The Alpha Vampire

Chapter 140 The Prophecy

It is with somewhat great difficulty as we prepare to leave the Lecarde House. My beloved, rather battling with the wonder that one call morning sickness has been much to my very amusement, found herself firmly seated at the one thing that a Vampire shall never use.

Now she does not hold the same sentiment of joy as me as I watch her going through these stages of what should be the most treasurable of the life of a woman. Yes, I do believe that finding your stomach turning inside out should not be seen as a joyous moment at all. But for me, the mere thought of having a part of me growing inside her belly gives me more joy than she shall ever know.

So as I patiently wait for her to overcome this sudden bout of sickness, I try with the deepest parts of me to listen if I can, in fact, hear the very Vampire that is growing in her belly. Yet nothing, I am only but able to hear her rambling thoughts, most of how she shall be killing me once this pregnancy has passed.

With what seems to be the better half of two hours, she joins my side as gracefully as her body can carry.

“My beloved, you look absolutely…”

“If I were you, Lucas, I would refrain from saying another word. Now, please, can we go see this wizard.”

I lace my fingers in her somewhat shaky hand and lead her downstairs to where Damien and Breyden are waiting for us. She only but gives Breyden one look that could kill as he still carries that goddamn smirk on his face.

“Breyden,” she warns, “If I was you, then I will wipe that awful thing off your face.” She pauses for but a few seconds and then continues, “And you, Damien, don’t think I did not see what you just whispered to Lucas. All you damn men get the satisfaction in entering us so gracefully, but when the graceful truly happens, all you do is but sit back and smile. Well, guess what,” she then turns to faces me. “No more gracefully entering this, Lucas.”

“But my beloved, how was I supposed to know that my essence is so fertile.”

“Your essence, fertile? My god, I truly hope that my child is not as insane as you. Now take me to this wizard before I have this baby on these very steps.”

With that, we leave in a rather huff towards the very dungeon on the closer outskirts of England where we shall find this wizard. Well, perhaps dungeon is not quite the word; in fact, the wizard finds itself in the deep forest behind a rather spectacular waterfall in one of the greatest caves that I have come to see in all my years.

So as we sit rather quietly in the car, mostly out of fear not to upset our dear pregnant companion, I see Cassidy look at me with a rather strange look of what I can describe as a look between fear and excitement.


“What is wrong, my beloved.”

She grabs my hand in an instant and places it against the tight dome of her belly. And as I look at her rather strangely, there is a rather odd feeling of something moving underneath my hand, just like a little squirming worm.From NôvelDrama.Org.

“My god, what on earth is that? Is there something wrong with our child?”

“No, Lucas, that is our child moving.”

“Moving? You mean it is alive?”

“Well, I would hope so. But feel, there he is doing it again.”

There is the soft tickle of what feels like a little toe against the palm of my hand. A feeling of complete warmth sets through my body. It is as soft as a feather yet as firm as a gentle push. I have just felt the true essence of what is growing in my beloved. It is not just a little thing that is consuming her insides, but it is a person, whether immortal or mortal, that we do not know, but it is there, and god, it is very much living.

So with a newfound haste, I force Damien to hurry even faster towards our destination. I need to have the reassurance that my child shall be fine. I need to know why he is growing at such a rapid pace. I hate to even dare and say that we will get there too late. But these are feelings that I should not have. This is the great unknown, though, I do not wish to play fate in the hands.

After several hours and numerous stops, we find ourselves stopping at the entrance of the woods. Now begins the journey deep inside to the raging waterfall that we shall find in the center. Our presence, even if we wish to make it unknown, shall immediately become known. We shall either be allowed to enter or forced to turn away and leave.

And it is with a great fear of this that I find myself standing at the brink that is the border that shall let us step inside. Much to my very relief, there is no barrier; there is no dome that shall prevent us from entering. It seems that I still carry a relationship with our dear wizard that is pleasing to the heart.

Well, let us just wait until we get there.

