The Alpha Queen And Her Chosen Mate

Chapter 38


“Let’s go pup.” I barked, flicking my head towards the opposite direction of Kelly. “We get wood and food.” Jonas nodded, a grim expression across his face. “Now is not the time for sad faces. Save that for when you meet Keres,” I said as we continued along.

“You think she’ll ever forgive me?” Jonas asked.

“It’s Kelly, of course, with time” I said. “But make no mistake, you pull stupid stunt like that again and I break both legs and deliver you to apes with silver bow on head, understand?”

“Got it.” He nodded and gulped.

We walked for some time. I got the nagging feeling that the pup had something to say but wouldn’t. Eventually, I cracked.

“What is it?” I sighed, annoyed with the childish games.

“What was that thing you had? In the cave.”

“Cattle prod?” I asked, confused at his meaning.

“Yeah…what were you going to do with that?” He frowned.

“I use to control Keres.” I shrugged.

“But doesn’t that hurt Kelly too?”Material © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Not as much as Keres does.”

“And you’re okay with using it? Knowing it hurts her too?” He scoffed, missing the point.

“When you meet Keres, then you understand.”

“If she was so dangerous, why wasn’t something done before?” He asked.

“Ha!” I began to laugh. “Many steps have been taken. Some I even do not agree with. But King and evil plant doctor seem to find treatment okay.”

“But there must be something else that can be done besides lighting her up with a cattle prod or drugging her.”

“You let me know when you figure out.” I chuckled. “Now be quiet so we can find dinner.”

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“You should let me take a look at that.” I said, finding Kelly in the woods, curled into a ball.

She sighed but picked up her head and nodded. I helped her to stand and we walked back to the cave together.

“What are those for?” She asked, looking at the leaves in my hand.

“They should help prevent infection. We have some supplies but that’s a long slice on your back.”

“Thanks…and thanks for pushing me off the edge. I might look a lot worse otherwise.” She laughed dryly.

“My pleasure,” I snorted. “Now let’s see that back.”

Kelly and I sat on the cave floor while I carefully sewed her back up. She didn’t need many stitches, thankfully, because not only did I not have any numbing agent, I also didn’t have good light. However, I did need to spend some time cleaning her wound. She went hours without having it bandaged.

“How long?” Kelly asked.

“I’m almost done.” I reassured her.

“No, I mean how long until the medication wears off?”

“Its a daily pill…so, under normal circumstances, a day. I’m surprised you don’t feel any withdrawal effects already.”

“I never said that. I was just hoping I had more time.” She sniffled.

“Is she really that terrible?” I asked carefully.

“Whatever happens, listen to Thorin. He knows what to do.” She said, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand.


“Promise me, whatever he says.” She reiterated.

“Alright, I promise.” I nodded, finishing wrapping her up with leaves and what bandaging we had. “There, good as new.” I chuckled.

“Gee, thanks.” Kelly said, getting up and grabbing a new shirt. “Wanna go see if we can figure out where we are at?” She suggested.

“Lead the way.” I nodded, handing her the handmade map.

We found some high ground, not far from the cave, and could even see the waterfall that we had jumped from. Unfortunately, we ran in the wrong direction of the flower, setting us back almost half a day. It will be too late to continue along tonight, but maybe if we get up early tomorrow we could find it and still have time to make camp before sunset. As long as Jonas doesn’t invite any unwelcome guests to our camp. Part of me wondered if Jonas would even come back or if Thorin would just shoot him out in the woods like a wounded hoarse. So much for being a diplomat.

Kelly seemed on edge the rest of the night. I felt bad that she was so concerned about Keres, but I, like Jonas, was very curious about what the infamous Keres was like. I just wasn’t stupid enough to say it out loud. This would give me much more insight about my patient though, and much more insight about Kelly. She said she started using drugs because she was desperate. I might get a front row seat to see what her definition of desperate was. Everyone, of course, has their own thresholds and she has been dealing with this for quite some time now. I just wondered how bad her bad actually was. Seeing Thorin with a cattle prod made me think it might be really bad, but I also wouldn’t put it past him to use excessive force.

But only time will tell. And when that time came, I would do everything I could to make it better. Perhaps seeing her wolf in the flesh will give me some indication as to why she is so squirrely.

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I wanted to throw up, cry, and scream. Not only did we get set back at least a day, but now we had Keres to contend with. Not to mention that my back ached, but that was the least of my problems at the moment. Thorin and Jonas came back some time later with lots of wood and some game which they began preparing over the fire. I couldn’t even bring myself to look at Jonas. I know he was just curious, but it almost killed us. I specifically told him to use the buddy system. If I had been with him, I probably could have prevented this from happening. I should have known better. Jonas was always a bit reckless, and sometimes it paid off, but not today.

“Here you first.” Jonas said, handing me a spear with some cooked meat on the end.

“I’m not really hungry.” I shook my head.

“You should eat.” Thorin encouraged.

“He is right, you need nourishment,” Emmett agreed.

I rolled my eyes and huffed. “Fine.” I said, taking it from Jonas. “Thanks.” I mumbled.

“Please don’t hate me forever.” He pleaded, kneeling next to me.

“You were beyond stupid.” I practically growled.

“I know, and I’m sorry.” He said, reaching for my hand. “I promise it’ll never happen again.”

“Your right, it wont, especially if Keres gets to you first.” I bit out, getting up and heading outside of the cave. I needed air and less judgy eyes.

“Goddess, Kelly, I’m not afraid of her!” Jonas said, following after me.

“Well you should be!” I yelled, turning to face him.

“If she is part of you, then I don’t care!”

My l*p trembeled looking at him and how serious he was being. “You say that now but you wont mean it once you meet her.”

“I guess I’ll just have to prove you wrong then.”

“I won’t hold my breath.”

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