Sold to my crush


Have you ever seen a scene in a movie where someone wakes up after sn incident. I’m sure you must have.

This exact scene is in a ton of movies. Too cliche. The in and out of consciousness, catching excerpts of conversations going on around them.

Eyes slowly fluttering open. A few moments of blissful ignorance before everything that happened comes flooding back.

At times they have amnesia and can’t remember a single thing. But i guess the movies a wrong. In my case everything is different.

The moment my eyes flew open, the world came into focus and i recalled everything that happened before i blacked out. Although i was lying on a bed and everything was unfamiliar.

I take in the unfamiliar surrounding, the room is neat and tidy with white walls and furniture. The white curtains were drawn back, letting in the morning light, which glinted off the polished surfaces of the room.

This must be Alex’s room. He had saved me yesterday so he must have brought me here. I’m glad he didn’t take me home.

I began thinking of everything of everything that happened yesterday, wondering why Chase would treat me that way.

I couldn’t count how many times I didn’t want to get up from my bed everytime I woke up in the morning …. mostly I just shut my brains off and went through the motions, it helped when I didn’t think of everything I have to do all day and I just focused on the one thing I had to do.

But today was different, it wasn’t just my body that ached, it was my heart, it hurt so much that i had to rub my chest, tryingto ease the pain… I wished I had enough money to move to another state or country.

I was already crying into the pillow at this point. I want to scream so loud , maybe I’ll feel better after that. But I can’t.

I want to smile nd laugh it out, maybe I’ll feel better. But the bones in my face can’t move. They are tired.

I want to smash my head on the wall, maybe I’ll feel better. But I can’t because I’m not allowed to die. Chase had said that before. He said i do not deserve to die, that would be an easy escape for me.

Isn’t it odd?, we only see our outsides but nearly everything happens on the inside.

My heart hurts so much. The pain is within but i can also feel my chest burning physically. It feels heavy.

Still in my grief, i heard the sound of the shower turning off. I sat up hastily, resting my back on the soft white headboard of the bed watching the white bathroom door, awaiting whoever it is that is about to step out.

Watching the bathrom door intensely, the golden door knob twists indicating that whoever it is, is about to come out.

Alex strolled into the room, a towel in hand lazily drying his wavy hair, wearing nothing but grey sweat pants that was hanging dangerously low, showcasing his sexy v line, leaving little to imagination.

His abs on full display, wet droplets of water all over his sexy abs that was on full display.

Oh how i wanted to run my hands all over his body and lick those droplets one at time so i can savour the taste of him.

Oh my God, when did i start having such thoughts.

My cheeks would probably be so red right now.

” Did your mother not ever teach you that staring is rude”, Alex snapped, bringing me back to reality. He was looking at me with so much disgust. Like i was a dirty fly that he needed to get rid of.

“I … i’m sorry.” I mumbled a quick apology

under my breath. There goes Alex making me feel a rollacoster of emotions. It’s like he knows how much power he has over me and he exercises them well enough.

“As you should be, well I’m glad you’re awake, meet me downstairs.” He threw the towel in the laundry basket and walked out of the room

I stood up from the bed, feeling a bit dizzy. i held on to the bed for a minute before i walked out the door. Standing outside the room, i realized that there were so many rooms and stairs. I’m certain that Alex has a big family because this place is massive.

How would i possibly find Alex now.

Using my intuition and walking down the first stairs, i ran into a young girl who looked about my age. She was wearing a white uniform carrying what i would assume to be clean white towels. It appears she works here.

How rich are these people

She had very short brown hair, beautiful brown eyes and a petite frame. She was so white, i guess i was not the only one who needed to go out more so i could tan a bit. Regardless she was stunning.

It seemes everything has to be in white in this house.

“Hi, I’m a bit lost, could you point me to where i would find Alex, he told me to meer him downstairs.” I asked the petite girl, giving her my most friendly smile.

She shoots me a puzzled look.”who are you?, I’ve not seen you around here before?”

“Oh forgive my manners, I’m Lily, i went to school with Alex. I’m guessing he brought me home last might after an incident “. I said grimacing, the events of last night replaying in my head

“That explains it for sure, because Alex doesn’t bring your type around here.” She said looking at me with disgust

To say i was shocked would be an understatement. The audacity of her to say such a thing when she barely knew me.

” would you please just point me to where I’d find him so I’d be out of your hair as soon as possible.”, i said grinding my teeth.

There was so much i wanted to say to her but i knew it was the truth. Alex would never want me, at least the look he gave me earlier confirms it.

“Walk straight down and take a left, you will find him in the dining area” “Thank you” i said while turning to leave.

“One more thing Lily”, i stopped walking , turning around to hear what she has to say. Perhaps she wants to apologize.All content is © N0velDrama.Org.

