REJECTED: The Alpha Behind The Mask

Chapter 132 Going back home

Victoria’s POV

Slowly, I opened my eyes at the noise of the continuous tapping of a keyboard pad. With a soft groan, I moved my gaze around the big room and saw Eric by the reading table, seriously occupied with paperwork.

I stared at him one more time and realized his thick black hair was messy all over his face and his green piercing eyes were fixed on the screen of his computer.

He stopped typing and moved his gaze to me. “You are awake.” he stood up from the chair and walked over to me.

“How is your hand?” he asked.

“I’m fine, I don’t feel any pain.” I replied quickly, so I could avoid going to the hospital. He took a good look at me for a while and nodded his head to my words.

“Glad you are awake, the doctor will be here, any moment from now.”

“Doctor,” I murmured.

“Yes, he has to run some check up on you.” He said and ran his fingers through my hair while giving me a mischievous smile.

”I don’t want to get tested, I told you I’m okay.” I grumbled. “Yes, you are fine, but we just have to be certain,” he urged.

Hearing those words from him, I grumbled but did not say a word. A knock on the door got our attention.

“Sir, the doctor is here.” his housekeeper spoke from the door.

“Bring him upstairs.”

“Alright sir.” she replied and left.

“I’m alright, I don’t need to do this check-up.” I spoke in a pleading voice, hoping it would work, but it didn’t.

“I know, I just want to be sure if it’s safe for you to fly in the air, since we will be leaving tomorrow…” he did not finish those words before I cut him off. “We are leaving tomorrow?” I asked, excited.This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“Yeah, only if it’s safe for you to travel.” he expressed those words in a serious tone.

“I’m fine,” I grumbled with a frown.

“I know.” he smiled at me before going to the door.

“Welcome.” he ushered the doctor in and closed the door.

“How are you, Victoria?” Doctor Steven asked while taking a seat before me, “I’m fine, that’s what I’ve been telling him.” I grumbled. He nodded his head and took my hand.

“Do you feel pain anywhere?” he asked,


“Then what happened when you felt dizzy?” He asked, “I don’t know.” I shrugged my shoulders.

He nodded his head and asked a few questions before standing at his feet. “She is safe to travel on air, but make sure you always take her to the hospital at least once a month for her check-up.” He directed those words to Eric.

“Thank you, I’ll do that.”

“Very well then, I’ll be on my way. Take care of yourself, Vicky.” he smiled and left the room with Eric.

I released a sigh of relief and collapsed on the bed. Deep down, I was really happy. I can’t wait to see my aunt again.

A few minutes later, Eric opened the door and walked in with a questioning look on his face.

“What?” I asked, with raised eyebrows.

“Hope you did not lie to the doctor.” he asked while staring at me with a piercing gaze.

“I didn’t… lie to him.” I sputtered.

I knew all I said to him was the truth, but I don’t understand why I was nervous. Maybe it was his gaze on me.

“I hope so.” he smiled at me before leaving the door.

I sighed in relief and stood up from the bed.

“You should get yourself ready, we will be leaving by tomorrow afternoon,” he announced.

“Okay, you’ve already booked the tickets,” I asked.

He moved his gaze and stared at me with a confused look. “What tickets,” he asked.

“Ticket for the flight,” I responded.

“Oh, that won’t be necessary, we are going on my private jet” he replied, and went back to his computer.

“Private jet.” I mumbled to myself, “You have a private jet.” I asked, stunned.

“Yeah,” he replied nonchalantly and kept working.

I stood there on the spot while staring at him with stunned eyes. If someone had told me that my boyfriend would be so rich to the extent of having a private jet, I wouldn’t have believed it.

“Cool.” I whispered and left the room.

I took the stairs down to the sitting room with so many thoughts in my head.

I was wondering how I was able to get such a man as Eric in my life. Who was I during the past six years, and what did I do to make Eric get attracted to me.

I left the sitting room and went to the backyard of the house. I lay on the grass, with my back, while staring at the blue sky. I can’t wait to finally see my aunt. There are so many questions I have, and only she can give me the answers.

I closed my eyes and struggled to remember any of my lost memories, but nothing was coming into my head.

I groaned angrily and rolled on the grass with frustration while forcing my brain to remember something, but nothing was helping.

