The Alpha Vampire

Chapter 238 One Ancient Vampire Down

Within my grip, I have one very angry Ancient that would, given the moment, rip my throat out to bits. But beyond all these snarling teeth and the urgency to slice at my body, I know lies my dear beloved that is probably just as surprised as all of us by the reappearance of the monster that we all thought had died a long time ago.

Well, I guess that Dean was right…

It is a curse that you can never escape.

So as I start to apply that pressure with each ticking second, I need to remind myself that I am about to kill the only woman that I have ever loved and preferably the one that I will love for the rest of our eternity.

And with that, as I look over to Dean, that is standing next to me, I only but nod my head, “Stand down.” But there is a very concerned Sam and Damien that only cock their heads at me surprised, yet, “I said, stand down.” With a slight raise of my voice but not enough to startle Cassidy, I repeat to them once again. “I said to stand the fuck down.”

Much to their sheer annoyance and the mere fact that they probably do fear for their own lives, all that was in the circle now drop their weapons and move two steps backward, all for but one person…


Now I have known this man for a good set of years, and he will not stand down until he knows that I am in the clear. The fact is, I do not care if Cassidy has to kill me today; all I need is for her and that little experiment that she brewed in that lab to be okay. I know that there must be a million questions raging through her mind as to why this has now happened.

Well, that is a question she can gladly ask later for now, “Cassidy, I know you are in there; please just try to calm down for me.”

Yet, it only falls upon death ears as she tries to rip her arm from the grip of Dean once again. And with that mere movement, Sam and Damien step forward again, but as they see the expression that has now consumed my face, they fall back and drop their weapons to their side.

So once again, not for one second letting go of the grip that I have around a throat that holds a head of snapping teeth, I try to speak to her again, “Please, my beloved, I do not wish to hurt you. I know that you can hear me underneath all this anger, but I promise you that once we are home once again, we will discuss the matter about the child.”

Then next, I have a group of very confused men who snap their heads in my direction, but Dean, only with one shake of his head, shows them not to utter one single question. My somewhat otherwise occupied mind has slipped the secret that I have been trying to hold. But the fact is that I still need to take the Winchester boys to the lab and that all those questions are still going to need to be answered.

But that is a problem that we shall face later, for now, once again with a voice that is firm yet pleading, I let loose my grip only a bit an inch and, “Cassidy,” yet at the very mention of her name, she naps forward and takes a big gash to my face. In pure agony, I let go of my grip as I take my hand to my face that has blood streaming from the open wound.

The very second that Cassidy is free, she turns to make a run for it in the other direction, but from behind me, I hear Sam come running after her with what appears to be a gun. I immediately try to chase after him, but Dean pulls me back and only smiles, “It is a tranquilizer. Do you really think I will kill your wife?”

I cannot help but chuckle at him as the last time comes flashing through my mind. “Well, I can honestly say that I am not the one that is going to pump that thing into her for when she wakes, she is going to be pissed.”

“Rather pissed than dead, my friend. Now, what do you say that we pack up this excitement and get our asses back to the real reason why we have come here. But first, I am dying for a goddamn greasy burger, and I am sure you guys still need to feed.”

Only but waving him off, I run after Sam that has now caught up to Cassidy that has been taken down and lying motionless on the floor. As I finally join him by his side, I only look at him with a wicked smile on my face, “You know that she is going to kill you when she wakes up?”

“How does she know it was not you? I ain’t saying anything if you don’t.”

“Well, the woman is going to want to know how she found herself flat on the floor.”

“Then we will just tell her it was the little Vampire Hunter.”

Then from behind, I hear that distinct voice creep up from behind me, “What have I done now?”

I only chuckle at him as I lift Cassidy by the waist, and much to Sam’s shock, I fling her over my shoulder. “Now, let us get out of here. I do not want to see another monster for a good solid length of time. We have an Angel still to catch.”

But the words are not yet from my mouth, and I have Cass and Dean by my side. First to speak is the dear old Angel, “Lucas, I am afraid to have to tell you…”

Then next, we see an SUV that comes racing down the alleyway to what appears to be right at as. Though as I look at Dean that is looking at the very same thing, I can see that there is a concerned look on his face, or perhaps I would rather say fear.

