REJECTED: The Alpha Behind The Mask

Chapter 119 Casting of votes

“Eric’s mate, Victoria, is a good friend of mine, she ran away from California all because of Eric’s attitude towards her and stayed with my family, so she could escape from him, but he found her and that resulted in her losing some part of her memory because of the hit on her head caused by Eric.” Elliot announced loudly to the hall.

“You bastard.” I murmured to myself and did everything possible to hold back my anger.

“He insulted and rejected her, he even threatened to kill her when he knew she was his mate, and now she has lost some part of her memory, he is back to her, pretending he loves her.” he sighed heavily and shook his head. ”Victoria, his mate is my very good friend, she is not herself and I can’t let this man take her away not when she has lost her memory, please judge amicably,” he lowered his head and flashed me a devilish smile.

I clenched my fist and grit my teeth while trying to control my anger.

“What do you want to appeal to,” Lycan Flick asked.

Elliot took a deep breath and made eyes with me before speaking, ”I would want Victoria to stay with my family until she gets her memory, then she can make her decision.”

I heard murmuring among the alphas in the hall, but I wasn’t bothered about it because my gaze was on Elliot.

It took everything in me to keep my wolf at bay and control my anger.

“You may return to your seat, alpha Elliot.” Elliot nodded his head and went back to his seat.

“Alpha Eric, do you have anything to say?” dad asked,

“Yes.” I responded in anger and stood to my feet.

“It’s true I rejected my mate, it’s also true, I might have caused her a few pains, but I never molested or hit her.” I announced to everyone while walking around the hall, staring at everyone in anger who couldn’t meet my gaze because they knew I was getting out of control.

“I thought I hated her, I thought I never wanted her, but I was wrong, I love my mate with everything in me and whatever happened between us was a mistake.” I declared angrily.

“But that does not give you the right to cause her pain and hit her, you are an alpha, your duty is to show example to your followers.” dad yelled.

“I did not hit her deliberately, it was a big mistake, a mistake I will live to suffer for the rest of my life.” I roared angrily and stood at the center of the hall. “Victoria is my mate, the moon goddess gave her to me and no one, I repeat no one, has the right to take her away from me, not even the four of you seated here.” I muttered while staring at the four judges in front of me.

“Victoria is my mate and whatever happened between us is our private life and no one is entitled to come into our private life.” I yelled angrily as my voice echo all over the hall.

I could hear murmuring and whispers among the alphas in the room, but none dare say a word because they knew it would take just a word to make me lose control of my wolf, and everyone knew they wouldn’t be able to withstand alpha Eric’s angry wolf.

I moved my gaze around the hall as I met the eyes of hundreds of alphas seated in the hall who couldn’t meet my gaze.

“Alpha Eric, do you realize you are standing before the council of elders?” dad spoke angrily,

“I don’t fucking care.” I yelled back in anger. “I don’t care what you or anyone has to say.” I roared loudly in the room, not minding the consequences of my action.

I heard whispering and murmuring among the alphas, but I wasn’t bothered about it.

“I, alpha Eric, will never let anyone take my mate away from me, not when I am still alive.” I muttered those words as a warning.

“You are joking, Eric, if the elder’s decision is for Victoria to stay with my family, then so will it be.” Eliot yelled from his seat.

I chuckled angrily before speaking, ”Then you will have to kill me before you can get hold of her.” I muttered angrily.

“Stop.” lycan flick voice echoed in the room while I took a deep breath and calmed my nerves.

“You may be a powerful alpha, but that does not mean you won’t respect this council.” Lycan flick muttered out angrily, which made me release a heavy sigh and walked back to my seat. Everyone was silent for a while until Liam’s father, King James, spoke up. “I have known alpha Eric since he was born, he is a childhood friend to my son and I know what he can do and what he cannot do.” he paused and made eyes with me with a cold stare. “Alpha Eric might have rejected his mate, but I’m aware that for the past two years he had been looking for her and I know he will never hit his mate on purpose.” he expressed those words like he was certain about it.