“Dinner is served.” Without looking, I knew who it was.

“Thanks.” I thanked her, slowly stood up from the grass, and followed her in.

I got to the dining table, and met Eric already seated while busy with his phone. I pulled out the chair opposite him and sat on it.

The food was already served, so I picked up a plate and put a little quantity in it before eating.

We ate in total silence while Eric was busy with his phone. It felt like he was chatting with someone, and I became jealous and curious, wondering who he was chatting with.

I saw a big smile on his face, while he chuckled softly and shook his head with excitement while typing on his phone. Seeing him acting this way, I knew he was chatting with a lady and for strange reasons, I became jealous.

When I realized I couldn’t endure it anymore, I kept down the spoon and stood to my feet.

“Are you done,” he asked with his gaze still on his phone.

“Yes, I’m tired, goodnight,” I grumbled and walked upstairs to my room.

Angrily, I entered the room and shut the door behind me. I sat on the bed while so many thoughts ran through my head.

Eric was handsome, strong, and rich. He would definitely have so many girls in his life.

I shook off those thoughts from my head, pulled off my clothes and stepped into the shower. I took a warm bath, and put on a simple outfit of shorts and a T-shirt before climbing on the bed.

I tried getting some sleep, but I was troubled, and knew the reason.

The lady Eric was chatting with must be an important lady. Maybe she might be a daughter of a rich man, or probably an actress or a model.

I released a soft sigh and was still in thought when I heard a click on my door. I didn’twant him to notice I was jealous or hurt, so I decided to act like I was already asleep.

With my eyes closed, I could hear footsteps approaching me before I noticed him climbing on the bed.

“Oh no.” I murmured to myself.

I thought he would just leave when he noticed I was asleep, but I did not expect he would still climb on the bed.

He laid on the bed, pulled me to himself, and placed my head on his chest.

“I know you are awake.” he whispered into my ear.

I shivered nervously, but still shut my eyes.

The warmth coming from his body was so comfortable that I wished to be in his arms forever.

“That was my little cousin, more like a sister to me.” He expressed those words in a serious tone.

Hearing those words from him, it felt like a great burden had left my shoulders. “Open your eyes, or I’ll help you do so.” He threatened.

Knowing the kind of man he was, I quickly opened my eyes, but made sure not to meet his gaze.

“Look here.” he raised my chin and made me hold his gaze. “Whenever you are curious about something, you come to me and ask about it, don’t go around building thoughts in your head, okay?” he spoke seriously.

I nodded my head but did not say a word.

He placed kisses on my cheek and forehead before pulling me closer to him.

”I love you so much, don’t you forget that.” he expressed those words with all sincerity.

His words made my body quiver, and a sudden cold ran down my spine.

Eric just told me he loved me, but I didn’t know what to say to him. “Stop thinking and go to sleep.” He ran his fingers gently through my hair.

Heaving a deep breath, I closed my eyes and forced myself into a deep sleep.

The next morning I was awoken up by the sunlight reflecting on the glass window. Murmuring tiredly, I moved to the other side of the bed only for me to bump into something hard or more like someone’s chest. Curiously, I opened my eyes and met eyes with the most beautiful sets of green eyes.

“Good morning, sunshine.” he flashed me a big smile and pulled me to himself.

Alpha Eric’s POV

“Good morning.” she replied shyly.

I pulled her more closely and placed kisses on her face.

“I’ve been waiting for you while you were sleeping like a kid.” I teased.

I noticed she smiled shyly and tried to move away from me, but I tightened my grip on her. “I thought you went back to your room last night.” She grumbled, embarrassed.

“I see no need to go back.” I responded and placed kisses on her neck. “Staying with you is more comfortable than any bed.” I mumbled and placed a kiss on her lips before letting go of her.

“Wash up and come downstairs, breakfast is already made.” I announced. She nodded her head to me and left the bed.

I stared at her one more time before leaving the room. I went back to my room, took a quick bath and went downstairs.

I sat at the dining table waiting for Victoria to join me. A few minutes later, she walked in with a shy smile on her face.

“Sorry for keeping you waiting.”

“It’s alright.” I smiled and began eating.

We ate in total silence until we were both through. “Are your things ready?” I asked.