This is not going completely unnoticed by Sam himself; he looks at this brother, “I think I know who that is.”

Dean only clears his throat, which seems to have grown thick, “I am afraid that I have to agree with you. I say we get out of here before they find us here.”

So as we all pick up the pace to reach the car without, the black SUV comes to a screeching halt in front of us. Dean grabs hold of his gun that was tucked in the back of his pants and tries to slide it in front unnoticed, but next the front doors of the SUV fling open, and much to my shock, I see a pair of red stilettos hit the ground as two sets of feet step out of the car.

I look over at Dean and slightly tilt my head, “Women? Are they hunters?”

But before he can even render me with an answer, I have one mean-looking blonde lady in front of me. Well, let me tell you, she does not even need to show me that gun that I know that she has stashed away for her mere presence alone has rendered me scared shitless.

And as she looks from me to Dean then to Sam, she scans the rest of the group with one glance at the time. Then next to her, the younger of them finally speaks, “I see you have made some friends, Dean. That is very unusual for you.”

“Well,” he looks at her and only smiles in his charming way, “You don’t want to be my friend Jo, so I have made some new ones.”

“Yes,” she bursts out in a fit of uncontrollable laughter, “It is because all your friends wound up dead.”

For a brief moment, he remains silent before he speaks to her once more, “Well, they are already dead.”

“What!” I hear the older woman’s voice echo past me and down the alleyways. “Are you running with Vampires?”

“I call them the Misfits.” Dean joking laughs. “And yes, we have been running together for a while now.”Nôvel(D)ra/ma.Org exclusive © material.

“Really?” Jo snaps at him. “Seriously? Are you running with Vampires?”

“Yes, Jo, that is just what I told Ellen. Now I have been trusting them with my life for over a year and promise you they are good. But I am not so sure about that little Vampire Hunter. And oh, we just…”

Not waiting for him to say another word, I slap him against the back of the head before he makes it known that my beloved, who thank god she is in her human form again, just had gone all Ancient on all of us here.

But pushing that aside, I look at Dean with a newfound urgency on my face, “I love that we are all catching up, but we still have some unfinished business in town.”

Yet, that does not fall onto death ears as Ellen looks at me with only one burning question on her face, “What do you mean?”

“We,” Dean starts to explain. “There is another Angel on the loose, and he is causing a bit of a problem.”

“Oh,” Jo only but raises her eyebrows as she studies Dean intently, “Is this the Angel that are leaving the bodies behind?”

I look at her in shock as the realization hits me that Breyden is still killing to heal Lilith. So not wanting to get on the wrong side of two extremely hot but very dangerous female Hunters, I look at Jo rather ashamed, “I am afraid that the Angel is one of my friends, and he has my sister with him. She had gotten injured in a battle with a Ghoul, and he has been trying to heal her.”

Jo frowns at me and shakes her head at Dean, “What on earth are you guys getting yourselves into?”

“Oh,” Dean only but rolls his eyes at her, “You do not want to know. We have had a strange encounter with monsters over the past few days.”

“Tell me about it,” I hear Ellen say. “We have seen some things come out the woodwork that has not been around in ages. There is something strange going on. But this Angel friend of yours, he is killing humans, and I cannot allow him to do this. Not in my City.”

“Well,” I turn my attention back to her, “That is why we are trying to get to him before he does this again.”

“I am afraid to say that the trail has gotten cold. That is why we came here; we thought it was him but thank god it was you guys taking out those Bloodlusters. Do you have any idea where he will go next?”

But just before I can answer Ellen, I have Cass standing next to me with one odd look on his face. The man is odd as it is, but as he speaks, “Lucas, I am sorry to tell you, but I have not been able to sense his presence in the City anymore. He has warded himself against other Angels, and I will even go as far as to say that he might have even left New York.”

There is a coldness that settles over my spine as I take each word in, “Please, tell me that you are joking?”

“I am afraid I am not well at telling jokes. And this is definitely not one.”

“Fuck! What do we do now?”

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