REJECTED: The Alpha Behind The Mask

Chapter 130 In his home

Victoria’s POV

I sighed and sat on the bed.

Things were becoming more complicated by the day. I knew Eric was hiding something from me, and I was curious to know what he was keeping away from me.

I sat back on the bed, struggling to remember any of my lost memory, but nothing was coming forth.

I noticed the door open and Eric walked in with a pale face. He sat on the couch while his gaze was away from me. “I know you have many questions to ask, but I can’t tell you, at least not now.” he murmured those words to himself, but I knew he was talking to me. “I promise to tell you everything when we get back to California, but right now, I can’t risk your health for anything.” he spoke in a serious tone and stood to his feet.

He walked up to me and stood before me with his piercing gaze on me, “I’ll come pick you up tomorrow, have a nice day.” He placed a kiss on my forehead and left the room.

I sighed softly and lay back on the bed with his words ringing in my head. Maybe I just have to be patient and wait for him to tell me himself.

A few hours later, a test was conducted on me, while I was given some medication to take back home.

The rest of the day was uneventful, with me and Nurse Agnes watching movies until I went to bed.

I woke up really early the next morning with excitement. I can’t wait to leave this place, it feels like this room was suffocating me and I can’t wait to leave. I took my bath, changed my clothes and ate a light breakfast before arranging my things.

By 12 pm, I was already through and waiting for Eric to come pick me up, but he was nowhere to be found.

I forced myself to watch a movie while I waited for him to arrive. A few hours later, I checked the time and saw that it was already past 3pm, and he wasn’t here. I became restless and anxious. He was supposed to pick me up this morning, and it’s almost past noon, and he is not here.

I was deliberating on what to do when the door opened, and he walked in with a blank expression on his face.

“Are you ready?” he spoke like everything was alright.

“Yeah.” I murmured, stood up from the bed, and took my bag with me. We left the hospital, got into his car, and he drove off.

We drove in total silence while he remained silent, and I didn’t like it.

He drove for a while until he drove into a familiar building. He parked in the garage and we both got out of the car.

“Welcome.” his housekeeper greeted with a warm smile.

“Thank you.” I smiled back at her as she took my bag from my hand. We walked into the house, and the house was just the exact way I saw it the last time I visited.

“Let me take you to your room.” she suggested, but Eric spoke up. “Don’t worry about that, I’ll take her myself.” he took my bag from his housekeeper and led the way upstairs.

I followed him upstairs, while moving my gaze around the house with stunned eyes. The house was indeed beautiful, it looked like one of those houses I see in movies.

“Come in.”

I snapped out from my daydream and realized Eric was standing in front of an open door. I followed him inside the room and stood by the door as I stared around the room with open mouth.

The wall of the room was painted in bright milk color, there was a big bed at the center of the room, the tiles on the floor were made of glass that I was scared of taking a step, thinking I might break them. “Have a seat, and make yourself comfortable.” he spoke in a calm tone and put my bag inside the closet.

“Have some rest, I’ll call you for dinner.” he spoke coldly and left the room with his gaze away from me.

His actions made it obvious that he was trying to avoid me, and for strange reasons I hated it.

I strolled around the room, and stood at the big transparent glass window. A big smile appeared on my face as I stared outside the window before going back to the bed.

Tiredly, I lay on it and sighed in relief. At last, I was out of that room. That room smelled of drugs and injections, and I was so happy I was out of the hospital.

Out of curiosity, I left my room, and took the stairs to the sitting room. I went downstairs and walked into the kitchen, only to see the housekeeper preparing dinner.

“You should be in your room resting.” she smiled and said those words when she saw me standing by the kitchen door.

“I’m tired of staying in the room all day,” I murmured, and walked into the kitchen.

She flashed me a warm smile and took out a seat for me to sit, ”Thanks.” I sat on the seat and watched her prepare dinner.

“Let me help you.” I stood up from the chair and offered to help, but she stopped me. “Just sit and watch, I don’t want master to see you working.”

“This is not work, I just want to help.” I grumbled, “I’m sorry, I can’t let you help me.” she shook her head and continued doing what she was doing.

“Let her help, if she wants to.” I turned and saw Eric standing by the door with folded arms, but he wasn’t meeting my gaze.

I gulped nervously as I noticed he was shirtless, putting on just sweatpants.

Shamefully, I stared at his well-perfect body, he had a six-pack, perfect flat stomach and his muscles were insane. Staring at him, I could say he was a god in human form. I realized I was staring too much, so I gulped and quickly looked away.

He left the door, walked towards the fridge in the kitchen and took out a bottle of water before leaving.

