The Alpha Vampire

Chapter 4 Constant Cravings

Cassidy, that is all who I can think about. I can still taste her blood on the tip of my tongue. She tastes like the sweetness of heavenly nectar. That tiny hint I tasted of her soul; I can still feel the power surge through my body.

I will see her tonight and to be true to myself I will say that I cannot wait. There that happens again, that feeling. When I think of her it seems to warm me up. When I am with her, I seem to feel it even more. I do not know what this is. I can feel it so strongly, it is taking control. It is consuming my every thought.

But what will happen from this? Is it possible to have a relationship with a mortal woman? I have never done so before. Every part of me wants it, I want to experience what it feels to belong to someone. The only misfortune of this is that she will grow old. I will see her waste away before my eyes. Could this heart which is not even beating be able to handle such a thing. All I know that with this feeling, the day that it should happen, I would be completely torn apart.

The day drags on slowly, night not coming fast enough. For a vampire it is dreadful cause you have nothing but time on your side. As night finally creeps in, I ready myself for this affair. Lilith can make quite a big deal of her little get together and I am sure that tonight will be the same. Satisfied with my appearance, I make my way downstairs.

I am met with a very surprise Lilith awaiting my presence in the kitchen, “Dear brother, I think this girl has put a spell on you, for once you are actually on time.”

“Not only on time, but seem to have somewhat of a smile,” Damien remarks. “So dear Lucas, is tonight going to be the night?”

“Sorry to disappoint Damien,” I reply. “But I fear that courting this young lady is going to take more time than I thought.”

Lilith who has always had more faith in me than I have asks, “Why do you have such little faith in yourself?”

“If I could be very frank?” I ask.

“Would not want you any other way,” Damien says.

“I could barely contain my arousal just thinking of her today,” I explain. “How will I be able to contain it when I see her tonight?” 

Damien interrupts before Lilith can speak, “Lucas you have been abstaining for far too long. Why not find release with one of our kind before you pursue this girl?”

“Damien, my interest lies with Cassidy, I am not about to seek the companionship of another.”

“I have always admired that trait my dear brother” Lilith says. “Your loyalty is beyond compare.”

“While loyalty is admired, it would be foolish heading into this with not a clear head,” Damien adds.

“I may not have the ability to control myself around her,” I explain. “But I have the sense the stop when needed.”

“You cannot keep running away when that fire starts burning too hot for you to handle,” Damien says.

“Damien, if I have to run away a hundred times then that is what I will do, I am not about to hurt the woman that makes me… feel… this way.”

Lilith turns to leave the kitchen and says as she passes, “Well dear brother save the running for later, our guests are starting to arrive.”

Damien rubs his hands excitedly together, “Then I say we have a little party on our hands.”

“Indeed, we do young lad.” 

We both burst out laughing while giving each other a pat on the back.

“Good luck out there my brother,” Damien wishes me as he too leaves the kitchen now.

“I’d say the same but then again you don’t need it,” I shout out after him.

I almost too eagerly make my way to the entrance hall to see if she had arrived. But instead we are met by one of our fellow kind or as Lilith prefers, one of our brothers.

First to great us of our guest as he steps through the door, is Victor “Evening Lucas.”

“Good to see you again Victor. I am honored you have graced us with your presence to night.”

“The pleasure is all mine dear friend. One would be foolish to refuse spending the night with this exquisite beauty,” Victor says as he takes Lilith’s hand and gently kiss her palm.

“Oh Victor, you say such silly things. I am truly happy you could join us tonight,” Lilith almost has a blush on her soft white cheeks.

You can say that Lilith and Victor have come a long way, in fact almost for two hundred years now they have pursuing each other. But for most part of the time they are always involved with another. They have had their occasional sexual encounters but those normally don’t last for too long. No matter what though they always find their way back to each other.

“Victor make yourself comfortable, I will join your side once all these formalities are done,” Lilith waves Victor off as he enters the ballroom.

“Sure my lovely, I await your presence shortly,” Victors says in reply.

Not long after he leaves, another familiar but unexpected face shows up.

I look to Lilith with clear shock on my face, “What were you thinking dear sis?” I ask. “Why did you invite him, you know how inappropriate it is. Are you looking to cause some drama?”

“Oh Lucas, he is an old friend. I just happened to bump into him in town,” Lilith replies.

“We all know nothing just happens with you Lilith, but I am in agreement with Lucas, what were you thinking?” Damien asks the same of her.

