Chapter 9

Morgan Smith

“Hey! That was rude” I called out to Amelia who roughly took… scratch that, snatched my ice cream from my table, and went to the table she was sitting at with George.

“Thank you” she yelled and I shook my head.

“Thank girl is unbelievable,” I said when she stuck her tongue at me when she caught me looking at her ‘Very mature’ I mouthed to her and she rolled her eyes and ate from the small bowl.

“Hey, don’t get mad babe. I will get you a bigger size later” Ricardo said and I turned then smiled at him.

“Nah, it’s fine. I wasn’t going to finish it up anyway” I told him but he was still looking at me so I had to let him know that it was fine. “For real, I’m not mad, I was going to throw it out since I couldn’t finish it, how was class anyways?” I asked and he smiled.

We were seated in the campus cafeteria and thankfully it wasn’t as choked up as it used to be, that was why we do go to our special Italian spot called ‘Olah’. They sell the best of the best pasta and Italian dishes, in my opinion.

“Class was great,” he replied then took my hand in his and kissed my palm “Thanks for being my comforter,” he said and I grinned.

“GOD is your comforter,” I said and we both frowned at the same time “I don’t know where that came from,” I say and he chuckled and then cleaned his mouth.

“Ann” he comments and I nod in agreement.

I think I remember her telling me something like that in the past. You know Ann with her GOD can never be separated. I love her dedication to him but that doesn’t mean I want to follow her path, no.

“You know this annual party Ann has in her office?” I asked and he nods “She is inviting us to it and guess what?” I asked excitedly.


“She is the organizer of this year’s event,” I told him and his eyebrows shot up in surprise before a grin grew on his lips.

“That’s great news, I am happy for her,” he said and I nod my head.

I was so happy that she could put her special ability as I like to call it to work and somewhere more people can notice it.

“When is it? Same as last year?” he asked and I nod my head.

“Different dates though but it’s during our graduation period. She will let us know if it’s before or after graduation” I tell him and he nods and continued eating.

We were talking about the assignment we had for chemistry when I heard someone call my name. I turned around to see that it was Ahmed who pointed behind himself.

“Mrs. Addison needs you in her office,” he said and I gave him a thumbs up in acknowledgment.

Thankfully the door he came in from wasn’t too far from where we sat so he wasn’t that loud then I started packing my books and put them in my tote bag and strapped the hand on my shoulder.

“I will see what she wants and I see you after school closes” I leaned in and we kissed lightly before I turned around and left the cafeteria.

When I got to her office, I prayed that I didn’t do anything wrong before knocking on her and entering when I heard a faint ‘come in’.

Mrs. Addison looked up from the file she had in front of her and smiled when she saw me.

“Morgan dear,” she said and I greet her.

“You requested my presence,” I told her when she gestured that I sat down.

“Yes dear, I did. I hope I didn’t interrupt whatever you were doing?”

“Not really, I was just eating with my boyfriend,” I tell her and she gave a sorry look “No, it’s okay. What do you need me for ma’am?” I asked and she rest her hand on her table as she looked at me.

“Okay yeah, so I have been looking for an interior designer for a while now and the ones I saw have their prices at a really high rate and what they have isn’t what I am looking for then Ricardo recommended you to me, and said that you are an interior designer and could help me with what I need,” she said.

I nod my head.

“You are one of my students and I know you so I decided why not” she shrugged.

I felt shocked because I wasn’t expecting this and also felt good that Ricardo recommended me even though I am not that perfect and I do this once in a while when I am chanced to do so.

“That’s great, thank you for considering me ma’am” I thanked and she grinned.

“So, you want in?”

“You haven’t seen my past works yet,” I said and she waved it off.

“That’s nothing to be worried about, Ricardo showed me a few designs you did in the past, some you helped him with, and all that” she took out her phone and showed the pictures to me.

“Okay then, do you have a style?” I asked and she nods then brought out a magazine and opened the page she bookmarked.

“Here are the designs I am considering but I am not too sure about the colors yet” she as I went through some of them before looking at her.

“We will get to the colors later, let us get you something that you like,” I said and we began discussing all the designs and what exactly she needed and all those sorts.

She explained to me that she and her family bought a house here since they had finally decided to settle down here and the house needed some renovations which was why she needed an interior decorator that she can trust.

When it was midday, she asked if I had any classes and I said no so we continued till when it was past five in the evening.

“We have spent almost the whole day discussing this” she laughed and I smiled “I don’t want to keep you waiting, you probably have somewhere else to go to,”

“Yeah, it’s no problem ma”

“I will schedule a time and day that you, I and my husband can meet to discuss further”

“That’s fine then, just let me know when”

“Sure, I will. Do you need a ride home?”

