sex-me boss.

chapter 127

Receiving an e-mail from Olivia, Martin couldn’t understand what was going on, or why she’d decided to send it like this instead of dropping it off herself. For a moment, he thought it was a joke on her part because of the pile of files he’d asked her to handle the day before, and that’s why he wanted to settle this misunderstanding with her before she left. When he arrived in her office, he didn’t see her, and there was no sign that she had arrived. It was up to him to pass this on to Damon, and he didn’t even know what explanation he was going to give her about it. He could feel his hair turning gray without it being in front of him yet.

Taking the elevator, he reached the top floor and headed straight for Damon’s office, but before he could open the door Carline stopped him.

-Hello Carline, if it was you I wanted to see, I’d have gone to your office, but right now I’ve got important things to do.

-I’m sorry, Martin, but you can’t come in because the boss doesn’t want to see anyone.

-What do you mean he doesn’t want to see anyone? -Miss Turner just sent me her letter of resignation and I have to give it to the big boss.

Carline ran her hands through her hair, muttering something inaudible. Martin hadn’t heard anything, but he could tell something was wrong.

-I didn’t know the situation had escalated to this extent,” Carline murmured.

-What situation, Carline?

-Olivia left here yesterday crying and I think she had a big row with the boss, so I guess that’s why she doesn’t want to work here anymore.

Martin squinted with a bitter sneer. He had no sympathy for Olivia, but rather hatred for Damon, because because of him, she’d left without him being able to touch her as he’d planned. He passed Carline and went to open Damon’s office without knocking. The latter was drinking with his imposing square build in his office chair.

-So now you’re drowning your sorrows in alcohol. I didn’t know she’d be the one to leave you, since you’re the one who usually tires of your mistresses, Damon Dixon. And I wanted to taste her too.

At the end of her sentence, Damon saw red. He didn’t like it at all when Olivia was referred to as a vulgar girl, so in a fit of anger, Damon threw his glass in his face, which Martin dodged, but the liquid in it had even stained his well-ironed white shirt.

-Are you out of your mind, Damon?

-Mr Dixon, please. I think I’ve given you enough freedom in this business and it’s time for that to stop. As far as I know, we’re not partners and we’re not friends. You’re my employee just like everyone else, so let’s get back to respecting each other from now on, and above all get it into your head that my personal life with my employees or whatever is none of your business, and if it doesn’t suit you, you can always walk out the door.Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

-Damon, you can’t do that; you know I’m the best and competing companies would be ready to hire me if you kicked me out and you know you could go bankrupt if I left, so please think twice before saying anything.

Damon was no longer at the level in his life where mere words could make him tremble. When he’d just joined the business world, little phrases like that would drive him to prayer, but since he knew how to get ahead of everything and everyone, he brushed such things aside with a wave of his hand.

-I’m not holding you back, Martin Dubois, so you know the way out, and when you leave, make sure you leave the company car behind, because I hope whoever recruits you will think of that. There’s a man who came to see me two days ago for the job you’re doing, I even wanted to put you both to the test to see who to keep as I find him quite competent but as you’re already leaving, I guess I’ll have to ask him to start tomorrow and I hope it’s your letter of resignation you came with. When you go to the rival company, don’t forget to remind the CEO that you’ll be his rival when it comes to sleeping with his employees. Good luck, Martin.

The latter blinked when he saw that Damon had no hint of a joke in his eyes. He didn’t know how to make up for it, but he had to. He’d wanted to play the arrogant man, but he had nowhere else to go, and he couldn’t afford to lose his position at Dixon… aviation. His life depended on it.

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