Stand and Defend (Lakes Hockey Series Book 4)

Stand and Defend: Chapter 24

“Christ Almighty, Conway, what are you looking at? Game is that way.” I point in front of us from the bench.

This dumb motherfucker has been staring up at the WAGs box all night. It’s grating on my nerves.

He shakes his head. “Man, you gotta get your attitude under control.”

“The fuck are you talking about?”

“I dunno, you’re on edge. You got some personal shit going on?”

Yeah, I went for a ride with Jordan, which was great until she told me she wanted to get her own apartment. It’s not the right move, and I don’t understand what the hurry is. I brought up the sex we had, and she put me in my place by telling me I’m a fuckboy, which kinda irritated me, and I’m annoyed because she’s right. We are friends with benefits, that’s it. The sex we had was just sex.

“I’m fine,” I snap.

When I look over, Barrett’s gazing toward the box again. It’s like I’m talking to myself.

“Does Raleigh have her tits out or something? Why do you keep looking up there?”

“Look, you dead-hearted asshole, my wife is pregnant. So, when I’m not on the ice, I’m gonna keep an eye on her.”

I knew something was up before he even announced the pregnancy, he’s been overly protective of Raleigh and Arthur, more than usual.

Taking a deep breath, I shake my head. Love makes people lose their minds. I cross my arms. “My heart isn’t dead, it’s sleeping. Besides, my dick pulls the weight around here.”

“I’m sure it does—with all the fucking hardware you have shoved through it. That thing probably has a tow hitch.”

“It does. I towed your mom to my place last week.” I wink.

“Finally break that dry spell of yours, eh?”

How does he know I had a dry spell? Operative word being had. Damn it, my thoughts are back to Jordan.

“I’d rather have a dry spell here and there than be saddled down with one pussy for the rest of my life. Haven’t you ever heard variety is the spice of life?” The words taste sour in my mouth.

“Yeah, you’ve got a spicy life all right. So much you’ve lost your palette.” He hangs his head between his shoulders and laughs. “Young and dumb. Someday you’ll have a woman up there and you’ll get it.”

I laugh. “Ha! Doubtful.”

No way in hell will that ever be me. I brush it off, but what he said about the WAGs box gives me an idea. Jordan should come to a game so she can meet the wives. To say her social life is lacking would be an understatement. Building up a group of safe friends would benefit her. I’ll suggest it and see what she thinks.

“Okay, old man. For now, can you at least pretend to focus. Jesus Christ.”

He slaps my stomach with his glove. “Shit, Lonan’s gonna get this one.” We rise to our feet. Sure enough, a second later, Lonan Burke sends it in. Guess he was paying attention more than I gave him credit for.

“Fuck yeah, Burkey!” I yell from the bench. One last squirt of my water bottle, then I’m back on the ice.

Coach sends out Burmeister and Paek together, and I grin. This is it. The previous line was like trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. As soon as the staff gave it a shot, it was night and day difference. Practices have been going smoothly now that we’ve implemented the change, but this will be our first time trying it out at a game.

During their shift, Paek and Burmeister pass and move around as if they can read each other’s mind. I resist jumping up and down. I knew they would be great together! Their strengths complement each other so well. I feel on top of the world.

Coach gives me a slap on the back when Paek does an absolutely beautiful, filthy deke to Burmeister, but I don’t look back at him. He and I both know it wouldn’t have happened on the previous set up. I don’t care to say I told you so, I’m just pleased it’s working and we have our solid defense back.

Jordan: Congrats! I’m going to celebrate your win with an ice cream sundae.

Me: I’m sure. And what were you going to do if we didn’t win?

Jordan: I was going to grieve your loss with an ice cream sundae.

Me: Thought so.

Jordan: I’m assuming you’ll be out late. I’m going to use the theater to watch a movie, but let me know if you’re coming home with a friend and I’ll make myself scarce.

Does she honestly think I’d bring home a girl while she’s living there? After we’ve slept together?

Me: Whoa, what if I want ice cream too?

Jordan: Do you?

Me: Not really.

Jordan: Thought so.

Jordan: See you laterrrrrrr.

On the stationary bikes, Shep shouts, “Top Shelf, who’s in?”

A few of the boys cheer, but I remain silent. It feels weird leaving Jordan home alone. Besides, I’ve been spending so much time with practices and Coach that a quiet night kinda sounds nice.

“Banksy, you’re buying the first round.”

“Nah, I’m gonna skip this one.”

Wilder rears his head back and stops pedaling. “Dude, it’s Halloween!”

I can’t tell them why I’m skipping out, they won’t understand. It’s not like me, and Halloween is like puck bunny Christmas.

“I’m beat.”

“It’s Hallo-fucking-ween! Do I need to remind you every hot woman in the city is going to be out, in costume, and looking sexy as fuck?”

Jonesy walks up and puts the back of his palm to my forehead like he’s checking my temperature. I slap his hand away.

“Fuck off, I’m just tired. Can’t a guy take a night off? Shit.”

