Steamy Affairs(Erotica)


There came a scratch on the sliding door in the kitchen and Greg opened it to see the cutest little puppy in the world. His senses knew that this was Cerberus, the massive three-headed hound of Hades, but he laughed as Cerberus was appearing as a tiny pug. “Cerberus, Gia has you in this form, really?”

“I can change in an instant Greg Masters, but Mother Earth thought this form would bring your childlike wife the most joy. Must I take my proper form and bite you in two? It isn’t like you can die or anything.”

Greg covered his laugh with a cough. “I’m sorry. Mother is right. Chastity will love you like this. All cute and cuddly.”

The growl that came from the tiny pup was anything but small. Just then, Chastity caught sight of him. “MY PUPPY!”

She ran over and scooped him up and told him how cute he was as she rubbed his furry little belly. The old hellhound looked at me and I could see the smirk in his eyes. The most dangerous creature ever created, acting like a puppy for my innocent wife, was both hilarious and yet somehow terrifying at the same time.

“Chastity, your puppy’s name is Cerberus. This isn’t how he really looks, but how he’ll look unless there is danger. When he tells you to do something, you do it.”

Greg looked at all his wives-to-be. “That goes for all of you. Gia sent him to keep you six safe and the other members of our house. If he changes or tells you to do something, do it without question or argument.” Chastity stomped her foot. “No Daddy, I do not name my new puppy that big, horrible name. His name is Fluffy.”

Greg smiled at her and laughed at the look on the hell hound’s face. “That’s fine Baby-Girl. If you want to name your new puppy Fluffy, then you do so. Just remember, he can change into a big ugly monster of a dog with three heads when needed. If he tells you to do something, then you must obey without question.” he looked at the rest of the family. “That goes for all of you. When I am not home, the dog oversees your safety. Yes, he can talk and change shapes. If this puppy or a big three-headed dog tells you to do or not to do something, you are to obey him just like you do me. His entire purpose here is to keep my family safe so I can concentrate on doing my job and bringing Balance to the Universe.”

After every member of the household made sure and let him know they understood, he sent them to prepare for bed. Everyone headed upstairs except his Mom who stood wringing her hands. Greg could tell she was upset about something and while he could have taken her thoughts out of her head, he didn’t. he wanted to see if she was upset enough to approach him and tell him what was bothering her. After a few moments of indecision, she looked him in the eyes. “Master, may I speak with you?”

Greg nodded “Of course, Mom. You are always free to speak to me. I’m still your son and you are still my mother, even if I’m also your master.”

Mom looked worried. “I don’t want to be contrary or disobedient. Master. I’m not keen on moving, but I’ll follow your commands. My house is something I love and I wish to stay here. I love you and my place in our family, too. It causes my heart to hurt that I’m torn between obeying you and leaving my house.”

Looking into her mind, Greg could see the confusion and contrasting thoughts. She really didn’t want to leave this the first and only house she had ever owned. She knew she couldn’t survive without a master. He was her Master, and he was moving. Greg needed a solution that would allow him to give his submissive mommy-slut what she wanted without creating a problem for her. As he was about to respond to her, telling her she could remain here in her home, a very distinctive growl came from behind him. “There are two people approaching the house. One is a female, the other a male in a police officer’s uniform.” Fluffy said.

Greg turned his mind to the two approaching and recognized them both. The woman was none other than Karen James, Chastity and Henry’s mother, and Pastor James’ bitch of a wife. With her was police Captain Roy Walker. Greg clued in on his mind and realized that the Captain was here officially. Karen James had lodged a complaint with the police. She insisted that the demonic Masters boy must be holding Chastity against her will. There was no way her daughter would have asked to go stay with the Masters. She knew her parents wouldn’t have been happy for her to be here. Karen had informed the Captain that Greg must have blackmailed or coerced her daughter somehow and they needed to free her and arrest me.

