King Giyaza was trying to sleep when the whole realm was turned up in an uproar.

He woke up suddenly. “Now what’s going on?”

He climbed down from his bed as he wrapped his robe around him and stepped out of his room.

He went downstairs and his presence still seemed to the unknown as the whole vampire realm was still in an uproar.

“SILENCE!!” He shouted making every chatter stop and everyone to halt. “What in the name of the goddess is going on here?”

Jacinth, a red halted vampire threw herself down at king Giyaza’s feet”We didn’t mean to wake up his highness. For our sins, please forgive us”

King Giyaza’s face tightened”I’ll decide whether to forgive you or not after i know that cause of your sins”

“His highness announced the royal marriage of lord Faren to Alexa Higgins yesterday, isn’t that right?”

King Giyaza searched his mind. Did he? Yesterday? .

He then remembered that he had thrown a feast for Faren’s wedding and had drank to stupor.

No wonder he was still in bed at this ungodly hour.

“I remember and?”

Jacinth handed a flyer to king Giyaza”This flyer is all over the land, my king. The lady which you have seemed to marry off to lord Faren seems to be a woman of… loose virtue”

King Giyaza took the flyer as his eyes widened”I mean, what in the world is this?”

The shock couldn’t be contained as it got to his heart and made him pass out.

Meanwhile back to the front o the Angel’s realm, Nothing and no one could pacify the anger burning with Damien, so he couldn’t understand it as his eyes slowly started changing from bloodshot red to blue.

He wasn’t angry anymore, why?

He looked down to see Alexa’s hands on his. He looked back up at her with tears evident in her eyes.

“Please stop” she says in whispers. “Let’s go”

She dragged Damien along with her as they left.

The rest of the creatures murmured amongst themselves over the tragic death of Pachinko.

They turned around and left as a loud cry could be heard from Sarafina, Pachinko’s sister.

Warren who had been watching all along with clenched fists headed towards the direction he’d seen Alexa and Damien disappear off to.

When they got to a private corner, Damien removed his hands from Alexa’s “What? Are you scared of me? Did I remind you of a monster? Is that why you dragged me out?”

Alexa shook her head”No, not at all” she placed her hands on his cheeks”I just don’t want you to turn into somebody you are not”

Damien placed his hands on her cheeks as he wiped off her tears “I-I’m sorry. Because of me, you got hurt”

Damien still found it uneasy saying “sorry” and “Thank you”but ever since Alexa, he’d found himself saying the words immediately if they could help fix situations.

Alexa forced out a smile”It’s okay. I can handle this much”she looked behind Damien and spotted Warren approaching them.

Here eyes widened”Oh”

“What is it?” Damien asked looking back and turning towards the direction of her gaze but as he turned, Warren launched a heavy punch at him.

“Damien!” Alexa screamed.

The punch made Damien stumble backwards.

Warren pointed at Damien”I do not care if you are the ‘king of this land’ or the ‘highest above all’ but you do not get to hurt Alexa as you wish, do you understand me?”

Alexa ran towards Warren”What are you saying? What harm did he cause me?”

“You were stoned Alexa! And Friggin labelled as a ‘sl*t’!”

“I know that and I can handle this much, Warren!”

Warren ruffled his hands through his hair “Do you know what happens to any woman who has been labelled in this land? The label stays with her forever and what? You can handle this much?”

A gentle hand was placed on Warren’s shoulders. Warren turned around and was shocked to see Hermenes. When did he come back?

“H-Hermenes?”Warren stuttered.

“You have done your part, Warren. You should probably go home” Hermenes said to Warren before turning to face Alexa”And you should probably come inside with me”

He then turned to face Damien”And you, you should probably avoid my sister for a while. Don’t forget that as a demon lord, you have nothing to loose but my sister has everything to loose”

Hermenes took Alexa’s hands as he led her back into their realm.

As he walked in, Nana ran up to him. “Hermenes-”

“Relax, Nana. I didn’t do anything you should be worried about”

Nana sighed in relief as Celine, Josty ams Karina rushed to meet Alexa.

“Hey, why did you go outside?” Karina scolded Alexa in tears.

“I’m sorry.” Alexa said looking down at her hand “They were causing so much ruckus that I just wanted them to leave”

“Next time, tell us before you do anything, okay?”Celine said putting her hands on Alexa’s shoulders.

“Yes, Alexa. We are all in this together. We are family, right? and family sticks up for one another” Josty said making Alexa look up at them and hug them.

“Now now” Nana said breaking them apart”Alexa needs to go to nurse Rosa as she’s hurt”

“That’s not a problem, I’ll take her”Hermenes said “beside, I think we have somethings to talk about”

When they got to la Rosa’s hospital, nurse Rosa applied some ointments on Alexa’s wound.

“You should rest for a while”Nurse Rosa ordered before  leaving the ward.

Hermenes sat down on a chair as he stared at Alexa.

“Do you mind explaining all those drama?”Hermenes asked.

Alexa sighed as she began telling her brother about everything.

Celine being captured, the love potion, every single little thing and while she spoke, Hermenes listened carefully.

When she was done, Hermenes ruffled his hands through his hair.”Do you love him?”Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

Alexa nodded her head slowly.

“Then find a way to fall out of love with him”

Alexa looked up at her brother in shock”What?”

“You are not to see lord Damien ever again”Hermenes said standing up from his seat and walking towards her door.

“But Hermenes-”

As Hermenes opened the door, he saw Damien.

“I thought I told you to stay away from my sister”

Damien’s eyes moved from Alexa to Hermenes”I know but I couldn’t leave knowing she’s hurt”

Hermenes grabbed Damien by his collar “And who do you think caused it, huh?”

“Hermenes!” Alexa cried rushing to him to remove his hands from Damien’s collar”Stop it, please”

Damien suddenly lost his cool. He was trying to be nice to  Hermenes because he was Alexa’s brother but how dare him lay his hands on him!?

“Hey, do you have a death wish?”Damien asked Hermenes clearly pissed off.

Hermenes smirked”A death wish? No, I don’t have one. I’ve already been to Amsterdam so what’s the worse that could possibly happen?”

Alexa came in between them”Damien, Hermenes please stop fighting”

Hermenes let go off Damien’s collar “Alexa please!”Hermenes shouted loosing his cool”This situation is more grave than it’s seems, don’t you understand that?! You two shouldn’t be seen together for a while”

Damien looked from Hermenes to Alexa. He knew she’d probably be torn between listening to her brother and staying with him and he couldn’t have that.

“He’s right, Alexa”Damien said “Let’s stay away from eachother for the time being”

“But Damien-”

“Thank you” Hermenes said before slamming the door shut on Damien’s face.

“I swear by the goddess”Damien said gritting his teeth with his fist balled”he’s really getting on my last nerves”



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