture. I have three big brothers to be aware of, the last thing I can be right now is recalcitrant.”

“You have no idea how happy all what you just said makes me feel Kylie. Just keep practicing okay, before you know it, the pain will be gone and you will be a full fleshed wolf”

“I look forward to that day”

“Good girl. Uh… have you seen Reign around?”

“No, isn’t she in your bedroom?”

“No, I didn’t find her there”

“I haven’t seen her since morning. Have you asked mum?”

“Not yet, but I’ll go there right away”

“You really do miss her, don’t you”

“It’s been a whole lot of hours Kylie, if I don’t hold her in my arms in the next ten minutes, I will lose my sanity”

“Oh boy, please go get her already. The last thing I want to handle right now is a crazy Alpha”

“See you at dinner… wait, where is Melissa?”

“She went for a walk, will be back soon”

“Mind link her, tell her I want to see her home in the next ten minutes”

“Yes sir”

“Good” I walk out of her bedroom with a smile plastered on my face.

I’m lucky to have very respectful and obedient siblings. The moment Kylie mind links Melissa and tell her my instructions, she is going to arrive at this castle at the speed of light!

I leave my chambers and make my way to my mother’s chambers hoping that Reign is there with her.

Once I get there, I go over to my mother’s door where I knock on and a few minutes later, the door is opened by my mum and the first thing I do is peep into her bedroom if I’ll see Reign and when I don’t see her in the room, my heart starts racing.

“Mum, please tell me Reign is here with you”

“Reign isn’t here son”

“Holy Moon goddess.” I try to mind link her but it doesn’t go through.

“Isn’t she in your bedroom?”

“No mum, she is not there”

“Have you checked her in Kylie’s room?”

“She’s not there either and I can’t get to her through mind link.” I say panicking. “Kol!” I can Kol through the mind link.

“Sup bro? What’s with the shaky voice?”

“Is Reign over there with you?”

“No bro, she isn’t”

“Kol, Reign is no where to be found”

“I will be right there.” He says as he blocks the mind link.

“Son you have to calm down, she couldn’t have gone anywhere. She must be around”

“I don’t think so mum, I can’t reach get through mink link, that can only happen if she’s in a place where mind link is being restricted by an ancient powerful spell. I have a bad feeling about this”

“Oh my God”

I rush over to my chambers where I meet Kol already waiting for me.

“Bro, Reign is no where to be found”

“How is this possible bro? She was supposed to be in here all day”

“Not Reign, you have no idea how stubborn Reign is. She must have gone out there for a walk or something”

“What’s this I’m hearing?” Miguel asks as he walks into the living room.

“Reign is no where to be found!”

“No, you guys haven’t checked properly”

“Miguel I can’t get to her through mind linked. It is blocked. She has been taken. I can feel it.”

“Oh my God! How could this happen”

“Where on earth were the guards when she left?” Kol screams with his Alpha voice that takes everyone aback.

Do I always sound like that when I scream?

“Kol calm down. Don’t blame the guards on this. Reign has the ability to do and undo. She can sneak out of this castle and no one will notice her if she wants.”

“Oh boy”

“Yeah. Right now we know exactly who could have abducted her”

“Hardin, I’m not scared about the abduction. You need to see how Reign frustrates anyone who comes close to her when locked up in that dungeon. The thing right now is, they are going to do all they can to hurt that baby she is carrying. That’s what’s driving me insane”

“We have to get her. Even if it means dividing ourselves and marching into both packs at the same time, we have to do it.”

“And that is exactly what they want us to do. They want us to come for Reign so we will fall into the trap they have set for us.” I explain. “We are not going to fall into their trap”

“We can’t leave Reign with them either. I don’t even know which of the Alphas have her”

“Reign is carrying a future Alpha, making her have a miscarriage will not be easy and before they figure out a way to do that, it’s going to take long.”

“Alpha Hardin!” Someone calls from the door and we all turn and see Dylan panting and gasping for breath.

“What’s wrong Dylan?” is so alarmed as I walk towards him.

“There’s a guard from the East End Pack, he says he’s got news for you”

“Alpha Lance!” I mumble as I hastily dash out of the living room. As I step out, I perceive a strange smell around which signals me that there is a stranger around the premises.

“Alpha Hardin” the stranger calls as he walks out of the dark shade with a sickening smile on.

A mere soldier has the audacity to patrol in my Castle like he owned it. I’d be damned if I send him back to his Alpha alive.

“You have got some nerve to show up here all alone”

“When an Alpha gives orders, who am I to not follow?”

“Even when you know you are coming to die?”

“Even when I know I’m coming to die” He repeats confidently.

