That Doctor Is Mine

Chapter 26

“S-all right, you go first.”

“I love you.” When Avah said those, the music dripped into the climax chorus.

“My dream is to love you

And in the meantime, you will be together

You are the only thing missing in my life

My dream is to love you”

Davien stopped dancing. He just stare at Avah. He was so happy. very happy to the point that he forgot to smile. Avah can see the surprise in his eyes. Did he make the right confession? What if he still loves Alexa?

“My dream is to love you

And in the meantime, you will be together

You are the only thing missing in my life

My dream is to love you”

All of her questions fades away when Davien pulled her by her neck and kissed her tenderly, lovingly on her lips. Right there, on the dance floor. They no longer dance. They keep their lips locked to each other until the music ends.

Davien look at her eyes and with all the emotions in his heart, he whispered “I love you. I love you, Avah. Only you.”

Overjoyed, Avah burst into tears. Her tears escaped her eyes until Davien touched her again for another loving kiss.

Tears started streaming down Alexa’s face as she watch Davien and Avah on the dance floor kissing. This was the most painful thing he had ever seen in his whole life. She used to be in Avah’s position, she used to be the only one Davien loved, she used to be the only woman in his eyes … but now she seems useless in the eyes of the beloved.

Is that just the way it is? Didn’t their years of marriage matter to Davien? Because for Alexa this is her life. Davien was the only man for her.

Her heart aches. She is very sorry that she released the man for no good reason. He is very longing for the happy memories of the two of them that have passed. The way Davien looked at her changed. From loving stare into glare. Nothing hurts more there.

Davien and Avah continued to kiss in the middle of the dance floor while people looked at them and started clapping. Even the whole world wants to combine Davien and Avah. But what about me? I don’t deserve to be this hurt. It would be better to die than to see Davien in the company of others. That”s Alexa”s view.

When the couple broke the kiss, they both just laughed because of the scene they made. Everyone at the venue was happy, only Alexa was crying and hurting.

Alexa saw the knife right next to the fork in their table. Her mind is corrupted. No one noticed that he took the sharp knife because everyone was looking at the couple.

While crying her heart out she stabbed herself in the side. If Davien and I weren’t together in the end, his life would be useless.

Loud cries escaped her mouth and she quickly crashed to the floor. The clapping people stopped, they look at where the sound came from and gasps. One moment all of them are admiring the couple and now they’re shocked to see a woman bathing on her own blood.

“Help! Anybody help! A woman stabbed herself here!” A visitor shouts while trying to help Alexa.

Davien and Avah immediately left the dance floor. When Davien returned his wife to their seat, he ran to the woman. He’s a doctor and he well knew what to do.

“I’ll be back, I’ll just attend on the emergency.” He quickly said goodbye to Avah before finally running closer to Alexa.

“Give way! I’m a doctor! Don’t move the body, please give way!” Davien commanded as he excuse himself from the bunches of people. When he saw who the woman is, he muttered “Alexa?”

Davien knelt next to his ex -lover. He removed his coat and folded it, he used this other pillow of Alexa on his head. Then Davien ordered, “call 911! Call for an ambulance!” Davien smashed Alexa’s gown with the stab wound as he examined the woman and determined the extent of the injury. Then he assess Alexa’s airway, breathing and circulation. As the first man to help Alexa removed the knife the bleeding from her wound intensified. He applied pressure on the wound with a clean and absorbent material, because he was not carrying sterile gauze, Davien just used a handkerchief.

“We need a first aid kit! Somebody get me an emergency kit !!” Davien shouts as he continues applying pressure on the wounded part.

Avah have her both hands on her mouth as she watch Davien save Alexa’s life.

“That woman is really crazy …” Melanie whispered with a mixture of nervousness. Olivia’s occasion was also ruined. But she has no time to get mad because there is an emergency. Olivia even ran into their house to get a first aid kit. He gave it to Davien as he perfom his partial treatment for the patient.

Because Gael is also a doctor, he called the hospital, when the ambulance arrived he went to Davien and he announces the arrival of the emergency team. Emergency staff responded quickly and placed Alexa on a two fold stretcher.

When Alexa boarded the ambulance, a staff member said, “Who will go with the victim? Does the victim have no family members?”

Davien’s hands are covered with blood so he can’t touch Avah. He look at his wife. This case is an obligation. A doctor’s obligation. Avah immediately understood that her husband’s doctorate existed so she said, “Come with me. Save her.” Avah commanded in a gentle voice.

“I’m so sorry, Avah” Davien apologized and got on the ambulance. Before closing the car he first shouted, “Gael! Please take care of Avah!” Davien instructed the friend before taking them away from the vehicle.

He continued his treatment with Alexa’s wound. The woman was unconscious and based on the appearance of the stab it was deep.

What were you thinking ?! Davien sighed in his mind.

After the scandal, Olivia ended the party because it was broken. All that is left are Gael, Tim, Hirro, Melanie and Avah.

“I’m so sorry about what happened,” Melanie comforted her because it would be more comforting if they were women working together.

“No, it’s okay.” smiling Olivia promised. “But I thank you all for coming tonight.” Olivia feel restless. Anyone else feels that way. All because of the scandal Alexa caused.

“Are you okay?” Gael asked. For the first time that night, he talk to Olivia, his ex girlfriend.

Olivia was surprised at first but she said she’s fine afterwards. After a few exchanges of words, the five also left.

As instructed by Davien, Gael send Avah home. Hirro to Melanie and Tim to go home alone.

When Avah was alone in their house she did not know what to feel. Should she be happy because she already knows they love each other? Or will she be sad because Alexa is suffering because of her excessive love for Davien?

That”s what Avah thinks as she removes the ornaments placed on her face. She cleaned herself and while taking a bath she was unable to be happy. God can take away the pleasure he feels very quickly.Nôvel/Dr(a)ma.Org - Content owner.

After the exchange he went down. She would wait for Davien in the living room. He waited there until he fell asleep on the sofa.

The morning came but the husband still did not come home. A sudden loneliness took over.

Last night, when Davien finished his treatment with Alexa, he get himself ready to go back home. When she checked Alexa’s vitals, she gained her consciousness back and pleaded with him to stay even for one night.

Out of pity, Davien watched over Alexa in the hospital while his mind was on his wife who he didn”t know was waiting.

When he woke up in the morning and Davien was not there, he just thought that there might be a lot of patients last night so he didn’t go home at all. He also prayed for the improvement of Alexa’s condition. Avah finished having breakfast but Davien was still not there.

Since Sunday Avah thought of visiting church. He hasn’t been able to visit there for a long time because Davien doesn’t want him to go out of the house. She was not wearing her new clothes that Davien had bought. She preferred to wear her old skirt that was open, up to her knees in length. It”s wood color and its loose top. He also wore flat shoes.

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