Oh but the Irony

” Be sure to have just a salad, it’ll help you” she said in a sickly sweet voice and walked up the


God was she rude. I decided to shake off all she said to avoid breaking down there where anyone could possibly pass and see me.

I focused on finding Alex for now.

Finally walking in the dinning area, alex was already sat there on the table. His focus completely on his phone to the point where he did not notice my arrival or if he did, he did not make it known.

The table was filled with different dishes that looked very delicious. His family must be down anytime soon and i don’t want to be here when that happens . I have had enough of people saying mean things to me already.

I walked up to him and cleared my throat, making my presence known. He did not even look up. ” You asked me come here”

He did not respond. I spoke up again. ” i want to thank you for yesterday but i would like to leave now.”

I stood for a while, waiting for him to say anything. When it seemed like he won’t be saying anything to me. I started moving away. I guess i would just find my way out.

“Sit down”, a deep baritone voice spoke up

I halted my steps. Was he talking to me? I highly doubt that. I continued walking.

“I take it that you have a problem hearing ao I will repeat myself one more time. SIT YOUR ASS DOWN THERE!!”

i practically sprinted to the chair and sat down. Keeping my face down trying to avoid all contact with him

I heard the shuffling of the chair and Alex’s approaching footsteps. He touched my cheek, rubbing it soothly. I got lost in his touch, closing my eyes to enjoy the feeling.

He brought my chin up, forcing me to open my eyes. We were so close, too close for my sanity. We were practically breathing each other’s air at this point.

And boy did i love that

Grey eyes bore into mine, i was not thinking properly at this point. It was as though he hypnotized me.

“Whenever i speak to you, keep those pretty eyes one me”. He said snapping me out of my daze

Did he just call my eyes pretty. That means he thinks my eyes are pretty. Of course, you idiot, i mentally face palmed myself.

Ahhh, God my heart is having 10000 backflips at this point.

” Now eat”. he said harshly, walking back to his seat. There goes the Jerk i know.

“I’m not hungry”. I guess i spoke too quickly. My stomach betraying me immediately, rumbling out as though i haven not eaten in years. I quickly hid my face in embarrassment.

Can this day get any worse

“Eat, we don’t have all day. I’ll drop you off when you’re done”. He said taking a sip of his juice.

Right in front of me, were some very juicy pancakes and eggs. I took a bite and tried to stiffle a moan. It was that good

Alex was glaring at me, his jaw clenched. I wonder what i did now.

” Get up, we’re leaving now.” He was angry. i got up and walked behind him, trying to keep up with his long strides. I did not want to be a victim of his anger at this point.

He got behind the wheel and i quietly got into the passenger seat. Alex sat there staring ahead, not making any move to drive. I decided not question his actions, so i kept silent.

After what felt like hours, but in reality was merely a minute. He spoke up. ” Do i need to remind you to put on your seat belt”. He snapped angrily.

Why is he always angry. Couldn’t he have said that calmly. I quietly buckled up, fed up with his attitude.

The drive to my house was long and awkward. I think i feel asleep at some point. I jolted awake as the car came to a stop with a thud. I gave Alex the deadliest stare i could muster.

I looked around and i realized that we were infront of my house. I don’t remember giving him my address. I wonder how he knows where i stay. This is really creepy.

I muttered a quick thank you and got down from the car, running into my house.

“Ahh, speak of the devil”. walking into my house, My dad and chase were sat on the couch, sitting opposite to them was a man who looked to be the same age as my father.

Brown wavy hair that was mixed with some grey hairs, a tall built body that was covered in a very expensive suit. He was very handsome. Behind him were two huge men covered in tattoos. They appeared to be bodyguards.

The man looked wealthy.

“Welcome princess”. My dad spoke up.

“I have something to tell you, promise me that you won’t freak out and you would do this for me”. Hearing this made me really anxious and i was already freaking out.

Everyone was looking at me intently.

“Dad just get it over it”. Chase said, giving us a bored look.

“Meet your father-in-law”. He said grinning mischievously while gesturing to the man sat opposite them.

“What!!!”. I couldn’t believe my ears. Maybe i was hard of hearing. I’m sure.

“Princess you’re getting married”. My dad said looking down, avoiding my eyes

” WHY AND TO WHOM!!!”. i cried out.

The door opens and Alex lazily walks in. I wonder why he is here. He should have left a while ago.

“Father”, Alex said. I’m guessing he’s referring to the Man on the couch.

The man walked up to him and they shared a firm hand shake. Now that they were both together, i could see the resemblance, Alex was the spitting image of his Father, if not more handsome.


“Now that my son is here”. Alex’s father said smiling. “Lily meet your husband to be, the both of you are getting married in few weeks.”

“WHAT!!!!!”. Alex and i screamed in unison.

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