Steamy Affairs(Erotica)


“Welcome to mi casa” I mumbled when we both got down from the car and entered the house.

“Well it’s decided, I’m hiring the architect that designed this house” I turned my gaze to Frederick and looked at him like he was crazy.

“Uhmm, I do believe that my house is nothing compared to yours”

“Sure” He didn’t sound convinced but I didn’t add anymore comments.

The doorbell sounded making both of us to turn to the door with questioning looks. I went to look at the intercom and saw it was Mr Ola. Opening the door he immediately greeted the both of us, we too did the same.

“Mr Ola is anything the matter?” I asked raising my eyebrow. He only comes to ring the doorbell whenever it’s to inform me of something important I wonder what it is.

“No problem at all. I just wanted to inform you that Oga and Madam went on a business trip today, and they will be back three days from now” at his words I instantly felt relieved. Yes I knew that Frederick was still going to meet my parents one way or the other I was just prolonging the inevitable, but I was still very much happy it was not today. Any day but today, I’ve had enough emotional break downs for today.

Notice how Mr Ola used ‘I wanted to’ and not ‘they wanted me to’? My parents weren’t always keen on telling me whenever they were traveling out of the country, they simply didn’t bother to do it. One time when I was really young, I was about 8 years old, they left me all alone for three whole months never once calling to check up on me. I was insignificant in their eyes, always have and always will be.

“Will that be all?” I politely asked.

“Yes. Goodnight ma’am, and to you too sir” then he left.

“So I guess I will be going then” I heard Frederick say making me turn to me.

“You’re leaving already” It came out of my mouth so quickly that I couldn’t stop myself. God I sounded so desperate.

Just like I expected a teasing smirk automatically adorned his face “Is that how much you love my company?” he asked.

I blushed furiously at his question. Once again thank God for my dark skin.

“Pft, as if. It was just a slip of the tongue, infact start going sef” I told him with my chin raised up in an arrogant manner.

He released a low chuckle and next he winked “Whatever makes you sleep well at night dear”

Just like last time in the school hallway I brought my tongue in a playful manner. This just made him to playfully role his alluring brown eyes. I released a full blown grin at this.

“You know, you really should smile more often” Frederick suddenly said with a fond look on his face.

Still with that same grin I spoke “I’ll try”

A look of shock first crossed his face before it returned back to a smile. I guess he wasn’t expecting my reply, even I wasn’t expecting the response I gave. Frederick was really changing me, and I didn’t know if I liked it or not.

I walked Frederick to his car but at the last moment as he was about to enter his car he stopped. I gave him a look.

“Right I almost forgot ” he started “Tomorrow you’re sitting with me in the cafeteria” I didn’t even get to agree or disagree because immediately after he spoke he got in into his car so quickly that you’d think his pants were on fire.

He then wined down his window, winked at me and drove off. I didn’t have any time to settle my thoughts because there and then I realized something. I was so nervous through out our journey here that it completely slipped my mind. I didn’t give him my house location, so how in the world did he know where I lived?

At school the next day, classes went by in the blink of an eye, and it was now finally time for lunch break. Saying I was nervous would be an understatement. I was truly scared. Scared at the fact that this would be the first time in a long time that I’ve been to the cafeteria.

Frederick’s words from yesterday kept repeating in my head from the moment I stepped into school. ‘You’re sitting with me in the cafeteria tomorrow’.

I didn’t want to offend him by rejecting his offer so that was why I was presently on my way to the cafeteria… Well after dropping my school bag in my secret spot in the library that is. Still not naive enough to leave my bag in class.

People threw weird glances at me as I strolled to the cafeteria. Like I said, this was the first time in a long time that I’m going to the cafeteria.

As I finally made it to the cafeteria, I immediately went to que to buy the food I would eat, because I knew that if Frederick Caught on to the fact that I didn’t get myself food, I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t be pleased.

The line was short so I almost immediately got to the front in a short time. After ordering what I wanted, the cafeteria lady began to prepare what I ordered for, so I took that time to survey the mass of student’s that were in the cafeteria in search for Frederick.