So I take my beloved once again by her cold tiny hands and lace my fingers with hers. As we step through and take the winding path, there is nothing but beauty around, but none of this beauty compares to the woman that is walking next to me with her one hand gently resting on her belly. Even though I know that she is starting to experience greater joys as an expecting mother, and she is terrified beyond belief, I know that she is embracing this. She shall become a great mother and even be a greater woman than before.

As we wind our way through the wet earth, long, lush green leaves surrounding us as we move, and the most beautiful sounds that come chirping from above, we soon approach the waterfall in all its spectacular glory. There is absolute awe as it towers from high above and falls down in a great splash to the pool down below. The rush of water and the beauty that the rainbow beholds is near enough to render you speechless.

But the silent moment in our mind soon disappears as from in the middle of the pouring water, we see it slightly part and out steps the wizard.

“Well, well, well, if it is not Lucas Lecarde.”

“My dear Morgana, it is a pleasure as always.”

From next to me, I see my beloved looking at me under a rather wicked grin. Now it is not the type of grin to get you excited; in fact, as I can read her mind, she softly whispers, “Lucas, she is a woman!”

“My beloved, do you see me keep my company with men.” I stop and hesitate for but a second, “On second thought, please do not answer. The fact remains that she will be the only one that shall be able to give us answers. Now please can you look past the rather supple breasts and, well, I can’t remember those legs being so elegant…”

Next, the very minute before I even start to form another word on my lips, I feel the flat of a palm against my head coming from behind me.

“My dear Damien, now was that necessary?”

“Lucas, there is definitely the need to give you a good slap now and then. Can we please focus on the real matter at hand and get out of here. The woman seems to be undressing me with her eyes.”

“Oh, she can undress you right from where she is standing, but yes, let us focus on the real matter at hand.”

With that, I step closer to Morgana, hoping that she shall not strike me down with on great bolt of lighting. The previous time our paths crossed, I left in a rather hasty manner and left her, as they say…hanging. Well, the woman was in things that did scare me somewhat. I think being tied up to a rather ice-cold pole and being…spanked is not quite my idea of foreplay.

But as I approach, I am very much relieved to see her step forward and give me an rather uncomfortable hug.

“Now, I never thought I would see you again. Now to what do I owe this pleasure, Lucas?”

“Well, it seems that my beloved has gotten us into somewhat of a…situation.”

“Mmm, a pregnant Vampire.”

I turn and look at Morgana in disbelief; well, I should know that she would be able to sense such things. So, without further hesitation, I call Cassidy over. Morgana goes to place her hand softly on Cassidy’s belly and smiles, but then her smile soon turns to one of concern.

“Come, let us go inside. I need to know all about this pregnancy.”

With that, we follow her into the depths of the cave towards an open clearing where there is nothing but lush green leaves, beautiful flowers, and the sounds of great melodies coming from so many birds. As we take a seat around the warmth of a fire, she turns to look at me again.

“How long has Cassidy been pregnant, Lucas.”

“Well, it should only but be about six weeks.”

“Lucas, really, this woman is near five months pregnant. Now have you forgotten to count?”

Then my beloved interrupts us so elegantly, “Listen, lady, does it look like he is joking. Now, can you tell us how this is even possible and why my baby is growing too fast?”

“It is simple, my dear,” Morgana starts to explain. “It is the prophecy. This has been written in the stars since the beginning of the time of the Vampire. But,” Morgana stops to catch her breath, “You were never supposed to have become a Vampire.”

“My dear, Morgana, what do you mean?”

“Lucas, your beloved was never supposed to have turned back into a Vampire after she rid herself from being an Ancient.”

“What does this mean?”

“Lucas, it means you have a Vampire carrying the life of what will one day be the greatest Vampire Master in the world, but…”

For a brief second, I close my eyes and pinch the bridge of my nose. I somehow think that I am not going to like what is next to come.

“Your beloved,” Morgana continues. “Should have carried your child as a mortal. The child inside her shall be born far quicker than it should.”

“Morgana, just tell me what you are getting at.”

“Cassidy shall give birth within the next week.” Then her face goes a different kind of serious than I have ever seen it hold. “But that is not all…”

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