Normally, after a game, I find someone to blow my load with. All that testosterone needs an outlet. Lately, though, I prefer Jordan. I know what I’m getting with her, and what I’m getting is a stellar bare pussy that clamps down like a fucking vise. I’d take her in a baggy sweatshirt over a bunny in a sexy nurse costume any day.

After the press box, we depart in our suits and duffels. Half of us are leaving for Top Shelf, the other half going home to women. My situation isn’t like theirs, but like everybody, I’d like to get laid tonight.

When I walk through the mud room, the vibration of bass in the theater below hums under my feet. Toeing off my shoes, I head downstairs, hoping I haven’t missed out on too much of the movie. The closer I get, the louder the unsettling background music becomes. Which can only mean she’s watching something scary. Of course, it’s Halloween.

As I get closer, I see the silhouette of her against the movie screen. The camera pans around a corner and she tucks her legs up. A jump scare is coming, and I can’t resist the opportunity. I sneak up behind her and bring my mouth right behind her ear.


She screams and leaps out of her chair. When she spins around, she clutches at her chest, then bounds toward me and smacks my bicep.

“You asshole!” she says between laughs. “You scared the shit out of me! What are you doing home?”

She crouches with her hand on her knees, catching her breath. I smile and reach down to grab the remote, pausing the horror flick. “Movie sounded better.”

“Better than getting laid?”

“Eh, I figured I could get that here too.” I wink and dodge the pillow she chucks at my head.

“See if I ever sit on your dick again.”

“You will, you can’t resist.”

She rolls her eyes. “Whatever. Are you going to make me back it up all the way to the beginning?”

I point at the screen, the ticker shows she’s barely fifteen minutes into it. “You just started it! How about you make me an ice cream sundae while I get caught up?”

“Ugh, fine. But only because I don’t want to watch the opening scene again.”

I smile as big as I can and fall into the leather bucket seat. “Thanks, dear.”

She holds up her middle finger as she walks out, and I kick up my feet. I’m about to rewind the movie when her phone lights up next to me. I glance down in time to see a new text message flash on her screen.

Bryan: This isn’t over. Where the fuck are you?

I pluck her phone out of the cupholder as another text comes through.

Bryan: You can’t hide from me.

And another.

Bryan: We aren’t done. I’ll fucking find you.

I swipe to unlock her phone, but it asks for a passcode. Damn it. She told me he was texting apologies, so what the hell is all this? With her phone in hand, I head up to the kitchen. She’s putting the ice cream back in the freezer when I get there.

“Impatient much?”

“What the hell is this?” I ask, holding up her phone.

“My phone?”

“Bryan texted you.”

Her head lolls to the side, then she steps closer and snatches it out of my hand.

“Don’t go through my phone. He used to do that too.”

“I wasn’t going through your phone, the messages showed up on the screen. You didn’t tell me they were threats.”

She unlocks it, and I don’t take her phone away, but I hold her arm up so I can read too.

She texted him. I specifically told her not to interact.

Jordan: Stop contacting me. We are done. Regarding wedding plans, I’ve already spoken with the wedding planner and additional vendors to cancel. My half is done. You can tell the guests.

I’m proud of her for putting it out there—I’m sure that message took a lot of courage to write, but the snippets from him make my blood boil. I sigh and release the gentle grasp on her wrist, speaking as calmly as I can. “We need to get you a new number.”

Jordan stuffs her phone in her back pocket and hands me the bowl of ice cream. I don’t even want it anymore.

“I’m sorry,” she says, looking defeated as hell.

“Why are you apologizing?”

“Because you’re mad at me for texting him!”

“What?! No! I’m mad at him for texting you!” I grit my teeth. “Fuck!”

Maybe I should have gone out with the boys tonight. There’s a thousand pounds of aggression built up inside me. and I need to let it out. I take a deep breath.

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have yelled. I want to be clear; I’m not mad at you. But he can’t talk to you like that. Nobody can talk to you that way. I wish you would have told me it was happening so I could help.”

Her face pales. “Camden, I need you to stay out of this. I’m dealing with it in my own way, it’s something I need for me. Just give me time.”

I dislike the sound of that. “I don’t think⁠—”

“It doesn’t matter what you think about my past relationship. How I end it is my own business. Please, Camden. Stay out of it.”

“I will for now. But if this escalates, I need to know.”


“Okay . . . Ready to go watch the movie?”

She purses her lips, shifting her weight from one foot to the other before she slowly spins on her heel—heading in the wrong direction. “I’m going to bed, I’m not in the mood anymore.”

“Jordan, I’m sorry. Come back down and let’s start over. I want to hang out. Please.”

She pauses on the steps and trudges back down, and I pull her into my arms for a hug. It makes me feel a hundred times better, and I can only hope it’s doing the same for her. I don’t want her to think I’m mad, and I don’t want to ruin her night.

“Forget the ice cream, let’s watch the movie.” I sigh.

She nods against my chest and takes a deep breath.

“I’m going to change into something comfortable and meet you down there.” We had a press box interview after the game, and I’m still in my suit, and she’s wearing some soft sleep shorts and a loose shirt. All I want is to wrap her up in my arms and keep her close. Where she’s safe.

