Chapter 46 Caged In His Arms

“Thanks for bringing us home Max.” Hera smiled graciously at Max as soon as they arrived back at the mansion. He had driven them all the way back here. Although she was worried about his safety driving back home but she figured that he was used to it so it wouldn’t be that much of a problem to him.

“You’re welcome Hera. Can you…” He pointed to Bryce who was very much rested on her shoulders.

“It’s okay. I can handle it from here.” She affirmed his thoughts, waving his doubts completely.

Well, there’s nothing to worry about anyways. If there’s anyone who can take care of Bryce right now, it’s none other than Hera. He trusts that she knew what to do.This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“I would’ve loved to stay and help but he made quite a mess at the hotel and I need to clean it up as quickly as possible.” He explained his current situation to her and she nodded in understanding.

“You don’t have to worry about it and I’ll make sure he apologizes for the rukus he created tonight.” Hera assured him.

Max stifled back a laugh as his lips broke out into a wide grin. Bryce apologize? He can’t wait to see it happen. He’d make sure his ears are wide open so that he didn’t miss a thing to tease him about later. He’d also get it on camera If possible.

“If you say so then.” He added “And if you need my help with anything, and I mean anything at all, don’t hesitate to call me.”

She nodded once and he took it as his cue to leave.

The minute he got into his car and zoomed off, she helped Bryce take slow and steady steps into the mansion till they arrived at the confinement of his bedroom.

Once inside, she let him lie down on his bed and proceeded to help him out of his clothing.

At first, she couldn’t do it. She couldn’t bring herself to strip him out of his clothes. It wasn’t something she was entirely used to but she knew that she needed to, so pushing her conscience that always guilt stripped her to a corner of her brain, she did just that. Leaving him only in his inner wear and shorts.

No way was she touching him down there. Taking off his clothes was one thing but his shorts, was another battle on its own that she wasn’t prepared to face, at all.

At that moment, she noticed the almost dried up blood on his hands and decided to clean up his wounds but he wouldn’t let her.

He held her hands tightly to himself so that she wasn’t able to move let alone stand up.

“Bryce?” She beckoned softly “Let go. You’re injured and I have to take care of your wound before it gets infected.”

“Bryce?” She called out again when he didn’t react to her first explanation.

Hera tried to get up but he pulled her down so that their faces were only inches away from each other.

Flipping her over, he straddled his weight and hovered over her small framed body.

She panicked when she found him staring at her. His eyes held a different expression, it was nothing like she had ever seen before. They were cold, angry and bitter. At that point, it registered on her brain that this wasn’t her Bryce. He always looked at her with warmth in his eyes and not with this kind of expression.

“Bryce…” She trailed off, slowing pushing him away so that she could free herself but it felt impossible. Why was he built so hard like a rock.

He brought his face down to hers and placed his lips at the nape of her neck.

Hera jerked suddenly. He wasn’t in his right frame of mind. She’d have to do something before he does something he’ll regret. She was already shivering in fright and beads of sweat popped out everywhere.

Her heart beat had accelerated ten times the normal rate. This wasn’t what she expected when she agreed to take care of him for the night.

“Bryce…” She whispered out in fear. Her lips quivered and her eyes dilated when she found it impossible to move from this hard place. She was literally trapped!

He trailed his hands down her skirt and struggled with to get it out of the way. Then, peppered small mouthed kisses on her face and proceeded to do the same with her lips.

Hera snatched her mouth away from the invasion.

“Don’t do this Bryce!” Her voice came out trembling. Her eyes burned in tears when she realized what was about to happen.

“Please…” Her eyes watered and somehow he snapped out of his drunken state. His eyes widened in sheer horror when he realized what he was about to do.

“Oh my goodness!” He shrieked and rolled down her body. Her clothes were ruffled and tears streamed down her cheeks.

“Hera?” He reached out for her and pulled her closer to himself “I’m sorry.” He whispered, breathless.

“I’m so fucking sorry Cara. I didn’t mean to do this to you.” He apologized continuously whilst patting her back to offer comfort.

“It’ll never happen again okay?”

“It’s okay Bryce.” She pulled away from his embrace “You’re not in the right frame of mind so I won’t hold it against you.”

“I know that you would never hurt me intentionally.” She added. Bryce looked at her as though she had grown a second pair of head.

“Now, let’s clean up your wounds now shall we?” She smiled at him. A sad smile that didn’t reach her eyes before walking into the bathroom. Bryce knew that she was still hurt but knowing Hera, she would never try to show it. She’d rather hide everything and pretend as though it doesn’t exist.

When she stepped out of the bathroom later, she approached him with a bowl of water and a soft towel.

“Are you angry at me?”

She nodded once “Yes. I’m pissed at you. Anger is an understatement Bryce.”

She held up his hands and wiped off the blood that was settled there.

“You stopped talking to me and I saw you…” She paused when she processed what her brain wanted to say.

“I mean, you went to Max’s hotel and got yourself drunk. You even fought and got yourself injured as well. So yes, I’m angry at you.” She added with an angry pout.

“What should I do to make it up to you?” He blurted suddenly, his voice sounded remorseful.

“I don’t like seeing you angry at me Hera so I want to make it up to you.”

“I’ll tell you how to make it up to me tomorrow but tonight, you’re going to rest and that’s an order.” She stated firmly, her eyes never wavering away from his.

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