“You can do this.” she handed a tray of carrots for me to chop.

Happily, I took a seat and started chopping the carrot, but I was lost in thought.

I kept picturing his well perfect body in my head, and it was a miracle that I did not cut my fingers.

I helped the housekeeper with preparing the dinner and even helped with arranging the table.

“Won’t you eat with us?” I asked when I noticed she was only preparing the table for two people.

“No, my dear.” she smiled at me, which I returned with a frown.

“You can join us,” I proposed.

She smiled and kept the last food on the table. “I’ll eat with my family when I get home.” She responded with another smile.

“If you say so,” I took one of the seats and saw Eric take the seat at the other end of the table.

I started eating and tried as possible to erase the picture of his shirtless body in my head, but I couldn’t. “Are you okay?” he asked with his gaze on his food. It was obvious he was trying to avoid me.

“Yeah.” I murmured and continued eating.

We ate in total silence until we were both through.

After eating, he stood to his feet and was about to walk away, but suddenly, he turned around and stared directly into my eyes for the first time today.

“It’s late, you should have some sleep, and my room is next to yours in case you need anything.” he muttered those words and walked back upstairs.

I released a soft sigh and started arranging the table, but his housekeeper stopped me and asked me to go upstairs to my room. Seeing that I couldn’t convince her to let me help, I decided to go upstairs and forced myself to sleep.

I got to my room, switched on the television and tried to force myself into watching a movie, but slept off in the process.

The same big black wolf was standing far away from me with his green piercing eyes that reminded me of someone.

“Stay away from me.” I yelled in fear as I took a step backward away from it.

The wolf ignored my plea and began taking steps forward towards me.

“Leave me alone.” I pleaded in tears and took a few steps backwards in fear.

“Mine.” I swear I heard those words said out loud.

“I’m not yours, stay away from me, you beast.” I screamed in fear and woke up from my sleep.

I felt my heart throbbing with fear and my body shook uncontrollably, while my palms and whole body were frozen. It felt like a different kind of cold enveloped my body and I started shivering.

Quickly, I went for the blanket and was about to cover myself with it, but I saw the door open and Eric hurried inside with a frightened look on his face.

Alpha Eric’s POV

“Mine.” the loud whispering of my wolf woke me up from my sleep.

I felt a cold shiver run down my spine and my palms became sweaty.

“Victoria.” I muttered out in fear.

Quickly, I stood up from my bed and rushed to the next room, where Victoria was sleeping.

I opened the door and rushed in. The moment I got in, I saw Victoria shivering in cold with fear written all over her face.

“What happened, I asked as I hurried to her side.

“I had a terrible dream. I saw that wolf again…” she stuttered while shivering.

I groaned angrily at the stupidity of my wolf, and pulled off my sweatpants, leaving me with just my underwear since I wasn’t putting on a shirt.

“What are you doing?” she asked with startled eyes when she saw me taking off my sweatpants.

“Relax,” I whispered, and climbed on the bed. Without asking for permission, I pulled her to myself and made her lay halfway on me,

“Relax.” I whispered softly into her ear and watched her close her eyes while she murmured words I couldn’t hear before relaxing fully on me.

Gently, I stroked her hair and whispered words to her, words that she was unable to hear, but I knew it was comforting to her. She sighed softly while shifting closer to me to get more heat from my body.

We stayed in total silence and none of us said a word apart from the throb of our hearts.

“I’ve been having some strange dreams.” she murmured, but I could clearly hear her. “It’s okay, we will talk about it tomorrow, just go to sleep.” I whispered softly and placed kisses on her forehead.

I knew what she dreamt about, and I did not want to hear it because it would anger me more.

She released a soft sigh and twitched on me as she wrapped her hand around my waist. “So warm,” she whispered to herself.

I kissed her cheek and made her relax on me as I gently stroked her hair.

We stayed in that position for a while until I noticed she was fast asleep.

I released a soft sigh of relief before talking to my wolf. ”And what was the meaning of that?” I asked, angered.

He whimpered but did not say a word.

“How many times have I told you not to show yourself to her, at least not now?” I yelled angrily through telepathy.

He whimpered in anger but did not say a word.

“The next time you do something like this, you won’t like my reaction.” I expressed those words as a threat and promise, which I knew he understood because he howled angrily and shut himself away from me.

“Better.” I grumbled and took a deep breath.

I stared at Victoria and realized she was fast asleep. I placed kisses on her forehead and tried to close my eyes, when suddenly the unimaginable happened.

Victoria began moving on my body. She crossed her left leg over me, and made her lower part lie directly to my dick and started moving on me.

