Chapter 116

Hardin’S POV

“HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?” I roar with my Alpha voice and everyone standing in the room trembles in fear as they give a step backwards.

They just told me Reign is no where to be found and they suspect that she has been abducted by Kol, the Air Elemental.Property © NôvelDrama.Org.

Right now the anger burning in my heart can set this entire castle on fire. My eyes have turned blazing red and I can feel Adam trying to take over me but I can’t let him. He’s going to rip people apart if I do and that’s the last thing I want to happen.


That son of a bitch!

I trusted him, treated him like a brother and now he has betrayed me. The next time I set my eyes on him I swear I’m putting him on fire and after that I’ll boil his bones and feed them to the dogs.

How dare he betray me!

How dare he take my Luna away from me!

“Hardin you have to calm down”

“DON’T TELL ME TO CALM DOWN!” I roar yet again as I stride over to Megan who just said those words but her mate, Miguel steps between us to protect her.

“Hey man, don’t talk to her like that. She didn’t mean for this happen. Now step away from her!” He defends and I angrily turn around and ram my fists into the nearby wall and little crumbles fall of the wall.

“She is no where to be found! We don’t even know who he works for”

“I know this is for you Hardin, but you need to calm down. Please!” Megan pleads yet again and I turn to face her.

“Don’t!” Miguel tries to stop her when she makes an attempt to come towards me. “He’s mad Megan, he might hurt you”

“Hardin can never hurt me” She says confidently as she walks over to me and when we are just a few inches away, she stops and looks at me softly and I can feel the color of me eyes change back to it’s normal dark brown.

She is right, I can never hurt her, or any Colton lady or any lady at all.


“Hey” She calls softly as she places her hand on my cheek and urges me to look at her.

“I know you are mad about Reign’s disappearance, but screaming and scaring us all will not solve the issue. It’s not going to bring her back to us”

“Then what’s going to bring her back to us sis?” I ask calmly.

“You need to calm down so the atmosphere will be less tense for everyone and then we need to make a plan on how to go about this. We can only do this as a group” She explains but that doesn’t settle for me.

I know they all are equally worried about Reign and are willing to do all it takes to get her back, but I don’t have the patience to sit and draw out plans with them.

Every hour that passes with Reign still missing drives me crazy, I have to something and I have to do it now!

“I know, but I’m powerful, I can barge into any pack and it’ll take me just a few minutes to find her”

“No you cannot do that!” Leonard contradicts and I abruptly turn to face him with a frown plastered on my face.

“And why can’t I?”

“Because you don’t know which pack to begin from , and even if you find the pack, there’s a hundred percent chance that they will useLuna Reign as leverage against you. Now imagine if the two of you get abducted”

“That can’t happen!” I deny flatly.

“Oh yes it can. How do you think Kol was able to capture Luna Reign?”

He asks and I begin to wonder how that was possible either. Reign is stronger, faster and has got way more powers than Kol, how on earth was it possible for him to abduct her so easily without a fight?

“You seem lost Alpha”

“That is because I am! Someone tell me what’s going on!” I scold yet again.

“The bracelet of neutralization. He definitely had it worn on Reign’s wrist. You see that bracelet makes it impossible for any Elemental to access his or her powers. So I guess that’s what he used”

“Damn! This whole battle only gets tougher and more mysterious as the days go by” Carl Laments as he walks helter-skelter around the office.

“And we don’t know if they have more of those. They have Luna Reign and they know you will go for her. They are going to set a trap for you Alpha, that’s why we cannot afford to be reckless.”

“But I can’t just sit here and do nothing! My mate is out there in some strange pack, probably in some very dirty and cold dungeon. I can’t bear the thought of her being uncomfortable for a single minute”

“And we all can’t either, she is our Luna remember and we hate having to be in this situation, but as Leonard rightly said, we cannot afford to be reckless else we will cause more havoc and you’d agree with me that the last thing we need right now is more havoc” Miguel preaches as he walks closer to me. “Bro, I know this is difficult, but we have been here before and you’d agree with me that following a plan is what always works out best for us. Please calm down and let’s all do this with a cool head”

“I’m… just really shocked at Kol’s behavior. I mean he seemed so cool and nice and I actually trusted him. I actually even considered asking him to join our pack and be a member, but look what he did”

“I told you about….” Leonard starts to talk but I cut him off.

“Leonard please to get on about how you told me he was cunning and untrustworthy. You won okay, I’ve learned my lesson. No need to rub it in my face.”

“Sorry Alpha”

“I swear the next time I set my eyes on him, he’ll be returning to whatever hole he came from with no balls.” I swear bitterly.

“You even plan on letting him live? I’m ripping his head from his shoulder”

“Alright guys, enough with the murder fantasies. First we have to figure out how to get this guy. He is the only one who can tell us exactly where he took Reign to and after that, you all can have your fun with his body parts.”