Back in the theater, she settles into her seat. Nah. I grab a blanket from the basket and crawl over the back of the couch, pulling her back to my front as I settle in behind her.

Her neck cranes to look at me. “What are you doing?”

I nuzzle the back of her neck and breathe her in. “I’m watching a movie.”

“You’ve got me trapped between your thighs.”

“Friends can cuddle and watch a movie together . . . If you don’t like it, then move.”

She leans against me, and I smile. I’m sure she’s rolling her eyes. “By the way, that goal in the second period? Phenomenal passing.”

I smile. She’s talking about Paek and Burmeister, and she’s right, it was. They anticipated each other’s moves so naturally. All of us on the bench lost our shit when they made a goal. The new line is killing it, and I’m filled with pride.

“It really was.”

I wrap my arms around her, and she melts into my chest, letting me tighten my bear hug. Her soothing scent surrounds me. I love the Viktor & Rolf perfume she wears, but there’s an underlying natural Jordan fragrance that’s sexy and cozy. She lets out a sigh when I press my lips to her neck. I do it again, hoping for another noise, this time closer to her shoulder. The exhale is thick with longing. This woman holds such power over me.

“I want to kiss you,” she murmurs.

My tongue tucks into my cheek as I try to tamp down my smile. She’s just as affected by me, and I love it. Angling her chin, she twists in my arms, and I loosen my hold on her. Her trusting eyes gaze into mine before dropping to my mouth. Cupping her neck, I brush my lips over hers, and the breathy sighs are my tipping point.

With her hands planted on my shoulders, she rotates in my arms until she’s straddling me. I palm her ass and bring her closer. My tongue skates across hers, it’s sensual and charged. She’s overwhelming my senses. “He never deserved you,” I mutter against her mouth. The tang of salt hits my tongue, and I open my eyes to see a wet streak down her face. Someday soon I will get my hands on Bryan and make him pay for her tears.

My thumbs stray under her shirt and stroke her waist. She grips the hem and drags it over her head. I groan, noticing she’s wearing nothing underneath. My tongue trails down the column of her neck, and she rises to her knees to give me better access to her breasts. Goddamn.

I peel her cotton shorts and underwear down her thighs, and she lifts one knee at a time to let me slip them off her body. Once naked, I allow my hands to explore from her shoulders to her thighs. Her move. Jordan’s lips dance with mine while she tugs at the joggers I’ve changed into, and my hard cock springs out.

“What do I deserve?” she whispers.

I deepen our kiss. She deserves far better than me, that’s for sure. I had no expectation of fucking tonight, but I’ll let her use me for whatever she needs in this moment. My palms skim up the back of her thighs, over her ass, higher to her back and shoulders before traveling back down. My fingers knead between her cheeks and lower; she’s hot, wet, and trembling.

She moans when I nip her neck. I wrap an arm behind her lower back and use my other hand to explore between her legs. She’s already so wet, and I wonder how anyone could skip this foreplay. Her body is so receptive to every touch, hearing her sounds and feeling her shake are the greatest rewards.

My palm grinds against her clit as I stuff my fingers inside her. Her kiss is frenzied, and she moans against my mouth until she rips her lips away to breathe. Her arms wrap around my neck as I work her over.

“What do you want, Sunshine?”

“All of you.” Her voice cracks, and the sorrow in it destroys me.

I nod. “Spread those pretty thighs for me.”

I scoot forward and glide my cock through her folds until I’m coated with her, then wait at her entrance. I’ve never wanted to take away someone’s pain more than right now. Her jaw falls as she settles onto me. Jordan is a knockout. It takes two tries before she fits every inch of me inside her, and I can’t stifle the guttural sound that escapes my throat. Our bodies are made for each other.

My lips find hers again. Kissing is effortless, our mouths fit so well together, perfectly in sync. Grinding against me, she rocks, and my piercings ruggedly massage her from the inside. She settles hard on my lap as if there’s an itch she needs me to scratch. I love being inside her when she’s so greedy, but this grind isn’t doing it for her. Her adorable, frustrated whine causes me to grip her waist and bounce her on my cock.

“This how you need to be fucked, baby?”

She whimpers my name, and begs not to stop.

“Let go. You’re safe with me.” I lock in on her dazzling brown eyes and jiggling thick thighs. “Goddamn, you look absolutely perfect.”

She gives me more of her weight as her muscles clench. My jaw tics as I focus on her. Her orgasm hits, and I fuck her through it, stealing every sweet sound with my lips, and claim my own release.

It’s not long before our panting slows, and her soft smile is a massive comfort. I slip away to the bathroom, returning with a washcloth for the cleanup. After, we each put our clothes back on in silence and return to the movie as if nothing happened.NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

Jordan snuggles into my arms again, but this time her scent is mixed with sex and me, and I like that even more. I kiss the top of her head as we continue the movie where we left off.

What happened tonight was simple, she had a need, and I took care of it. Because that’s what friends do.

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