I groaned softly and tried moving her a bit, but her grip on me was so strong that I couldn’t move it.

She kept murmuring words of satisfaction while she moved slowly on me.

I groaned, frustrated because she was giving me a hard on and I knew I have to leave before I do something stupid.

Slowly, I gently pulled her away from me, made her lay on the bed and quickly left the bed.

I covered her with the blanket and ran out of the room to my room.

I got to my room, rushed to the bathroom and pulled off my underwear. I sighed at the sight of my hard dick before taking it in my hand.

With a heavy sigh, I closed my eyes and stoked my dick roughly with pictures of Victoria in my head. Her perfect lips, her standing pink nipples and the softness of her body.This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

I stoked faster and faster until I released all over me.

I took a deep breath and opened my eyes in embarrassment. I was going crazy, and I knew it.

I put on the shower and took a quick bath before going back to my room.

I lay back on my bed without putting on any underwear. I rolled on the bed and forced myself to sleep, but I couldn’t. All I kept thinking was Victoria, she occupied my mind and head.

Sensing that I couldn’t sleep, I sat on the bed and took out my phone from the bed stand.

I dialed a number, it rang a few times before it was picked. “Hey, what’s up.” Kelvin spoke over the phone.

“Everything is fine, I just wanted to let you know that Victoria has left the hospital, and we will be coming back to California the day after tomorrow.”

“That’s good news,” he spoke happily.

“Yeah.” I murmured and ran my fingers through my hair.

“What’s wrong? Did something happen?” he asked.

“Not really, I was just wondering how she will take everything when she finds out her aunt has been in the hospital for five years, it’s going to break her down and I don’t want it.” I grumbled tiredly.

Kelvin remained quiet for a while before he spoke up, “You know we can’t keep hiding things away from her, she has the right to know…” “But not at the expense of her health.” I cut in.

“She has to know, you can’t keep hiding things from her, just tell her and be with her, she will get past it.” he assured me.

I groaned tiredly. I can’t imagine the pain Victoria will go through. She has gone through that pain before, and going through it again will be a really painful one for her.

“You should get some sleep, it’s late over there.”

“Thank you.” I muttered and ended the call.

I kept back the phone, lay on the bed and covered my naked body with a blanket before forcing myself to sleep.

Victoria’s POV

Slowly, I rolled on the bed, and sucked in the fascinating smell coming from the bed. Quickly, I opened my eyes and frowned when I realized he was no longer on the bed.

With a grumble, I sat on the bed and frowned when I realized he must have left.

I remember all that happened last night. I knew I had a bad dream about that strange wolf and I remembered Eric rushed into my room and lay on the bed to keep me warm, but I did not know when he had left the room.

I left the bed, walked into the bathroom and washed my face before going back to the room.

I sat on the bed and giggled as I remembered all that happened last night. I could still feel the warmth of his body and the strong, fascinating scent coming from his body.

I ran my fingers through my body and remembered his soft and tender kisses on my forehead and cheek. I stood up from the bed, left the room and went downstairs.

When I got downstairs, I met Eric’s housekeeper setting the table for breakfast. “Good morning.” I greeted while pulling out a seat to sit.

“Morning.” she flashed me a big smile and placed a cup in front of me. “You should have your breakfast, I don’t think Sir will be able to join you.” She announced.

“Why?” I asked.

“Nothing. I think he hasn’t been having a good sleep, so he should be resting.” She explained.

I wanted to ask why he wasn’t having a good sleep, but I decided to let it be.

“Thank you.” I smiled as she placed a plate of breakfast in front of me.

I ate in total silence, with Eric in my thoughts. I disliked the fact that he was not eating breakfast with me. I kept staring at the empty chairs while I ate slowly.

I finished eating, thanked her for the food and made my way upstairs.

I was almost at my room door when I remembered Eric’s room was the room before mine.

Out of curiosity, I walked over to his door and stood for a while, contemplating if I should not knock on the door or not. And after much deliberation, I decided to knock, but got no response from him.

Impatiently, I opened the door, walked in, and gently closed the door.

I met sleeping Eric and felt my heart race with excitement as I stared at his sleeping face.

His thick black hair was messy and covered his eyes. He slept like a baby without making a single sound, like someone who was dead.

Slowly, I walked up to him and stood by his side. I knelled on the floor and stared at the peaceful sight of him sleeping.

He was incredibly handsome when he sleeps, and I couldn’t hold back myself from trying to touch him.

I brought forth my hand and gently took away the hair from his face. I moved a bit closer to inhale the warmth and fascinating scent coming from his body, when suddenly I met eyes with the most beautiful set of sleepy green eyes.

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