The Alpha Vampire

Chapter 192 The Maker Of The Colt

My beloved has been acting rather strange of late; she has now, for the past few times that we have had a sexual encounter, gotten up and immediately disappeared from the room. The other thing that troubles me is that, and I know it is beyond what I promised, but I can simply not read her mind of what it is that she does go and do.

So to say that I am not frustrated and very suspicious of her behavior would be a blatant lie. There is that part of me that knows that she shall never betray me in any way, yet I do feel that the day that I discover the truth that I will not be pleased with what I find.

Now, putting this all aside, while she once more finds herself off to somewhere, I meet with Roberto and Damien in the kitchen, who is going to need some serious convincing. Yet I am ready to try, “My dear brothers, I do not often ask for the help that often, but I need to beg for your assistance.”

I watch as Damien gives me a slight raise of the brow as I wish to continue my sentence, though he interrupts me before I can proceed, “What crazy thing do you want us to help you with this time?”

“Well,” I start to explain, “I have on good information from the Winchester boys where I can find the Book of Destinies.”

“Ah,” Roberto rises from his chair and moves closer, “And you wish us to go steal it?”

“Simply not. We shall ask the current owner to please hand it over.”

“And,” Roberto continues, “Who is the current owner?”

I hesitate for a brief moment, though it is not as serious as they might perceive it; the man is only one of the most powerful Hunters; in fact, he is said to be one of the top four. So there is truly nothing serious to be concerned about.

With this confidence, I answer Roberto, “Samuel.”NôvelDrama.Org is the owner.

He only but shakes his head at me, “Samuel, who?”

I watch as Damien starts to frown at me while Roberto is tapping his feet in anticipation of my imminent answer; well, I guess there is no better way than to scare them to shit, “Colt.”

Roberto nearly topples over backward, and when he finally stands his ground firm again, his voice echoes to every crack and crevice of the kitchen, even flowing into the hallways, “Samuel Colt?”

Damien is next to snap at me in total disbelief, “The man that makes weapons that can kill every goddamn supernatural being? You want to go steal; oh wait, you want to go ask him for the book?”

“That is the idea, Damien. But,” I hesitate for a brief moment, “I suggest that we go armed.”

There is nothing but a godawful cackle that comes from Damien as he now starts pacing the length of the floor, “And who gave you this brilliant idea?”

“That my friend, the Winchester boys suggested.”

Roberto bursts into a fit of laughter, “Have you ever wondered that they were only fucking with you, my dear brother?”

“Well, then I am officially fuck with, for I am getting that book from Samuel whether one of you help me or not.”

Roberto stares at Damien for what seems for a few minutes too long, having this unsaid conversation with each other which only they understand. With a few head shakes from Damien and then one firm nod from Roberto, finally Roberto speaks, “If that is what you wish, but god forbid if you get me shot, I shall haunt you for the rest of your destiny. Now please tell me that we are going to find what you seek in this book?”

“That I can not tell you,” I pause for a brief moment and watch those eyebrows of Damien grow even more tense, yet I continue, “From what the boys said that the pages had been torn out, yet it is believed that it is still held within the book itself.”

“So,” Damien stops pacing the floor and comes to a dead stop in front of me, “We are going to get killed for something that might not even be there?”

“Well, if you put it so precisely, then yes. Now, I wish to leave.”

Then Damien needs to state the obvious, “But what about Cassidy? I am not enduring endless calls because you left your wife at home.”

I only but wave him off, “The girl is on her own mission for which I do not have time,” next, I shock them both, “She can dial her fingers blue. She runs off after sex every time; how does a man’s ego take such a thin?”

“Now,” I hear as Roberto only chuckles, “That was too much information for me. But this book, this Samuel, the man is in the States.”

“No, my dear brother, the Winchester boys got him our here on the pretense of a hunt.”

“Yes,” Roberto nods his head, “We all are getting killed. This plan is going to fail rather spectacularly.”

“Oh, hush. The day is drawing night, and I do not wish to spend my whole damn time with another cocky Hunter.”

After another round of serious convincing, promising, but not guaranteed that nobody will get shot today, we get ready to leave home for what is probably a suicide mission, yet I am the only one, or perhaps not, my brain totally eludes me at present.

So once we are all in the car and ready to head off to our destination, I only but give myself a once-off glance in the rearview mirror. Confident that I shall find what the truth behind this legacy is today, I flip on my sunglasses and nod at Roberto.

It is in complete silence that Roberto navigates the way into the city. From behind me, Damien is busy checking and loading our guns. The air is thick and tense; we are anticipating almost every scenario that Samuel can throw at us.

Am I being reckless? Yes, of course, there is no reasoning with me when I find myself which such determination. The fact is that I cannot simply sit back and hear another man throw this word at me, and not one of them can give me a fair idea of what it is that they are speaking of. If this book is the answer to my questions and Samuel is the one where I can find it, then it is where I shall go.

So it is with great confidence but a nagging voice in the back of my head that we find ourselves driving to the home where we shall find Samuel.

I can easily lose my life for doing what I am set to do. Yes, I shall admit that there is a hint of fear that is starting to build underneath the confidence. But Lucas Lecarde does not feel fear; I will claim what is mine today. The only one that shall feel deception will be Samuel Colt.

And it is in his very driveway that we are now pulling up the car. Not even moments later, I watch him exit through the front door. It is with very careful but still somewhat hesitant steps that Roberto brings the car to a stop right in front of his door. I give myself a quick once-over glance in the rearview mirror again and exit the car. It is within only but a second, and I have at least two other men surrounding me with rather intimidating guns.

Well, fuck them, my gun is bigger.

So as I push past the men, I finally get in view of Samuel and let me tell you; the man is not happy to see me.

“What is it that I can help you with, Lucas? You are very brave to show your face here.”

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