I spotted him almost instantly making a smile to spread on my face. But it immediately dropped when I realized he wasn’t sitting alone. Of course he wouldn’t be sitting alone, he wasn’t a loner like me.

I was so stupid, I had almost forgotten who Frederick was in our school. And because we’ve been hanging out a lot this past few days, I had foolishly forgotten that he had other friends. Four other friends to be exact, and everyone at Qatass academy knew that. The four of them plus Frederick were practically what students talked about relentless. Well all their families were pretty much well-off and known there is that.

My breath pace quickened. There was no way in hell I was going there. I was probably only going to embarrass myself, and I didn’t want to do that in front of Frederick.

I turned to the entrance door abandoning the order I made. Sure I might have already paid for that, but let’s face the fact, I wasn’t really going to eat it. What can I say, old habits die hard.

Making my way to the door I was stopped a voice.NôvelDrama.Org is the owner.

“Ahn Fatty you’ve finally decided to crawl out of that library?” That all to familiar nickname made me to pause and turn back. Now looking back? I see that, that wasn’t a very wise decision at that time.

I stared at Silver with an uninterested gaze. I didn’t have time for this. I knew we were going to attract a lot of attention soon, and that also meant ‘Frederick’s’ attention, and I didn’t want that in anyway.

Today Silver wasn’t with her friends and that immediately gave me relief.

Muttering in defeat I said “Not today Silver, we can do this any day but today”

She scoffed in disbelief “Damilola was right. You’ve grown wings and I believe it’s high time I cut it” I didn’t feel threaten by her words; infact I felt it was insignificant. What Frederick said to me yesterday made me feel empowered and I liked it. I smiled a little.

I wasn’t scared of her anymore.

I did something that I would have never done if it were in the past. I smirked.

“Do your worst” I whispered in a challenging tone. By now I knew we were already gathering a crowd. Students paused whatever they were doing to stare at us, eager to see what was going to happen next.

At my words, an utterly pissed expression engulfed her face “I don’t know where you got this new found confidence from but let me just remind you. I know your deepest, darkest, secrets Amanda. And I know how to use them again you” When she started talking she began to take slow steady steps to me. With each word a smirk of her own kept growing. Now she was merely a fit away from me.

“Do you’re worst Silver. I’m not scared of you”

“You see, that’s were the problem is. You should be afraid of me Amanda! Very” She yelled out, getting even more attention. If that was even possible.

I sighed already tired “Silver, I beg of you. Please just leave me alone”

“That’s the thing” She paused and came a lot closer to me and whispered in my ear “I just can’t do that” Then immediately after that I felt cold liquid running down from my hair, to Mr face and then down to my school uniform. I shrieked as the cold substance came in contact with my skin.

I immediately used my hands to wipe my face. Looking up I see that Silver was holding a soda cup. I glared at her in distain. I promised myself that I wasn’t going to cry, that I was going to be strong for once. But as soon as students in the Cafeteria began pointing at me and laughing, I just couldn’t fight back as tear began to gather in my eyes. Having one person laugh at you was one thing, but having a horde of people laughing at you just hits different.

Silver smirked at me and said “Remember this Amanda. I will always be better than you” To me her words didn’t make any form of sense. How did it even relate to this present situation? But I’m sure to her, it made every sense in the world. And they say I’m the one with the problems.

“Let’s go” I heard the words before a hand grabbed mine and dragged me away from the cafeteria. Not slowing down for a second.

“Frederick?” I wasn’t that surprised though. At the back of my mind I was praying for someone to come and carry me away from that place. And that someone I was actually praying for, was Frederick. Though I didn’t want him to see me in that situation, my pathetic self still wanted him to be the one to save me.

“Not now Amanda” He sounded pissed, at me? What did I do?

I kept silent throughout until we got outside the school building.

“Where are we going? Classes for today haven’t finished” I said not sure why we were outside the school.

He gritted his teeth “I. said. not. now. Amanda”

Perplexed I looked at him but I didn’t want to add to the fuel, so once again I kept quiet.

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