The Alpha Vampire

Chapter 225 Bloodlusters

It is in anticipation that we all turn to Damien that has a look of utter fear written across a face that seems to have the blood of someone smeared all over his face.

Now, if that alone does not scare every single being in the room, then what he says next does terrify every bone in my body.

“They are everywhere,” Damien stutters as he tries to express what the situation is downstairs. “They came bursting through windows and piling through the door.”

And as his words set that terror in me, I look at him with concern on a very troubled face, “Roberto?”

“He and the Angel are trying to hold them off, but we are fast losing the battle. You need to come immediately.”This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

With absolute haste, Dean and Sam dashes towards the stairs; while racing down, Dean, from under a strained breath, turns to Damien, “Please tell me that it is not Bloodlust Vampires?”

Damien only but cocks his head and grows a very worrying smile on his face, “I am afraid they are, and they are beyond a strength that I have seen.”

Well, that is just absolutely what we need. Cassidy is already exhausted from her battle with Lenora; I doubt the woman can find the strength to go up against a Bloodlust Vampire. Yet also, she has never encountered one herself; she does not know what to expect.

“My beloved,” I turn and push her aside before we descend the stairs, “These Vampires as rather powerful and…” I pause for a brief second as her eyes grow wide in anticipation of what I am about to say. “My beloved, they will feed on their own. Please, I know that you are already exhausted from your battle, but I beg of you, please be careful.”

She only grunts at me and waves me off, “They can’t be that bad, and in any case, I have you to protect me.”

With that, I pull her in my embrace for a moment, but as I do, I hear the voice of Dean coming from the foot of the stairs, “Seriously, Lucas? That is not the time for…”

I growl at him as I pull away from Cassidy, “I am merely telling her to be careful out there. Now stop complaining before I really give you something to complain about.”

So with not any more confidence than before, we all find ourselves standing in the foyer staring on at the chaos that is erupting in front of us.

There is Cass that is spinning on his heels as he jabs every Vampire that comes in his way. Constantly rotating like a wheel, killing one after the other at great speed. Then next to him, is Roberto that does not have an Angel blade and is left to take them on with only but his fists. He is feverously punching left and right to get a path clear to what I am guessing is the study.

Yet, as they are about to retreat into the safety of a room, Dean shouts over the growls and the snapping of teeth, “Behind you.”

Roberto glances over his shoulder as he stops for a quick second, then he only but laughs, “It is about time. Do you think that you can give us a hand here?”

Then much to my horror and that of Cassidy’s, too, I hear as Sam yells across the room, “Pick on a group your own size.”

And with that, there is a snap of every Vampire’s neck as they turn around and come to face with a group of five ready to battle them head-on. It does not take a single breath, and we have the mass of the group of Bloodlusters coming down upon us.

The mere sight of them alone does send the horror of a thousand deaths to my core. They seem to have just fed recently, for there is blood covered on their pale faces. And as they lift their claws to grip onto us, I can see the flesh and blood stuck underneath their nails. But that is not the worst; they smell like dead dog.

I look over at Dean, and he only but cocks his head, “What is it now, Lucas?”

“Nevermind,” I wipe the thought from my mind as it can not even nearly be possible.

So instead, I plant my feet firm on the ground with legs spread apart just enough. I grab my blade firm in my hand, not opting for the Colt as I do not wish to injure my own of the group. It is with blade firm in hand that I see one of the Bloodlusters coming straight for me, where Cassidy is still trying to find her grounding. I wish I could tell her to sit out of this one, but I know that not only will she not listen, but we need the extra pair of hands.

And it is with my very own that I am in front of a godawful Vampire with nothing but blood-red eyes and the tiny spec of black trying to snap his fangs and claws at me.

As I slide to the left to avoid the impact of his hand, he catches me with one of his razor-sharp nails and scratches a wound open on the length of my arm. Not wanting to show the ghastly gash and the pain that emanates from it, I only but grunt on grind on my teeth.

Then I spin to my left to face the man again.

He only but laughs in an awful cackle at me.

Then in…




I step that one required step forward and drive the blade straight through his chest. The moment that the blade makes an impact and pierces into his skin, he grabs onto it with both hands. The blade drives through the skin of his palms and leaves a gaping wound from where blood is streaming from.

And as the blood comes trickling down his chest where the blade is making a smooth entrance, I drive it deeper and deeper, crashing right through his bones and making that much-needed impact with his heart.

Then the Bloodluster starts to burn and grow black lines that appear over his entire body. The further I push the blade, his skin starts to burn, and his veins emit a black glow. His skin goes even a paler grey, and his veins are starting to protrude. With that one last jab, his skin has grown hard, and in one final blow to his head, he drops to the floor into a pile of dust.

Cassidy only but looks at me in clear astonishment, then she speaks under a rather stuttered breath, “Is that what will happen to me?”

I only but show for, “Watch out, my beloved!”

She immediately snaps her neck in the direction of a group of two Vampires coming down on her. Not able to move an inch, for I am coming under attack myself, I shout to her over my shoulder, “Just give it all you can. I will be there in an instant if you are in trouble.”

With my words not yet cold, I have a Bloodluster crashing into my body; not being on my guard, the force knocks me back against the railing of the stairs.

It is in long ominous strides that the Vampire makes its way to me, where I am still very much flat on my ass. The only thing that I can do is scuffle at my feet and try to get as close up to the railing that I can. But the minute that I do, I feel a set of claws wrap around me from behind.

There is a loud gasp that escapes my lips as the reality comes that I have been trapped.

So I wiggle furiously with the intention to break loose, but the Vampire is drawing his razor-sharp nails into my chest. As I look down, I can see them tear through my shirt, and the blood slowly starts to stain through.

But in front of me, I have the other Vampire coming to a stand in front of me. He towers my body in all his height. I can say that he is far taller than me and that if I do not get loose from this grip, that I will definitely be snapped in half.

So in a split-second decision, I drop my blade and growl as I flick my head back to expose my fangs, and as the noise echoes to every corner of the room, I snap my wrist and bring my claws to life.

But much to my horror, from next to the Vampire in front of me, there appears another, though this one is only a woman. But there is something off about her, something that I cannot quite place.

Though the thought gets ripped from me as the Bloodluster behind me reaches down next to me and gets a hold of my blade.

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