Chapter 137

Hardin’S POV

Dark room.

A very darkroom and the only source of light is are the faint rays of moonlight peeping thought the window that is slightly ajar.

The wind is blowing hard and I can feel it in my bones that something is not right. The curtains keep swaying left and right and it’s a fascinating sight cuz it looks like a perfect dance choreography for the whistling wind. The atmosphere is cold and as time goes on, the breeze becomes stronger and the slightly open widow opens up completely.

The dance of the white curtains becomes more violent and I can’t help but wonder what is going on.

The room looks very old and I can very well recognize it. It is my father’s old study at his chambers which was locked the moment he passed away.

Why am I here?

I haven’t been here for about ten years now. Why and how did I even get here?

Suddenly, I feel like I’m no longer alone in the room and when I turn around, I take a step backwards when I see my father seated on his office chair, with his usual all black attire on.

He’s smiling and to my greatest surprise, I’m not afraid.

He is dead and that means that’s his ghost seated on that chair, but he doesn’t scare me.

“Dad?” I ask, just to be sure and my heart melts when his smile widens.

“Hello munchkin” He calls and I roll my eyes in annoyance.

He very well knows I hate the name Munchkin but he never fails to tease me by using it to address me.

I’m not even short.

The last thing I am is short!

“Seriously dad, the first thing you do when you back from the dead is tease me?”

“That’s because I miss you son”

“Oh dad, I miss you too” I cry as I talk long strides over to where he is seated and try to hug him, but as I try to encircle my arms around his torso, it passes through.

Like, passes through, I can’t feel his body.

I jerk backwards and look at him in awe.


“I’m not here fully munchkin, just my soul”

“Oh… I see” I turn around and brush off the lone year that has succeeded in escaping my eyes.

God I miss this man and I needed just one more hug.

“Dad, why are you here?” I ask with a shaky voice and he just smiles.

“I’m so proud of you son”

“What’s there to be proud about?”

“The way you turned out to be, a loving and responsible Alpha. Your grandfather and the other ancestors are proud of you. You are doing a great job.”

“You think I am?”

“I know you are son”

“Thanks dad”NôvelDrama.Org: owner of this content.

This is moment where I thank him and give him another hug but I can’t do that right now because he is a ghost.

“I can see you met your brother”

“Yeah, I did. Dad why did you let him grow up as a rogue?”

“Well, I think you know the answer to that question”

“But you are an Alpha, you have the right to change laws during your reign”

“Son, there are laws you can change and there are laws you cannot change. As an Alpha, you are called upon to lead by showing example, not by exercising power here and there. You see, as werewolves, we all have our designated mates, our soulmates and your mate is the person you are to bear offspring with. That is the ultimate law. If a Shewolf bears a child with an Alpha who is not her mate, her and the child are thrown out of the pack because they don’t want a clash in the future about which child is going to be Alpha. That has been the law for millenniums my son and I couldn’t do otherwise.”

“He didn’t deserve it dad”

“No he didn’t, but he was a victim of circumstances and he had to embrace his fate. I didn’t just abandon him anyway, I checked on him often and the day I caught him stealing at our farm, I let him go and made sure to increase his supplies. I can bet that since then, he has been comfortable.”

“Yeah, he told me that.”

“I’m glad you two are getting along just well”

“Me too. He seems really cool and strong. He has been very supportive in this war”

“That is because he has got the Colton blood flowing in him. You are his older brother by a few weeks, take good care of him” He instructs and I just laugh .

“Dad have you met Kol? He doesn’t need any one to take care of him”

“I still want you to”

“I will”

“Good. About your mate Reign, I like her”

I swear on hearing that, my heart skips a beat and I can feel my cheeks heat up, my father complimenting my mate means a lot to me.

“I’m glad you do”

“All what transpired between the two of you was orchestrated by the Moon goddess, I’m happy the two of you are doing well now”

“Thanks dad. I’m glad this is coming from you”

“She is very smart and she is the reason I’m here to give you the information I’m about to give”

“I … I don’t understand”

“Well, she was able to figure out that there must be something you all are fighting to get.”


“Yeah, come with me” He instructs as he rises from the chair and walks over to a door that leads to… I do not know where.

I have never in my life touched that door before. When he was alive, he gave me verbal warning not to touch that door ever and I never did and right now that he is taking me to it, I’m scared.

“Dad, that’s the forbidden door” I point out and he laughs.

“Well, right now it’s no longer forbidden to you. Come on, open it” He urges and I give him an unsure look.

I don’t like this.

“Come on son, trust me.” He insists and I let out a heavy sigh as I take slow steady steps towards the door and when I get to it, I let out one heavy breath and stretch my hand forward. Once my hand touches the door knob, I close my eyes and creak it open as I slowly open my eyes again.

It’s just room like the one we are in right now, juts that it is quite empty and I as I step in, I can hear echoes of my footsteps.

“Dad, what is this place?” I also confused and he joins me in the room.

“That thing you guys are looking for is right in here”

“No way!”

“Yes way my boy” He agrees as walks over to the only furniture in the office which is a table and picks up a staff and walks towards me.

“This is the staff of edification and you will need it after the war to edify yourself and your pack. We do not know for sure who is goingto win, but I hope you will and when you do, I want you to take advantage of the power this staff wields and make this pack as great as it should be.”

He hands the staff over to me and without a word, I begin to scrutinize it. It’s just a simple wooden staff, made if aged arbutus and polished smooth from use over the millenniums, but pretty plain.

“You see that jewel at the top?” Father asks.


“It shines like a blazing torch as you use it. Son, I am so proud that you have to be the one to do this, and I know you can”

“It’s difficult dad”

“I know it is, but you have people who are ready to fight for you till end. You have Kol, you have your Beta, Miguel, Reign and the rest of the soldiers. You can do this”

“Of course I can dad, I promise to make you proud”

“Now those are the words of a Colton”

I smile and look down at the staff in my hand.

“You have to guard that staff with your life. The enemy packs will do all they can to steal it”

“I’m not gonna let them have it” I assure him.

” I know you won’t. Also, there is something else in this room, but I’m not permitted to show it to you, you have to find it yourself and when you do, it will take you a long way in this battle”

“But dad…” I start to talk but he cuts me off.

“I have to go now, my time is up”

“Dad, am I ever going to see you again?” I ask at the point of breakdown and he just smiles.

“If the moon goddess permits”

Then poof!

He’s gone.

“Dad!” I scream as I jump up from the bed and that’s when realize I have been dreaming. Beats of sweat are streaming down my face profusely and I’m panting like I was in a race.

I scan around and notice I’m in my bedroom and my heart only stabilizes when I see Reign peacefully sleeping by myside.

Without warning, I jump down from the bed and quickly put on a pair of shorts and t-shirt.

Once I put on my slippers, I dash out of the bedroom and go over to me father’s chambers.

That dream I had seemed so real and I need to confirm if I have that staff of edification here with me.

Once I arrive at his chambers, I head straight to his office.

“Please be here, please be here” I whisper to myself over a million times as I walk over to the forbidden door.

I creak open the door and open it and what I see freaks the shit out of my pants, I see the image of my father disappearing into thin air and I rush over to the spot only for me to see the same staff I had seen in my dream lying on the table.

I chuckle lightly as I pick up the staff and look up at the ceiling.

“You should have stayed for at least a conversation, even if it was just a brief one.”

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