“Oh hush, just play nice,” she says. “You boys are making such a thing out of nothing.”

“What are the boys up to again now Lilith?” Breyden asks as he walks up to us.

“Breyden my friend, so good to see you. Strange to see you here?” I say as I take his hand and firmly shake it.

“Good to see you Lucas. I am in town for some business,” Breyden explains. “Bumped into sweet Lilith here in town and she extended the invitation.”Nôvel/Dr(a)ma.Org - Content owner.

I do not listen to another word he says, the sweetest smell just touched my senses. Lily and vanilla is swimming in the air, I know she is here but I don’t see her. Then she steps through the door, the minute our eyes meet it overwhelms me. That warmth is starting to consume me, filling every crack and crevice of my body.

She is an absolute sight to behold. She is wearing a black dress, low halter so that one can see the cleavage of her flawless supple breasts. It flows tightly over her waist and ends fittingly just a hand’s length under her heart shaped bottom. She has the longest sculpted legs that is being held up by deep red stilettos.

She is walking on over to me. I can almost say for certain that if I had a heart it would have skipped a beat.

I can clearly see that she as just as pleased to see me as I am her as the most gorgeous smiles forms on her face, “Hey Lucas.”

“My dear Cassidy, I am really pleased to see you.”

“I think I might be pleased a bit more.”

I bend over to whisper in her ear. The heat that is radiating from her body. As my lips gently grace her ear, I can feel the passion start to ignite.

“You look absolutely ravishing tonight,” my lips tremble as every word leaves my mouth.

I can see her cheeks light up red as I pull my face away slowly.

“You look pretty handsome yourself,” she says.

Eva steps out from behind her as soon as she spots Damien. “You just being polite Cassidy. He looks damn near irresistible.”

“I hope that is me you are talking about?” Damien mockingly asks.

“Hey handsome, my day just got a whole lot better,” Eva takes Damiens hands and he pulls her closer to him. “Why don’t I take you on the tour of this place and leave these two to stand in their awkward silence.”

Damien and Eva head upstairs to go take this tour of the mansion but I know that he is not so much take a tour of this place but much rather one around the contours of her body.

If I ever was to be shy then this is surely the moment, I turn to face Cassidy again with a sincere look in my eyes, “I need to apologize for running off like that on you last night. It was not my intention, the heat, I could not control myself anymore. I was scared I would take you.”

“Not to worry Lucas,” she replies. “At least you won’t be able to do it tonight.”

“And what makes you so sure that I won’t?” I ask.

“Well we are at your home; I doubt you would run away from here.”

“Cassidy you would be surprised with what I will do.”

She laughs as me, “You still have to come back so I will be waiting for you.”

I am surprised by her remarks, “Is that something you would really do? Wait for me?”

“Why would I not? You will do the same for me?”

“Cassidy if anything is as good as the way you make me feel then I will wait an eternity.”

“Well it is good that we don’t live forever then,” she says.

Her words hit hard, if she only knew, if she only knew that she would die long before I ever would. Would she want to be with me?

But I cannot dwell on that now, she is with me and that is all that matters. “So how about you show me around this big place?” I ask. “Just not the room that Damien and Eva are in.”

She laces her fingers in my hand, looking up at me with pure lust in her eyes. She is aroused, I can smell it, from all the scents that fill the room, it is the only thing I can smell.

I lead her by the hand towards the study, watching as Lilith waves at me and smiles.

Once we are inside, I firmly close the door behind us. I turn and get lost in the blue oceans that is her eyes.

“What are we doing Lucas?” she asks.

“Cassidy let me show you.”

I move towards her slowly. I feel my arousal start to grow. I need to have her, I need to feel her, I need that bond between us to be complete.

“Lucas,” she whispers as I push her gently up against the door. I can hear her heart beating out of control. The blood that is rushing through her veins sounds like the sounds of a thousand symphonies.

“I want you Lucas.”

I push my body into her, it feels like they are melting into one. She gasps when she feels my erection pushing hard into her thigh.


“Yes Lucas?”

I look at her, slightly biting down onto my lip.

“Oh god you make me crazy when you do that.”

The passion in me has once again grown out control.

“I am going to make you feel things that no man has ever done before,” I gently cup her face in my hand and slightly lean it to the side. Her neck is laying bare and exposed before me now. I can see her vein throbbing and it peaks my senses.

I slowly lean in and open my mouth.

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