“I suggest we use his mate to lure him here” Carl announces and we all look at ourselves and smile.

“Brilliant!” I compliment as I slump on one of the couches wide a wide grin plastered on my face.

There’s nothing a man won’t do for his dearest mate!

After an entire day of plotting on how to use the Beautiful Diana(Kol’s mate) to lure him to us, I retire to my bedroom to get some rest.


Did I just say rest?

I can’t rest knowing that Reign is out there somewhere in some cold dungeon a d probably hasn’t had anything to eat all day.

Sweet Moon goddess, please look after my mate for me.

“Hardin!” I hear a voice call from behind and I immediately know it’s Kylie. I tiredly turn around to face her and she has on the most worried look.

“Hello cupcake” I greet tiredly and without warning she crashes into my arms and I engulf her in a big bear hug.

“It’s going to be alright Hardin, Reign is going to come back to you, I trust the Moon goddess is going to reveal to you a way to find her, I know she will” She comforts me and the tears which I hadn’t realized were forming in my eyes start spilling down uncontrollably.

They always hit that spot.

“I hope she does” I say sniffling tears and she disengages from my arms and starts wiping them away with her hands.

“Reign is a strong girl, I can bet on my life that she is holding up just well over there. You just have to figure out a way to go get her.”

“And I will”

“Be strong Hardin, you are going to get over this and if ever you need anyone to talk to, I am just two doors away. Little sister will always be ready to listen to big brother.

“Thank you cupcake, thank you very much” I thank as I engulf gety once more in my arms and kiss her forehead.

“Alright then, you need to go in and rest. Good night”

“Goodnight” I whisper as she leaves.

I sadly wipe my tears as I walk over to my room door and creak it open. The moment I step in, I see my mum sitting on my bed and immediately she sees me, she sits up from the bed and opens my her arms.

I actually burst into real tears as I walk into her outstretched arms and she cradles me in her warm embrace.

I cry for a whole lot of minutes and she just lets me. She doesn’t try to stop me. The only thing she does is gives me tissues upon tissues to clean my tears.

That’s what she always does and I swear after letting out all those tears, I feel kind of light and relieved.

“Mum” I call gently and she looks up at me. Right now we are both seated on my bed.

“Yes baby”

“Tell me how it was between you and dad when you two were youths, I mean like Reign and I right now”

“Well, truth be told it, was awesome. Your father and I met on my eighteenth birthday. My parents weren’t rich so there was no party for me. So, my friends, together with my sisters and other relatives of our age group, organized a party for me in the woods, but it was kind if a surprise party. Night Camping in the woods was something we always did for recreation, so when they invited me for night camping that day, I just thought it normal, but when we got there, that was when I knew it was actually a party. We partied hard, I got my first taste of alcohol and during the climax of the party, your father and his friends showed up from nowhere, just one glance at him brought to my knowledge that, that was my man and he felt the same and he marked me there and there. We all ended up parting together and from then on, it was from one romantic activity to the next” She narrates joyfully and I smile despite my current predicament.

My first meeting with Reign was nothing like that. I don’t even like thinking about it.

“Wow, that was really romantic. So, what about when he became Alpha, did you two have battles to fight?”

“Yes we did. You see that guy called Alpha Lance, he takes after his father. Very troublesome. It’s either he was sending his subjects to steal from our farmland or he was attempting to steal land. I hated that man, when he died, we actually had a feast. He was a pain in the ass”

“And did dad ever have to lose you in away way? Like were you ever captured by enemies?”

“That happened once. Alpha Ralph’s father tried to use me as leverage against your father to make him sign documents to confirm that he owned all the Westland farmlands, your father barged into his castle that same night and killed all his castle guards and left the head of Beta hanging on a spike in front of his castle gate, then he brought me back home”

“Bloody hell, dad was fierce!”

“You have no idea”

“Now that makes me feel weak! If he could do that, then I can do same to get Reign.”

“No son, back then there were no Elementals, there were no magical bracelets. It was just werewolf against werewolf, nothing else. Right now you can’t do that because there’s a group of magical werewolves out there who are ready to take you down. You need to strategize”

“It’s difficult mum, most at times I feel like I won’t get through with battle. Everyone is depending on me. My entire pack is looking up to me to win for them. The responsibility is scary!”

“But it can never weigh you down and that’s because you have Colton blood running in your veins! You are a born King, a born warrior, a born winner. You are more than a conqueror Hardin and you can win this battle. You have all takes to win this battle. Yes it might seem difficult, but it’s not impossible. You can do this. I know you can do this!”

Without warning I crash into her arms and engulf her in a bone crushing hug.

No more down feelings.

No more pessimism.

I will get my Luna back.

I will win this battle

And I will make them all hopeless and useless!

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