Steamy Affairs(Erotica)


Mommy-slut you made it plain what you want, and you’ve always taken care of me even when dad wouldn’t. I didn’t take control to upset you or to humiliate you. I did it because I want to take care of you in every way. You want a baby, then I’ll give you a baby. All I ask for is you let me take care of you. Physically, emotionally, sexually and eventually in every way.”

He kissed all four of them. “Now before we shower and get ready to leave, we need to talk about some changes around here. Mom, when you get home from work, I want you to move your things into Fiona’s room. Fiona, you will make room for mom’s things when you get home from class today. You two will sleep together unless I invite one or both of you into my bed.

Tiffany and Tara, you will bring your stuff over here after school and move into this room. You will sleep together in this bed, unless I bring you into mine. Once you get your things here, move my stuff into the master bedroom. I’m the Master of this house, so that room is mine. You will all get turns sleeping with me, probably more than one of you a night. But the room is mine and mine alone for now. Is that understood?”

They all nodded. “Yes, Master.”

“Good, now everyone get ready for work and school. We’ll figure everything else out tonight. Oh, Tiffany and Tara. I need you to stay close to me today. I figure Brock and Chris will not be happy with any of us. But don’t worry, I can and will keep you safe; if you stay near me.”

Tiffany trembled. “How? How can you keep us safe? They’re bigger and meaner than you, Gio.”

Gio laughed. “I could have always beat them, Tiffany. I just knew it would mean I’d have to fight more of them the next time. Beat one they bring two, beat two they bring three. Beat three, they bring the entire team. I have two black belts. I have the skills, and now I have a reason to fight to protect what’s mine. It didn’t matter to me they threw me in dumpsters and lockers, that hurt nothing but my pride. They did nothing but humiliate me. I can live with that.

However, I won’t let them hurt you or anyone else. I told you I’m done being the whipping boy. Now I’m going to stand up, and if they have to get beat a few times to realize it, then they get beat.”

Soon after that everyone headed to shower and eat, and Gio followed the girls to the pharmacy and then into the student parking lot. He’d barely gotten off his bike when he saw two angry football stars head for the girls. He stepped in front of them and took his stand. “Leave the girls alone or I’ll kick both your asses right now.”

Brock and Chris stopped, shocked that he was standing up to them. Then they started laughing. “Oh, we’re scared the geek stain thinks he can kick our asses.”

“I’ll do it one at a time or both of you together, doesn’t matter to me. Or you can just realize the ladies chose me over you and walk away like men, instead of acting like spoiled little boys. The choice is yours.”

Chris moved left as Brock moved right. “Oh, I think we’ll fuck you up beyond all recognition. Then we’ll make you watch as we take these two sluts back, just to show you we can.”

Gio moved into his ready position. “Last chance ‘roid heads. Once we start, I won’t stop until you can’t get back up.”

The jocks laughed and came right at him. Time to show them what a real ass kicking was all about.

Gio’s first fight at high school didn’t last long, about ten minutes, just long enough to attract attention of several students and the football and cheerleading coaches. Brock and Chris tried every way they knew to land a punch, but those that saw the fight would say Gio moved like one of those windsock puppets at the used car lot; or the more geeky of them, like Neo in the Matrix movies. He blocked and tossed used palm and knife hand strikes leaving the two jocks with split lips bloody noses and a good case of scrapes and road rash from being thrown to the parking lot repeatedly.

The fight ended when Chris saw the coaches approaching and pulled Brock away. The football coach took one look at their condition and narrowed his eyes. “That’s enough boys. Brock, Chris go to the infirmary and have Nurse Stubb’s look at your injuries. Then report to my office.”

“Sure Coach” The two jocks said and glared at Gio in a way that said this wasn’t over. He’d have to let them know later that he’d taken it easy on them and wouldn’t next time.

The coaches turned their attention to the girls next. “Do you girls want to go with our guys?”

“We are with our guy.” They both told the coaches which shocked the two adults. “What do you mean? It was our understanding the Tiffany you were dating Brock and Tara was dating Chris.”