“Yes,” she replied happily.

Seeing how happy she was to go back home sent a sharp pain to my heart. I still don’t know how she would react when she realizes her aunt has been hospitalized for five years.

“When are we leaving?” she asked excitedly.

“3pm, go get some rest.

“I’m tired of sleeping,” she grumbled,

I smiled at her childish behavior before leaving the chair.

“I’ll be in my room if you need anything.”

She nodded her head at me before I left.

I walked back to my room and wandered around aimlessly with so many thoughts in my head. Things were getting more complicated by the day.

Quickly, I picked up my phone and called a number. It rang a few times before it was picked.

“Greetings sir.” he greeted as soon the call was picked.

“Any news yet?” I asked anxiously.

“Nothing meaningful to your request, sir.” He responded.

I groaned and ran my fingers through my hair.

“Who has she been talking to?” I asked, curious.

“Some couple of friends, her boutique manager and her delivery man.” He responded.

I released a heavy sigh and thought of what to do, but nothing meaningful came to my head. “Keep monitoring her call and make sure you pick up every detail of her calls.”

“Yes sir.”

“Thanks.” I muttered and ended the call.

I dialed another number. It rang a few times before it was picked.

“Any updates?” I asked as soon as the call was picked.

“We’ve been following her for days, but nothing new sir, I’m sorry.” he apologized.

I groaned angrily and ended the call.

Restless, I sat on the bed and began to wonder how a mother would stay away from her child for the past two weeks without calling or seeing him.

I knew Sophie and knew how strong will she was, she knew she would be followed, and her call would be traced. She deliberately cut off all connections and contacts with the boy until she gets what she wants from me.

”Damn it!” I groaned and lay flat on the bed, contemplating what I should do.

A few hours later, I got to Victoria’s door. Slowly opened the door of her room and was about to go in when I saw she was totally naked.

“Holy Mary,” she yelled and quickly picked up the towel.

When I realized she was uncomfortable being naked in front of me, I decided to look away. “Why…are…you here?” She asked, stammering.

“I came to inform you that we would be

leaving in ten minutes,” I replied and moved my gaze back to her.

We met eyes with each other, but she shyly looked away.

We stood there in an awkward silence until I spoke up, “I will be downstairs.” I did not let those words finish from my mouth before I went to the door.

I left her room and walked back to my room. A frustrated sigh left my lips as I sat on the bed. This is punishment. Seeing her naked and not able to do anything was a big punishment for me.

I sat on the bed for a while to calm my emotions before leaving the room, since my things were already in the car.

I got downstairs and said a few words to my housekeeper before leaving for the car. When I got to the car, Victoria was already in the car waiting for me.

I got in and sat beside her in the back seat of the car before the driver drove off.

“Are we going to the airport?” she asked, “No, my private jet is parked somewhere else, and we are almost there.” I replied and checked the time on my wristwatch.

The drive wasn’t long before we got to where the jet was parked.

“Wow,” she exclaimed happily and got out of the car.

“Is that yours.” she asked while pointing at the ash-colored private jet.

“Yeah, let’s go in. I took her hand in mine and led her inside the private jet.

“Sit here.” I made her sit at the other end while I sat opposite her.

Having a good look at her, I could see the excitement on her face and, at the same time, she was scared.

“Is this your first time?” I asked,

“Yeah.” she slowly nodded her head. ”Definitely not.” I whispered to myself.

I stood up from my seat, walked to her side, put the seat belt on her before placing a soft kiss on her lips.

“I’m here, nothing is going to happen to you.” I assured her with another kiss on the lips. She flashed me a warm smile, took a deep breath and relaxed on the seat.

“Good girl, “I smiled and went back to my seat.

“We are taking off. Make sure to brace yourself.” the pilot announced.

“Are you ready?”

“I am.” she beamed before looking outside the window.

Just as the jet was about to take off, I fixed my gaze on Victoria. She sighed softly and closed her eyes until the jet took off.

Her eyes were closed for a while until she gradually opened them.

“How are you?” I asked,

She smiled at me for a while before she started laughing loudly and happily. I was thrilled that I had to join her to laugh until she settled down. “Thank you.” she whispered with a big smile on her face.

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