The captain had to follow up on the complaint even if, in his own mind, he knew Chastity had asked to come here. The young woman had been adamant that she was safe with Greg and only Greg. After questioning Pastor James and seeing the snarky attitude of Mrs. James, he fully understood Chastity’s decision. If he was one of their children, he’d run to the person they considered the enemy to. What he didn’t understand was why everyone seemed to be focused on young Greg Masters. As far as he could tell, the boy was polite and well-behaved. He couldn’t understand how these religious nuts thought Greg was demonic. He’d checked. The boy had lived a rough life. Suffering a Traumatic Brain Injury at an early age and suffering the aftereffects his whole life. It was a wonder the kid had turned out as nice and respectful as he was. Of course, he was Carol’s son and the captain still loved Carol even after all these years. That thought brought Greg out of the captain’s head. He knew and loved Carol Masters. Captain Walker had known his Mom before she and his dad had hooked up. If it hadn’t been for Silas, Greg might have had Captain Walker for a father.

This could be the answer to his dilemma with Carol and her not wanting to leave the house. What if the Captain was willing to become Carol’s master and live here with her? That would free Greg from the responsibility of taking care of Carol as her Master and allow her to remain in the house she loved. He might approach the captain after dealing with the situation with Chastity and Karen James and ask if he was interested in taking control of Carol and letting her stay in the house she loved.

Greg turned his mind to Karen as the two people reached the porch. What he saw there didn’t really surprise him. Karen was convinced that the demon inside of the Masters’ boy was influencing her daughter. If she could just separate Chastity from the presence of the boy and his demonic power, then surely she would be the good, obedient daughter and come home. Then they would work on getting her husband released from jail.

The doorbell rang, and Greg told Cerberus that the threat was minimal. That the woman was Chastity’s mother, and that dealing with her wouldn’t take long. They just needed Chastity to act like her old self while the people were here. The demon dog nodded and scampered up the stairs to let his charge know what she needed to do. Put on Chastity’s old clothes and come answer the police officer’s questions and convince both him and her mother Chastity was right where she wanted to be. Greg, at the same time, went and opened the door.

“Captain Walker, Mrs. James, come inside. How can I help you tonight?”NôvelDrama.Org content rights.

The captain opened his mouth to respond, but Mrs. James beat him to it. “Where is my daughter? Where is Chastity? What have you done to her, you demon?”

Greg looked at the religious nut. “I’m sorry that you feel that I’ve done something to Chastity. That isn’t true, you know. It was your husband and the elders of the church who were going to ‘purify’ her. From what your daughter told me, you knew they were going to, for all intents and purposes, rape her and you left her alone with your husband, knowing he’d take this chance to purify her body. I don’t think I’m the demonic one here, Mrs. James.”

The older woman’s face turned red and almost purple with her outrage. “HOW DARE YOU SPEAK THAT WAY ABOUT MY HUSBAND. WHERE IS MY DAUGHTER? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO HER?”

Greg shook his head. “You think I was calling your husband the demonic one? He wasn’t the one that left his daughter to be purified, was he?”

Before Karen could respond, Chastity, Charlotte, Amber, and Barbie all came down the stairs, dressed modestly. “Mom? What are you doing at home? I thought the woman’s retreat went until Monday.”

“It does Charity, but your father called me and said that he was in jail and you were home alone. I came right home only to find you had asked the police to bring you here to stay with this demon and his family.”

That was all the Captain was going to take. He spoke up interrupting Mrs. James’s rant. “Excuse me, Chastity, is there someplace you and I can talk in private?”

Greg nodded toward the den. “Why don’t you take the Captain into the den, Chastity? I think he needs to talk to you in private. I would guess that your family thinks I brainwashed you or kidnapped you or something.”

“I’m sure it’s nothing like that and can’t be cleared up with just a few questions. I thank you for understanding, Greg.”

Mrs. James started up again. “Why are you being polite to this demonic person, Captain? You should be arresting him. I don’t know how, but he’s controlling this whole situation, his father, my husband, the elders of our church, and even my own innocent daughter. They’ve all fallen under his control. Can’t you see that? The common thing in each case is Greg Masters.”

“That’s an interesting observation that you make, Mrs. James. There is another common person in each case you mentioned as well.”

She glared at the Captain. “Who is that, pray tell?”

The Captain stared right at her. “Your Husband, Mrs. James. He has been involved in every case you just brought up. Starting with Silas Masters and ending with your own daughter tied to a bed in a secret room in your church. A room that looked like they set it up for torture and rape. Might I mention again that your husband admitted to me he and the elders of your church abusing and even raping several members of your congregation? If there is a demonic force at work, I’m fairly certain it isn’t Greg Masters.” The captain then turned his attention back to Chastity. “After you Miss James.”

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