Tiffany shook her head. “We broke up with them last night. We’re with Gio now.”

Coach Cosgrove and Coach Tanner exchanged a look before refocusing on Gio. “Is that what this was about Mister McLoed? They came to talk to the girls, and you decided to attack them for it?”

Gio was confused. “Me attack them? They threatened Tiffany and Tara and I told them to leave the girl’s alone. Then they decided to ‘teach me my place.’ All I did was protect myself.”

Tanner laughed. “You expect us to believe that you did all that damage without sucker punching them?”

Now Gio was getting pissed. “You signed off on my gym hours yourself coach. You know I have no need to sucker punch anyone.”

“I know you have some martial arts classes, but you expect me to believe that a scrawny thing like you took out both those athletes without striking from behind?”

“I have two black belts, in two different martial arts disciplines. That’s more than ‘some martial arts classes’. All I did was defend myself.”

“Doesn’t matter, you need to come with me to Vice Principle Hill’s office. There is a zero tolerance for fighting policy.”

“There’s a zero tolerance for bullying policy too, but I never see your players get in any trouble for what they do to me and the others like me.”

The football coach turned red. “Listen son, you’re in enough trouble just follow me.”Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

Gio shook his head, if he got suspended who would keep the girls safe today. He looked at them and they both stepped up beside him to go with him, but Coach Cosgrove took them both by the arm. “Come with me girls. We need to talk.”

“But Coach.”


Tara didn’t let anyone at the school know it, but she and Tiffany weren’t the airheads the pretended to be. After all half their DNA was their Daddy’s and he was one of the smartest men she knew. Yes, she was a cheerleader, yes everyone thought she and Tiffany passed their classes because they got special grades for their participation with the sports program, but she and Tiffany actually earned the grades they got. Neither maintained a 4. 0 but they were both high enough to get offered academic as well as athletic scholarships. When they’d seen Brock and Chris coming toward them, they’d both set their phones to record. Now Tara was glad they had. She sent a quick text off to her Daddy along with the video of Gio’s fight and told him Gio was in trouble for protecting her and Tiffany. She had no idea that Tiffany was doing the same thing, or that like her after sending the text she’d started recording again. They both knew what was coming when they got to Ms. Cosgrove”s office, she was going to remind them that they were supposed to be keeping the football team happy. But for once Tara didn’t care. She had her scholarships already, she wasn’t going to let Gio go. He did things for her no guy ever had. He’d ate her pussy and fucked her, giving her lots of orgasms; almost like her pleasure was as important as his. Yes, he’d humiliated her last night, but after the way he’d been treated by her and Tiffany and almost everyone she’d kind of deserved it; and still he’d made her come. Then to make sure she and Tiffany got on birth control, when he could have just fucked their whole lives up by knocking them up. Something inside her had changed. Then he’d stood up for them. Hell, he’d told her he could kick Brock and Chris’s assess but to watch him do it had her panties soaked. She wanted to reward him and instead if she knew Coach Tanner he was going to try and get Gio suspended maybe even expelled. She hoped her Daddy could help him.

Gio had pulled his phone out of his pocket and held it as close to the coach’s phone as he could without being obvious. Thankfully, it was close enough for the pairing app he’d created to connect to the Coaches phone. He then quickly installed his hideable social media app on the coach’s phone and added himself as a contact. Next Gio turned on the video record function sending the recording to his phone. He had a feeling he’d need to know what the coach had to say to Vice Principle Hill in her office before he was brought in. There had to be a reason no complaint against the Jocks was ever followed up on. He knew this time, he might need the proof. Plus, it was a great test for his apps. The Social media app was doing great and had really gotten a lot of people using it as it was like snapchat, Instagram and Facebook all rolled into one and the Hidden video option where you could pick and choose who could and couldn’t see your live videos was what sold it to his age crowd. It’s what the Jocks used to send their brag videos’s to each other about the cheerleaders, without the cheerleaders knowing it was going around. The only reason he knew was, as the apps creator, he had access to all the videos’ recorded and shared.

Tanner pointed at a chair just outside the school office. “Take a seat McLoed.”

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