The Alpha Vampire

Chapter 200 Trouble To Your Doorstep

It is with rather mixed emotions that I am pacing the floor of our bedroom. I do not wish for Cassidy to see the fear that has been consuming me for the past few moments. Now do not get me wrong; I love knowing that I will become a father. But what concerns me is that she has come to the conclusion that this is my legacy.

Perhaps I am not understanding the word in its true context, but all I know is that I have grown the incredible fear that I will come to the end of my immortal life.

Well, that is a thought that I shall have to push to the back of my mind as I have Damien, yes, very surprisingly knocking at the door, “Lucas, your presence is required in the common room.”

That only but fuels my annoyance that has been building to a peak for several hours, yet, “What seems to be the problem, Damien?”

“You have visitors, and they are rather anxious to see you.”

“Please tell me who feels the urge to bug me at this hour?”

Damien only but chuckles as I swing the door open and stare at his very amused face, “Let me guess?”

“Yes, they are indeed downstairs, and they are as always bringing trouble to our doorstep.”

“Well, in that case, please phone the other addition to this group.”

With that, I bid Cassidy a good night, for she has been forbidden to leave the mansion until we have resolved this situation. Well, not a situation, but we need to come to a decision if we shall be growing the child to full term and then raise him not knowing what is going to happen. We do not know what he will be capable of doing, let alone even how fast he shall be growing.

It is a storm waiting to erupt and chaos to take us further into the edge of uncertainty and darkness.

But that shall be like I said, something we shall deal with later for next I am turning the corner into the entrance of the common room.

And indeed there they are, “Now to what do I owe this pleasure? Did you boys mess something up again?”

“Oh,” Dean bursts out in nothing but a fit of laughter, “That Lucas, that is what you normally do.”

“Well, how have you boys been.”

I look over to Sam, that looks as if he could pass out any moment, “Lucas, we are exhausted.”

“And,” I continue to add, “You have come here to ask for my help?”

“Yes,” Dean admits. “Whom better to help us hunt something that we are not quite sure of.”

“Please do explain what you mean by quite?”

“Well,” Dean says as he rises from his seat and comes closer to where I am still standing. “We have been hunting a creature which we do not know what it is.” He pauses for a brief moment, “We could be wrong, but as for now, we do not know what it is.”

I only but think to myself that this is such perfect timing to come add more problems to the ones I already have. I cannot focus on a child if I have to be out running after god knows what. Yet, again I have pledged my allegiance to the Misfits, and I shall not waiver from my commitment.

So we shall put that all aside, even perhaps not even for I could get Dean’s valuable input on this whole situation.

“Well,” I only nod at him and wait for him to continue, “Tell me what are we dealing with.”

Dean only but smiles at me and shows for me to sit down. “You need to be seated for this one, for I am going to tell you that it is not pretty to listen to.”

“Before you scare the shit into me, please tell me that this is not happening in London?”

Sam clears his throat as he interrupts Dean, “I am surprised that you have not known that something has gone amiss in your own city?”

With much annoyance, I wave him off; even with a hint of anger, I continue, “I do not know everything even though I wish to believe that I did. Now please tell me what I have been missing.”

And this is where I see Dean cringe only a slight bit as he gets ready to lay all the details out for me on the table. I am almost certain I am not going to like it and what else I am certain about is that my attention has been taken away from the city that I have vowed to protect.

Now I am not saying that my child is a distraction; I am merely saying that I have been caught off guard, and now we are faced with something that, taken by the boy’s presence, has grown out of control.

“Now, let us hear it then.”

“We have been tracking this creature for the past five days.”

Now, this does explain why my concentration was elsewhere; I was too busy heating up the sheets. But that is not something that I will share amongst the people in this room. Especially the one that has just walked through the door.

“Well, good day, my dear Jacob. You are just in time to hear the gory details. Now please tell me that you have not heard any of this before?”

“No,” he admits, and then very much gives us some details, “I have been a bit occupied by a petite little blond.”

That is enough to bring the entire group to a round of laughter. But that is soon pushed to the back as Dean starts to tell his version of the story as it stands.

“We have not seen the beast for ourselves; it has been two steps ahead of us at all times. We always catch up when the authorities are arriving. So you can be assured that they are aware, but they have not put these details out in the newspaper.”

“Why do you say beast?” I look at him rather worried, “Or should I rather let you continue?”

“The way in which it leaves its victims can only leave me with describing it as a beast, yet we can even go for a monster. But I am, and Sam agrees that it is rather a large creature.”

“Which means,” I turn to Damien to go call for Breyden, “It means that we need all hands.”

Dean only nods, yet I need to fill him in one detail, “Cassidy shall not join us.”

Sam cocks his head and only smiles, “Is there trouble in paradise?”

“She is serving her punishment of details that I will discuss with you boys later. Now please continue.”

“I will give you the short of it.” He paused for a brief moment. “I have seen flesh-eating Demons and the destruction that they leave behind, but this creature is eating his victims alive. Now there are a few options that come to mind, but as I said, we are not going to jump to any conclusions yet.”

I look at him as my body shivers from the thought of having yourself eaten while you are still much breathing, yet, “I am going to guess here that you are not giving us all the details?”

“How do you know me, Lucas,” Dean smiles for the first time in nearly a while since he has started to tell his story. “This is something that you will have to see for yourself. I can only say that not much is left over once this creature has done his feasting.”

“Can I ask if it is eating any particular parts?”

Dean only bursts out laughing, “It is not leaving any part behind, in case you were wondering.”

“Then I guess we are ready to go,” I look at Damien and Breyden that only nod with an expression of death on both of their faces. “Come on, you two, it cannot be that bad.”

Sam rises from his chair and places his hand on my shoulder as he makes his way to the door, “Be careful what you ask for, Lucas. You have not seen anything yet. Now, are you not saying goodbye to your misses?”

“As I said, she is busy serving her punishment.”

Dean leans in closer and softly whispers, “This is not code for some sex thing that you are busy trying?”

“Oh.” I only but smirk at him, “Believe me, this did happen from some sex thing. I am afraid the dear beloved is going to go without sex for a while.”Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

Sam furrows his brows as he looks at me rather amused, “You do know that means no sex for you too?”

“Yes, I am sadly aware of that, but she has crossed a line that she should not have approached in the first place.”

“Well,” Dean shows for me to continue.

“Let us catch your monster first.”

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