Chapter 31

Annabelle Dennis

“Really?” I laughed and Elvis nods as he chuckles.

“I felt worse because, within that short period of time, I got lost in what was being asked” he shook his head “They took me off guard, so you can’t blame me” he shrugged and I laughed some more.

We are having breakfast at a local spot that is three blocks away from my place of work. We weren’t too sure where we could have breakfast so he typed a cool place on the map and we got this place which is in fact cool and nice. The interior is cool and homey, and so is their food.

“You are so funny,” I said amidst laughter.

“And you are beautiful” he compliments, my face became warm and I am sure I am flushing red.

“Thank you,” I said shyly.

“You are welcome,” he said, looking at me.

It feels really good to go out with someone your age and just have a nice good laugh. Enjoying each other’s company and talking like you’ve known for years. It’s good and I like it.

“I didn’t know that they sell really nice food here,” I said after a few minutes of silence, he nods his head and took a sip from his coffee.

“Yeah, me too. I am new here so…” he shrugged.

“Oh really?” I asked, and he nods in response “When did you move in here?”

“About two weeks ago”

“Oh, that’s nice,” I said then took a bite from my croissant.

“Yeah, you mentioned earlier that Morgan isn’t your real sister?” I nod in response “Where did you guys meet then? Where? When? How?” he asked and I sighed then took a sip from my coffee and stayed smiling for a while.

“Sorry for asking, I was just curious, you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to”

I shook my head “Oh no, it’s fine. We met at the hospital. I am blessed that we did” I smiled and he nods for me to go ahead. “I and a few others in church do go for outreach to the hospital, orphanage, street, and any place the LORD leads us to. We do come to this hospital frequently and this day, I saw her, I saw Morgan sitting on her bed by herself looking gloomy” I paused.

Taking a sip from my coffee and letting out a sigh, I continued.

“I tried to get closer to her but she didn’t pay me or any other that tried to talk to her attention. I would have let her be after speaking words of encouragement to her but I didn’t know why I felt drawn to know more about her, to know her story, and why she is like this. I was concerned” I told him as I remembered that day and all the days, I tried to get her comfortable with me.

“I had pity for her at first to be honest then as times go by and with prayers in my heart to GOD, she slowly started to loosen up, she told me about her story, how she got to the hospital, and about her parents and little sister. When I heard it, I didn’t feel pity for her, I understood her, I understood where she stood and how she was because I wa-” I stopped myself when I almost spurt out those words.

No one knows about that and even if I am going to share it with him, time will have to permit me to.

I cleared my throat and took another sip of my coffee before continuing.

“I understood her clearly and I wanted to protect her, to guide her to be someone she could lean on, GOD is everything of that but I wanted to keep her safe also. When she was to be discharged and she had nowhere to go, I saw it as an opportunity to have her as my little sister, I never had one so it would be nice to have her around me that’s why I adopted her as my little sister” I grinned, he too.

“That’s how she became your sister,” he said, I nod in response.

“That’s how she became my sister and I can say that I am blessed to have her in my life. She’s a great girl and so nice, great character, beautiful, well-mannered and kind” I said and he nods.

“Thanks for sharing this story with me, I am glad you both have each other, you are such a great person and Morgan is lucky to have you, to have met someone who went out of her way to help her be better and improve, well-done,” he said and I laughed.

“I thank GOD for it” I placed my empty cup on the table and rest my arms on the table. “If I didn’t do this for her, someone else would so its GOD that gives us the strength and willpower to do good and help in ways we can” I shrugged.

“You inspire me,” he said and my brows rose.

“I didn’t say you should bring random strangers to your home, help but don’t do something you aren’t led to, something that doesn’t sit well with you even if you badly want to, just help as you can but don’t endanger yourself or others while you do so” I warned and he nods his head.

“Yes ma’am,” I laughed.

We talked for a bit and in between, he offered me his bread which I took because I think I am slowly addicted to the fine taste. As I ate and talked about some things to him, Elvis leans back on his chair and watched me, I felt my face flush as I talked and he stared intently at me.

I also wondered what was going on in his head as he looks at me, I wanted to know but I felt too shy to ask him and it was a hassle maintaining eye contact with him because of my constant blushing.Content is © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

“Are you done with your food?” he asked after a while and I nod then he called the waiter.

