Teacher’s Student Mate


Bella’s POV

He wants to be treated like a senior ?

Then fine.

He will get the same treatment.

In any case, I have taken a lot of shit in this life.

This man is nothing in front of the real crap that I go through.


As I lost myself in such thoughts, my body worked on its own and by the time, I finished dusting the slab, I realized that I had done the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen inadvertently.

Guess old habits die hard.

Sigh !

I went back to my room and took out my books to prepare for next week’s lecture.

Yes. I prepared in advance and then slept and fooled around in class.

I am a lively girl, what can I say !


Who is messaging me so late at night ?

Unknown: Hey Diaz ! Dominic here.

Me: Hi Domz !! Why the late night message ?

DomDom: I just wanted to know which club will you be joining ? The auditions are tomorrow.

Me: I haven’t decided yet. Is this your way of flirting ? Coz it totally suxxx 😛

DomDom: Guilty as charged and hey ! It works every fucking time. Shut up !

Me: Didn’t work on me. LOL.

DomDom: Coz you are crazy.

Me: You are losing on brownie points by calling me crazy, lover boy ;X

DomDom: Oh shit. Do I still have a chance to work my charm on you ?

Me: Sorry Domz. You lost your opportunity. Now you are officially friendzoned, babe.

DomDom: Calling me babe won’t ease the pain of getting friendzoned, Diaz.

Me: Wow ! So it has the same effect as messaging me at midnight. Hehe.

DomDom: Since we are friends now, then you are a crazy bitch. Haha.

Me: Showing your true colours now, Dom Dog ? xx

DomDom: Lol no. Not yet XD

Me: You are worse ? Oh my God !!

DomDom: The girl on my dick is calling. Gotta go ! Bye sweet cheeks xx

Me: I have a feeling, we are going to be really good buddies.

DomDom: Fuck buddies or teddy buddies ?

Me: Fuck buddies ? Eww. You got it small down there, Domz.

DomDom: After wrapping it up thrice safely under my jocks, it might look small to you, darling xx

Me: Dream on, babe. I know it ain’t a gift with a wrapping on your South Pole xx

DomDom: Haha alright. Tho I really need to cum. Will see ya at school tom.

Me: Try to not think of me while cumming XD

DomDom: I don’t want to be cock blocked. That too by a friend. No thanks. Good night xx

Me: Awww. Cover your stump before you hump. Nighty night.

DomDom: Oh God you are terrible.

Me: I have been told so, many times before 😛

I tossed aside my phone and resumed back reading the last page of the CHAPTER when suddenly, I heard the side room’s door slowly open with the least noise possible.

However, Lycan ears you know.

I could hear anything.

So what was Kai up to now ?

T’was none of my business in any case.

He may as well go to hell if he wanted to at this ungodly hour. Ughh. I didn’t care a bit.

Kai’s POV

Whoa !

She cleaned everything !!

And why is she still awake ?

How will she get up early if she doesn’t sleep on time ?

“Don’t act like her daddy, Kai. Relax and sleep”, my lycan, Dexter mindlinked.

“Not before I prepare a morning surprise for her just like she gave us one today !”, I smugged internally.

“You kids”, Dexter groaned and receded back at the back of my mind.

After smearing the iron with barbecue sauce and placing mud pots right outside the devil’s room, I placed a pair of slippers tied together with a narrow and taut string which was further attached to a pale of water situated right on top of the fan.

It was going to be a fun morning !

I just couldn’t wait for it.

Wohoooooooo !!!!

Bella’s POV

“Mhmm sleep was so good”, I murmured as I stretched myself at the break of dawn.

Clock time: 4 am

“No nightmares after a long time too !”, my lycan, Snow sighed in my mind.

“Why do I smell mud ?”, I asked while frowning and twitching my nose.

“We need to go for training, Bella. Hurry up”, Snow urged and I agreed forgetting about the strange smell.

Opening up the window of my room, I darted out of the window and landed smoothly on my human feet.

“Where do you think are you sneaking off to ?”, a familiar male voice barked in the chilly silence of the morning.



What should I say ?

Think Diaz. Think.

“Just tell the truth, dummy. Don’t tell the Lycan part”, Snow hissed in my mind.

“I was going for a run. You got a problem with that ?”, I asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Yes, I have many problems. First of all, there is the curfew to think of. Secondly, why are you using a second floor window to jump and lastly, do you want to fall sick or get kidnapped ? You are wearing literally nothing”, he listed out all my sins in one breath with disdain.

He himself is barely wearing anything and I am a lycan for fuck’s sake !

Lycans don’t feel cold.

Duh !

I turned towards my annoying roommate cum teacher while swallowing up my anger and sweetly said, “Sir, I am sorry but I have to go for a run. I can’t mess up my schedule”, I responded and turned back to my heels to run away from the place.

Surprisingly, Kai caught up with me and ran by my side.

What the hell ?

How do I train now ?


