Sold to my crush

Sweet gestures

Lily’s POV

My first day at work had surprisingly gone smoothly aside from the little encounter with Grey. But that aside, I just did my work smoothly and chatted with Gina whenever we didn’t have anything to do.

I’m beginning to like her and I feel we have a good connection, hopefully we would be good friends.

Gina was full of high spirit and had great vibes. She was a very crazy person and you could never have a dull moment when she’s around. We were complete polar opposite but I liked her all the same.

I found out that Gina leaves alone here and refuses to mention anything that concerns her family.

Not that I blame her though, it’s not like I even told her anything about my family or my complicated life.

We were just getting to know each other. Maybe as times goes by we would get to that point where we can tell each other things.

It was time to close the shop and everyone was busy cleaning up and packing up their stuff to leave.

“I know a bar a few blocks from here, we could go there and just have some fun for a while”. Gina asked looking at me hopefully. We had just stepped out of the Coffee shop and so we were in the parking lot standing beside Gina’s Car

“I.. I, uhm, don’t think so. It’s already late and I have to go home now so at least what happened today wouldn’t repeat itself”. I responded to her, shifting from one foot to another.

I tried to decline politely because I did not want her to think that I do not want to hang out with her.

“Oh, alright then. If you say so”. She said sadly.

“Yeah”. I replied scratching the back of my neck.

“Well get in then, let me drop you off.” She said while gesturing to her purple car. It seems she’s obsessed with that color because her phone case is purple, her hair, Nail polish, car, key chain, bag and basically everything she put in her bag.

I was about to decline when a voice cut me off.

“That wouldn’t be necessary because she’s coming with me”. I swiftly turned around to see Martin leaning causally on his car.

What the hell is he doing here!! Looking so yummy if I may add.

He had on a three piece beige suit that clung unto his body. He looked tired and stressed from probably work but nevertheless gorgeous.

“Who the hell is this Greek god”. Gina whispered harshly in my ear as she nudged me discreetly but maybe she wasn’t so discreet after all as Martin chuckled lightly obviously at her words.

“What are you doing here?”. I asked puzzled.

“To pick you up from work”. He said in a duh tone.

“Yeah, I can see that but uhm, why?”. I pressed on.

“Because I want to now come on”. He had pulled open the passenger seat and stood beside the car waiting for me.

Well I guess going with him would be better than the taxi I intended go home with. I didn’t even know why I wanted to decline the offer Gina gave. I guess I didn’t want her to know where I stay just yet.

“I.. I have to go now. See you tomorrow Gina”. I smiled tightly at her.

“Are you sure?. If you’re not comfortable I can always drop you off. I don’t mind.” She said sincerely as she eyed Martin and looked back at me worriedly.

“It’s okay. I’m fine. I’ll see you tomorrow “. I gave her a more reassuring smile and she surprised me with hug before getting into her car. I waved at her and she did the same before driving off.

I walked quietly towards Martin and the minute I was about to enter the car, multiple bright flashes blinded my vision.

I barely saw Martin’s figure running around to get into the driver’s seat in the midst of multiple reporters who took countless pictures of us and asked horrendous questions.

“Are you too having affair?”.

“is this your meeting spot?”.

“Do you not love your husband?”.

“Are you sleeping with both men for money?”.

“Are you pregnant with Martin’s child?”.

“Are the both you in Love with each other”?

That was the last I heard before Martin skillfully drove off and I don’t know how he was able to maneuver the car to escape those reporters that were dutifully chasing after the car.

“Where the hell did they come from, and what was that all about?”. I screamed at Martin when I was sure that we had lost the reporters.

“Fuck!!, I don’t know. I did not think they’ll be here”. He responded sounding as exasperated as I was.

“Why would the reporters even follow us?”. I asked genuinely confused adjusting my self on the soft leather.

“Isn’t that obvious?”. He asked with raised brows.

“No, it isn’t Martin. Just answer the damn question”. I responded agitated. If I knew the answer to that then I wouldn’t ask. Martin is just being so annoying at this point.

“Alright fine, I’m sorry. You’re married to Alex Dankworth so obviously the reporters would want something on you”. He shrugged causally as he glanced at me before focusing back on the road.

“Okay, but why would they ask such questions if they know I’m married to Alex. Why would they think I’m having an affair with you. We barely see each other or talk to each other”. I exclaimed.

“Well that’s just the media for you. They’d do anything to get a story and this sure sounds like a good one for them but not to worry, it’ll pass with time”. He responded sounding confident.

In as much as those statements worried me and even reminded me of Alex’s words I decided to let it go as Martin had assured me that it wasn’t so serious and it would pass away with time.

“So how was your first day at work. Stressful?, fun?, or stressful?.” He asked with a teasing smile on his face, disrupting the loud silence that had fallen upon us.

“Well you could say that it was little bit of both. It was a bit stressful but a bit of fun too, because of Gina if I may add”. I smiled as I spoke excitedly. It was really nice of him to ask about my first day of work.

“I’m guessing Gina is the purple head I saw you with at the parking lot”. He asked .

“Yes, she’s nice”.

“I guess so”. He shrugged.

“So you care to tell me why you showed up at my work place to pick me up unannounced”. I finally asked him what had been playing on my mind.

“Well, it’s not like I could have announced to you seeing as I do not have any means to contact you and I wanted to pick you up to congratulate you and just offer to take you home. That’s all Lily”. He responded with a smirk on his face.

“Are you indirectly asking for my phone number?”. I asked skeptically

“Yes, Can I have it?”. He asked while rubbing his neck. Was he… Shy????. I couldn’t get any more surprised today.

“Give me your phone”. I placed my palm open before him with a small smile on my face.

“Here”. He hurriedly passed it to me and focused back on the road.

I typed my number in and gave it back it him. He whispered a small thank you and dropped the phone.

I turned around and continued looking outside the window, enjoying the cool breeze of the night and bright city. I could feel Martin’s lingering stare on me but I ignored it. I’m sure it’s nothing.

“Alright, we’re here”. They car came to a stop as Alex had parked his car in front of the Dankworths gate.

“Thank you for the ride”. I said with a bright smile. It was really nice of him.

“It’s nothing. Can I ask you something?”. He said while looking at me cautiously.

“Sure, go on”.NôvelDrama.Org: owner of this content.

“Can I always pick you up from work”. He said while looking everywhere from me.

I couldn’t help but burst out laughing. He looked so tense as though he was proposing to me and he feared my rejection.

“Why are you laughing?”. He asked looking embarrassed.

“Why would you ask that?. I should be the one asking you for a ride not the other way around”. I said still laughing.

“You’re so beautiful”. He said with so much sincerity and adoration in his eyes.

“What?”. My laughter had seized at his words.

“I’m sorry, I, uhm…”.

“It’s alright. I should probably go in now. Thank you again.”

“Oh, hold on then”. He rushed out of the car and came around to open the door for me.

I stepped out looking at him perplexed. What was the reason for this sudden attitude. Why was he acting so.. so.. sweet.

“Goodnight Lily”. He said to me with a shy smile.

“Goodnight Martin”. I said in almost a whisper.

We stood there just staring at each other before a deep, angry voice broke us out of whatever it was.

“Get the hell away from my wife!!!”. I jumped back and Martin also turned around to see who was speaking but who else could call me his wife.

“Alex!!!”. I screamed out as Alex matched towards us throwing a punch at Martin.

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