“Go on then, tell me I want to hear and face your end”

“My Alpha, Alpha Lance said to inform you about hat he has your Luna held captive in his dungeon and he promises to make her lose the baby as soon as possible”

“Well your Alpha is a notable fool. This is the news I want you to take to him. Tell your Alpha that if he does anything to hurt my Luna or unborn child, I will storm into his castle to find him and when I do, I will chop him into a million pieces and feed them to the vultures. Then I’ll burn down his castle and make all his notables rogues and for his Luna, tell him I’m still to think about what I’ll do to her. Now run along before I change my mind and behead you myself!”

Immediately, the guard scurries away and I turn to face the guys who are looking at me like I just committed an abomination.

“You let him go?” Kol is the first to blast me.


“Why would you do that?”

“What was I supposed to do with him?”

“Kill him bro, kill him. That’s what we do to our enemies”

“That guy was just following orders, besides someone had to send that piece of information. Relax bro, the time to shed blood is around the corner. Just exercise little patience” I explain and turn to leave.

“He could be an ass sometimes, but not to worry, you’ll get used to him” I hear Miguel whisper to him.

“I heard that ”Content rights belong to NôvelDrama.Org.

“You were meant to hear it, moron”

“Whatever!” I scream back at them as I walk on ahead.

I don’t go to my chambers to cry about Reign’s abduction as planned earlier, instead, I walk over to my late father’s chambers.

I feel like someone else is controlling my body and whispering instructions in my ear to go straight to my father’s chambers.

When I arrive, I head straight into his office and I when I open the door, I am astonished the see my father sitting on the same chair he was sitting on the last time I saw him.

“Dad!” I call in horror. I want to run over and hug him but I remember what happened the last time I tried to touch him.

My body is just simply going to pass through his because just a phantom.

“Dad!” I call again, this time around with a calmer voice as I walk towards him. “Dad you are here again”

“Yes I’m here”

“They took Reign again Dad”

“Because she is stubborn. She knew better than to leave the castle, yet she did”

“Does that mean the moon goddess is going to punish her?”

“No, she won’t, but just know this, anything can happen. If those two Alphas find a way to make her lose that baby before you rescue her, then she is going to lose it. So you have to act fast”

“Oh my God dad, I’m freaking out. What do I do?”

“That is not my mission son, I am here to show you something” He rises from the chair and walks over to a carved status of a wolf that’s standing gracefully at the center of the office.

It looks frightful and since I was as a child, I have never liked to go near that statue.

My dad knew about my fear for it. One day I was mean to Kylie, he asks me to climb and sit on it for three whole hours. I bad dreams for an entire month after that.

“I was sent by one of our ancestors, Alpha Elijah Colton”

“No way! The famous Alpha Elijah”

“Yeah, he fought the previous war and won and that’s why we the Coltons are still in charge. Now he expects you to do same”

“Dad I… I’m speechless”

“Yeah, you should” He says as he creaks the head of the statue downwards and suddenly, there’s a loud rumble beneath the floor as it starts opening up. I fearfully take a step behind and watch in horror as the floor sinks beneath, creating a stair case that leads under. I turn to my father and see him smiling.

“Dad! What’s that?”

“It is a exactly what you think it is”

“A passage?”


“To where exactly?”

“Hardin, this passage leads to a safe underground building that can accommodate almost everyone in this entire pack. It is huge and was built by our ancestors and sealed by magic. It only opens up every one thousand years during the war. This is what you have to do, before the day of the great battle, I need you to stock this place with enough food and get all the women, children and old in it. That way the war isn’t going affect any of them.”

“Dad, that’s brilliant”

“Yes son, that way you can focus on fighting the war and not worry about the safety of your subjects.”

“Wow, right now I’m speechless. Dad I’m so grateful to our ancestors for this”

“They have so much faith in you Hardin, don’t let them down”

“I won’t!”

“Good. That said…” He raises the head of the statue and the same rumbling noise starts sounding again as the stairs cover up.

It’s actually very fascinating.

“That’s all what I came to show you”

“Thank you very much dad”

“You are welcome”

“Dad, have you tried meeting with Kol?”

“Hardin, if I had control of how I meet people, I would have met your brother Kol a long time ago. But as it is now, I have restrictions and I can only meet with you to give you instructions. I’m sorry son”

“It’s fine, just that I felt bad when I saw the look in his eyes the moment I announced that I saw you in here. Dad he deserved better”

“I know son, I know and if I have a chance to make it up to him, I wouldn’t hesitate to do that. Tell your brother I love him” then he disappears into thin air.

I wish I’m not an Alpha in my next life.

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