“You never listen”, he grumbled. “Now I shall have to run with you”, he sighed.

“I will be fine on my own, Sir”, I replied exasperately and tried to outrun him at a humanely possible speed but the stuck up man was adamant to keep up pace with me !

How is he even able to run at this rate ?

“Can you see his strongly chiseled chest and 8 pack abs ? He looks so damn strong and hot, Bella”, my lycan purred in my head.

“Horny lycan”, I mindlinked back with a sigh.

“No, you won’t be fine. You are running during curfew and I have to be there as your teacher”, he sternly reprimanded me and continued with the forceful jog.

How was I going to escape him everyday ?

This was the only hour when the world slept and I could train myself in peace.

I had to keep up with my warrior training somehow, to defeat the Dark Overlord.

Suddenly a thought crossed my mind and I stopped in my tracks, while Kai overshot me. I smirked as I watched him keep running and I, in turn started running back towards the opposite direction.

Fleeing away from the devil himself, I ran deeper into the forest and crossed the narrow bridge across the waterfall to escape the clingy teacher.

Jumping off the bridge, I got into my training mode and since, I was not 18 years old yet, I could not shift.

Hence, I had been training my human form to get on par with the strongest of the warriors while working upon my skills on Dark Arts.

Yes. Dark Arts.

The Dark Overlord had to be defeated and killed in his own game and not to toot my own horn but I was surprisingly a natural Master of the Dark Arts.This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - ©.

After a satisfactory session near the waterfalls, I traced back my path to my dorm and leaped back my way to the window to evade the security personnel at the reception.

As soon as I entered my room, a furiously fuming, sweating hot man was standing just infront of me as I popped inside the window sill with his toned arms crossed against his well defined chest making me internally drool at the eye candy in front of me.

“Who is the horny panty dripping bitch now ?”, my lycan, Snow taunted.

I internally rolled my eyes and got a teasing laugh in return from the she devil herself.

“You are too close to me, Sir”, I politely said as I tried to evade him and dash inside the bathroom.

However, Kai seemed to have other plans.

Instead of letting me pass by, he pushed me against the window and walked uncomfortably closer to me making me retreat backwards as much as I could.

“Please stand back, Sir. I will fall down if you come any closer”, I gulped as he continued to take menacingly slow, dangerous steps towards me.

Suddenly, I felt myself lose my balance and fall out of the window but the ultra gorgeous man caught me quickly and pulled me into his arms.

As my breath hitched, our eyes refused to look away from each other’s and I could clearly hear our pounding hearts, with mine ready to jump out of my ribcage any moment.

As if losing ourselves for a moment in each other’s perfectly locked bodies and stares, our lips nudged closer on their own accord and with zero control whatsoever, our lips, teeth and tongues smashed desperately against each other within seconds as we could not fight the mutual attraction we felt for each other that time.

For those special moments it was utter bliss before rationality and reason flew back in the mind’s open window.

“Shit”, Kai muttered when he sobered up and immediately dashed out of my room.

“Oh shit ! What did we just do !! My first kiss was with the jerk !”, I internally cringed and decided to never show my face to him.

However, I was soon hurrying outside when I heard a loud thud followed by a peculiar splash and a string of angry curses resounding outside my room.

“Oh my God ! What happened to you and who did this ?”, I asked in shock as I saw the sexy man sprawled out on the floor with mud covered all over him amidst a pool of water with a bucket lying near him.

“It is none of your business”, he snapped and jumped back to his feet, only to slip again and fall back. “Holy shit !”, he cried out frustratedly and I couldn’t help it but a giggle still escaped my lips.

However, I stopped making sounds of amusement when I heard him groan in pain. I quickly helped him up, getting dirty with him in the mud (LOL. It sounded like we were doing ‘it’ in the mud).

“Alright let’s get you to the shower”, I said and before he could slip again, I scooped up the surprised man in my arms effortlessly and trod towards the one and only bathroom in the apartment.

“I can walk on my own god dammit !”, he grumbled but nevertheless wrapped his arms around my neck and enjoyed the ride.

“Want me to dump you in the toilet ?”, I teased while Kai glared at me as I laughed.

“I don’t want to land up in your brain after being flushed”, he smirked and I immediately dipped down my head and bit his sharp nose tip between my teeth.

“Owwww !!!! What the fuck !?”, he grimaced as he buried his face in my chest.

“Stop troubling my valleys, Sir. That is very inappropriate”, I commented and got the immediate effect that I had hoped to see.

I chuckled when I saw his peeking ears burning red.

“Here you go, little lamb”, I cooed teasingly as I placed him on the toilet seat gently. “Call Mamma Sheep if you need any other help”, I chuckled and went outside the bathroom laughing.

“Just you wait, Ms Diaz”, Kai threatened but I could hear the tinge of amusement in his voice.

“He is so cute”, Snow purred in my mind.

“Yeah and a dumb ass like you. So shut up”, I retorted back, only to get a “Fuck you” from my dear lycan.

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