The Alpha Queen And Her Chosen Mate

Chapter 62


I don’t know how to fully explain how I was feeling. I had so many emotions running through me. I had just learned that my mother died just days before we got home, and I had just witnessed my father take his last breath. They were both gone, forever. It almost didn’t feel real. I hardly had time to process, and my father just made me queen. I was the new Western Werewolf Queen. Thousands of lives suddenly depended on me, and we were under attack. I felt energized by being handed the title, it literally gave me a new level of strength and authority. But I also felt like I couldn’t breathe. I call the shots now. Anything I said or did from here on out…mattered. So many emotions…grief, anger, pride, determination, numbness, fear.

I picked myself up off the floor and kissed my father’s forehead goodbye before fully covering him with the sheet he was already partially under. Closing the door behind me, I did the next best thing I could. I spoke to my people.

“Residents of the western kingdom. This is your new queen, Queen Kelly.” I began. “It is with a heavy heart that I formally announce the passing of the former King. We will honor his life, and the life of our former queen soon, but right now we must ready ourselves to eradicate the chupacabras that have caused us so much loss. I ask everyone to find a safe place to hide until I can fully determine what the best next course of action will be. Thank you.”

I was almost immediately flooded with condolences as well as congratulations, followed by a mass of people thanking me for taking action. Unfortunately, I couldn’t dwell on any of it. I quickly cut the link, blocking out all the noise. After finding some suitable clothing and amour, I followed my nose, and found the guys at the training ground where Thorin and I spent much of our time together. I quickly let myself in, and was immediately greeted by, well, everyone. I felt so overwhelmed, but I wouldn’t let anyone know it.

“We will get through this,” I said in a booming voice, silencing the crowd. “This is not the end, but the beginning. I ask that everyone stays within these walls until instructed otherwise. You are safe here. As some of you may know, I just got back, so please be patient with me while I get caught up on everything. If there is any pertinent information you have, please speak up.”

I suppose I should have chosen my words more carefully. I had at least twenty people trying to talk to me at once, giving me all sorts of information, some helpful, some not. I eventually got everyone settled down and spoke to groups of three at a time. The remaining palace guards seemed to be the most useful, while most everyone else was asking if I had seen their loved ones or if I could send someone to go check a specific place for them. Including my own sister. Kelsey had no clue where Mason, Kylie, or Jocelyn were.

“Jonas, you are the new doorman. Make sure no chupacabras get inside, and make sure all the survivors stay put. Emmett, tend to the wounded. Thorin, I want you and the rest of the warriors to come with me.”

“What about me?” Kelsey asked, tears in her eyes.

“Go find a game to play to keep the pups occupied.”

“But Mason and Kylie and Jocelyn-“

“Will be brought back by someone less emotional,” I said pointedly. “Take care of your pups.” I reiterated before turning to leave the enclosure.

“What is your plan, my queen?” Thorin asked.

Goddess that sounded so weird.

“We finish searching the palace first. Clear out any chupacabras and see that any survivors are taken back to the training grounds. From there, we will secure the hospital and lead a convoy for those who need immediate medical attention. We will pick up as many warriors as we can along the way, and then we are going to find their leader and end him.”

“You think they have a leader?” Thorin frowned.

“You don’t?” I asked with a raised brow.

He paused for a moment, thinking it through, before nodding in agreement. We headed out shortly after. There were about ten of us to begin with. We did a quick sweep of the palace and when we were satisfied that there were no survivors or chupacabras, we moved on to the hospital.

Along the way, we killed at least twenty chupacabras, and when we arrived at the hospital, I was happy to see that it was already partially barricaded. Within a few minutes, we were let inside. My heart broke when I saw that every bed, stretcher, chair, and even the floor was filled with the wounded.NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

“What do you need help with?” I asked one of the doctors who was running around like a chicken with his head cut off.

“More hands.” He immediately answered. “Half our staff is hiding in their homes.”

“Half of you stay here, do whatever the doctors ask.” I said to my warriors. There were almost thirty of them now. “The other half with me, we will continue sweeping the pack for any more chupacabras.” I began walking towards the exit when a familiar face caught my eye. “Jocelyn?”

“Kelly! I mean Queen Kelly.” She said, wiping her eyes and sniffling.

“Just Kelly. Are you okay?” I asked, giving her a once over.

“I’m fine.” She nodded, her face contorted into a frown from fighting not to cry. “It’s Kylie.”

“I’m fine.” She nodded, her face contorted into a frown from fighting not to cry. “It’s Kylie.”

“What happened?” I asked, more dread settling in my stomach, which I didn’t think was possible.

“We were out with a big group of people trying to look for survivors when one of them bit her. They are giving her b***d now. They said she would be okay.” She said, wiping her eyes again. “This week has just been a lot and I cant keep it together anymore.” She cried.

Preaching to the choir sister. “No one expects you to.” I reassured her. “Kylie will be fine and I’m going to get this mess all straightened out.”

“Thank you.” She sniffled.

“You haven’t seen Mason by chance, have you? Kelsey is besides herself.”

“Last I heard, he was going out with your father to battle. Most of the warriors are either dead, injured, or hiding.” She scoffed.

“Okay, thanks. I’ll check on you later.” I said before turning to leave.

Goddess, we had only just begun cleaning house and it was already such a mess. There were far more injured than I had expected. But that wasn’t going to stop me. It only fueled my rage even more, as if it were even possible.

“Where to next?” Thorin asked as we quickly moved along.

“We will start in the northern part of the pack and work our way down. Witnesses say they came from the south, so once we clear an area, we should be alright.”

“As you wish.” He nodded in approval.

Although it sounded simple in theory, we were only a few, and every time we gained a warrior or two, we lost just as many trying to get the injured taken care of and brought to safety. I checked in with Jonas and Emmett often. They seemed to be doing well, even with us sending them random groups of people to keep safe and sending them the injured we felt didn’t need a hospital. I owe them for sure.

Thorin, on the other hand, was in all his glory, he almost seemed to be enjoying it. At least someone was in a good headspace. A little twisted perhaps, but I was okay with it. His little bit of happiness is probably what kept me from spiraling out or going to an even darker place than I already was. I just had to keep it together for a little longer. We would have this place secured in no time. I would end whoever was behind this attack, and then we would have a mass funeral and then begin to rebuild. Perhaps then I could have a day to myself to just breathe and process all the bullshit that the moon goddess has ever thrown my way.

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