“Would you like anything else, sir, ma’am?” the waiter asked, I shook my head and so did he.

“We’re good” he answers then pulled his wallet the same time I did with my purse. He noticed and shook his head “Put that away, I am taking this” he said.

I wanted to protest but I just let it be and put my purse back on my lap.

After he paid, the waiter left with the dishes we used and he came to my side and I was standing already. We walked out of the joint and to the car that he parked in the lot. Both of us got in and he started his car and then drove out of the parking lot.

We stayed quiet for a while before he broke it by asking.

“Do you mind us going to the park?”

“No, I don’t mind” I answered and he asked about what I wanted to do if one day I chose to leave the firm I was working at.

The questions sort of caught me off guard because I have never truly imagined myself working outside Lewis firm since I began my employment there after college. I invested spirit, soul, and body into everything that concerns that firm so it never really came to mind what I would do besides working there.

“I… honestly, I haven’t actually thought about that,” I said to him and saw his brows rose in surprise then he nod his head.

“Like never?” he asked to confirm.

“Never ever” I confirmed for him.

“I am asking because a lot of people would like to see beyond the walls of where they work if they have the opportunity to do so. A few would dedicate their life and loyalty to the company while some want to just gain experience before they set out to the real world and what it entails”

“Well, I guess I am just one of those people who is dedicating their loyalty to the company” I shrugged then thought about it for a while.

If I wasn’t working there as Mr. Roberto’s secretary, what would I find myself doing? Probably organizing events, I don’t know.

“I may have an event organizing company,” I say and he glances at me and then parks his car by the road side when we reached the park.

“That would be a good idea, do you want to set yourself up even as you are working?” he asked when we got out of the car and made our way further into the park “You could supervise and make sure you’re available during the weekends because most events tend to take place during that time”

“That’s a good suggestion, I’ll think about it, thank you,” I said and he waved it off.

We settled on an empty bench that captures almost all the view of the park, from the children running around playing to the red-haired woman playing hide and seek with her daughter, a couple seated under a large tree as they cuddled closely to one another.

It was soothing and calming to the soul.

My eyes went to a woman who was looking in the direction of a small boy who was carrying something that looked to be an insect as he chases other kids with it. She looks to have had enough of his actions and she just shakes her head and then went back to what she was doing.

I heard Elvis chuckle and saw that he too was looking at the people I was watching.

“Now I can imagine how distressed and bothered my mum was when I was just a little boy” he comments I looked quite surprised but the look was off in a matter of seconds.

“So, you were trouble as you grew up?” he chuckled in response and I shook my head then rest my head on his shoulder as we looked at everyone in the park.

“My mum was just glad I turned out well,” he shrugged.

“Well, she should be glad she raised a courteous and handsome man” I comment and he grinned.

“Why thank you milady”

We talked for a bit longer and when the evening was closing in fast, we decided to head back home.

“Today was amazing,” I told him when he switched off his car engine. He took me home and we are now seated there in his car, staring at each other.

He is really an attractive man. I would be blind if I didn’t notice that on our first meeting.

“You are amazing” he brushed my hair behind my ear while I flush under his gaze. He has his way with words. Men do but he is getting me all giddy.

“I’ll see you on Monday,” I said opening the door but he stopped me before I could open it wide, I watched him leave the car and then walk to my side before he opened the door wider for me and helped me get out of the car.

“Thank you,” I said then he walked me up the small stairs to my front door where we stopped and stood facing each other, looking giddy.

“You’re welcome” he whispered after a moment of staring.

He leaned in and I froze for a second then felt his lips lightly brush against my cheek before he leans back with a smile on his lips. “Goodnight” he whispered and I nod then turned around to open my door with the keys I fumbled to get a hold of.

When I opened the door and stepped in, I looked back at him and he was in that same spot, I waved and he did the same before I closed the door whilst he watched me.

I peeped through the peephole to see him smile before he turns around and went to his car, he entered, started his car, and drove off. I let out a breath of air and leaned my back against the door then touched my cheek he kissed.

“Oh my GOD,” I whispered then went further into my living room when I heard a knock on the door. My mind went to him and I quickly rushed to the door to open the door when I saw Morgan who had a teasing look on her face.

I let her in and closed the door then we walked inside the living room, she put her bag on the couch and then turned towards me with her hands now resting on her hips.

“I need details”

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