“No, Ricardo will take me home, thanks for the offer and for considering me”

“I am glad” she replied and I left her office after we said our goodbyes.

Just as I made my way out of the building her office was in, a call from Ann came in and I picked it up excitedly.

“Hey girly,” she said cheerfully.

“Hi, Ann” I greet her with so much excitement.

“How are you? You sound really excited” she asked.

“I am very excited Ann” I confirmed for her with a wide grin plastered on my face.

Students were already leaving the campus, some hung around while those having night classes began coming in to ready themselves for class.

“I am glad to hear that and I also want to know what is the reason behind this excitement,” she said “Should I come and pick you up or is lover boy doing his duties?” she asked and I shook my head.This content provided by N(o)velDrama].[Org.

“He will, I am waiting for him though or we all can go somewhere to hang out for the evening?” I suggested and she clicked her tongue.

“Okay, call him and tell him to go home and freshen up, I am on my way to pick you up now so we too can freshen up and go to wherever we want, how about that?” she asked and I nod in agreement.

“Sure, I will do just that and I will also be expecting you,” I said to her and we said goodbyes before I disconnected the call then dialed Ricardo’s number and he picked up the first ring.

“Sup baby, where are you? Am at outside campus waiting for you” he said and I giggled.

“Thanks, there’s a change of plans, you, I, and Ann would be hanging out this evening, so go home and freshen up, we will text you when we are ready,” I said to him and began walking outside so that Ann can spot me.

“Yes, ma’am,” he said and I could imagine him saluting to me so I let out a small laugh and then remembered something.

“I saw your handiwork,” I said to him, and could hear the smile in his voice when he replied.

“What handiwork?” he asked and I rolled my eyes.

“You’ll know when we meet up” I heard his car engine come alive as he turned the engine on “Be careful as you drive okay, I will see you soon,” I said to him.

“Sure babe, see you soon” I disconnected and was outside the campus in no time.

I looked around and just saw a few students with their cliques talking and some were walking to wherever they were going. He must have left than since I don’t see his car around. I took out my phone and called Amelia but as I expected she didn’t pick up.

That girl is something else, she only picks up when you call the second time and when I asked why she does that she told me that “Calling the second time means the reasons you called me is quite important so I might pick it, depending on who’s calling” I shook my head when I remembered it.

It wasn’t up to ten minutes that I stood there when I saw Ann’s car approaching me so I walked a bit further and she stopped for me to enter, when I was inside, she turned around and we were now headed home.

“Hey Morgan” she glanced at me and smiled.

“Hi, Ann” I greet back “How was work?” I asked and she nods then shrugged.

“You know, just the usual. I met with a few international clients and they were quite impressed with how far Mr. Roberto went with their case,” she grinned and I saw how happy she looked as she spoke about her work “You could see how happy they looked and it made me feel fulfilled that our services could bring a smile to people’s faces” she told me and I nod in agreement.

“I am happy that you feel that way,” I said to her.

“How’s school? And what made you so excited? Tell me, I want to know” she said and my face lit up.

“School was fine and about your second question…” I paused for extra effect “I got a job” I saw that she looked happy but at the same time I couldn’t miss the worried look she threw me.

“Where? How did you get it? Is it stressful? Will it deviate your attention from your school work? Remember I said that we are good and financially stable to handle ourselves” she glanced at me and focused on the road.

“No, it’s not what you’re thinking. It’s actually an interior design job Mrs. Addison offered me because Ricardo referred me to her” I told her and saw that she visibly relaxed “She was looking for one that would get what she need but an affordable service so Ricardo showed her my past works and she wanted to work with me” I said and she nods.

“That’s much better then, I am so glad for you,” she said then I felt her pinch my arm lightly and I let out an ‘oww!’ as I glared playfully at her.

“What was that for?” I asked and she laughed.

“Sorry, but can you now see that we were telling the truth about you being a talented young lady? You just have to believe in yourself and what you carry and you will be good” she shrugged and I agreed with her.

‘Believing in yourself should be your biggest flex ever, it’s a powerful force that can keep you going no matter what’ I remembered what she would tell me when I always say that I am not good with what I am doing. She is right in all ways and when you have people like I have Ricardo and Ann who believes in me and what I carry, it’s an added bonus.

“Thank you for believing in me”

“I have told you countless times to stop thanking me, we are sisters for CHRIST’s sake,” she said and it warmed my heart that I had her in my life. We were home in time to get ourselves ready and head for the place we picked.

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