”Just like he said, she is his mate, and we can’t take that from him. Anyone is allowed to reject his or her mate if they want. That has nothing to do with the council, all we are concerned about is the fact that he hit his mate, which is against our principles, and anyone who does that should be dealt with.” hearing those words from him, I shook my head as I controlled myself not to speak.

“But I think it was a mistake just like he said, so we will have to pass out a vote. If you think it’s a mistake just like he claimed and think his mate should not be taken away from him, then you have to write your judgement and put it in this box.” he pointed at the judgement box aside the hall.

“Drop your judgement, and it will be counted.” he said, while everyone nodded their heads in agreement.

I inhaled deeply as I watched other alphas casting their judgement in the box.

I scoffed at the stupidity of these people, jokes on them to even think that I would let go of Victoria.

The judgement took up to five minutes before everyone went back to their seats.

“Count the vote.” King Jame said.

An alpha, from the crowd, stood up and went to the box and started counting the votes, while we all sat there and waited until the vote was counted.

”Are you okay?” I heard Kelvin’s voice through telepathy, but I couldn’t give him a response because I didn’t know what I felt. I felt a sudden fear blooming in my chest as I saw the alpha who counted the votes speaking to the elders before going back to his seat.

“The result voted against Alpha Eric was 178 votes while the vote voted for him was 186 votes, but that is not the final vote because we, the council of elders, will have to cast our votes and each of our votes sum up to ten votes, we will start from lycan flick.” Liam Father directed those words to lycan flick while I took a deep breath and waited for what is about to happen.

“I lycan flick vote for alpha Eric. No alpha should be punished for a mistake which was not done on purpose. “Hearing those words, a small smile appeared on my face, but I wiped it off.

The next person was my father, and for strange reasons I was nervous. I knew my father, and I knew what he could do in matters like this.

“I vote against Alpha Eric.” the moment he said those words I heard murmuring and whispering around the hall, but I wasn’t surprised, he was my father and I knew he would do anything to make me pay for what I did to Victoria in the past.

“An alpha who puts his mate in danger is not allowed to even see a glimpse of her.” dad spoke coldly and looked away.

I chuckled and shook my head because I knew dad had always been hard on me whenever he wanted to discipline me.

Everybody in the hall kept murmuring because no one would believe my father could vote against me in a crucial matter like this.

The next person was alpha Linus. He cleared his throat before speaking. “I vote against Alpha Eric, just like alpha Elliot stated, he has issues with his mate that resulted in her running away from him and I think she should be kept away from him until she gets her memory and decides if she wants to be with him.” alpha Linus said those words and met eyes with me, but he quickly looked away.

I wasn’t surprised at his judgment because we didn’t have a good history.

The last person was Liam’s father and I knew whatever that happened, I would never allow anyone to take Victoria away from me.

He stared at me for a while before he took a deep breath and spoke up. “I condemn the act of alpha Eric, our mate was given to us by the moon goddess, and it’s a shame that some of you have to reject their mates.” he shook his head, disappointed and continued, “Alpha Eric realized his mistakes and wants to correct that mistake, but things went wrong along the way, but that does not mean he shouldn’t be given the chance to mend his mistake.” hearing those words from him, I felt my heartbeat increased. “My vote is for alpha Eric.”

I sighed in relief and sucked in a deep breath and calmed my nerves.

With his declaration and vote, I knew it was all over.

“The elders have made their decisions, and it seems alpha Eric won, we just hope he does things better.” Dad announced like he was not happy with the outcome as he stood to his feet.

“Alpha Eric has been given the right to be with his mate, we don’t care whether he loves her or not, but we will take her away from him if we find out he hit her again. We may all rise, the gathering has come to an end.” dad announced while everyone stood to their feet. I met eyes with Elliot and caught sight of the anger and hatred in his eyes, which made me scoff as I stood at my feet.

I released a sigh of relief and made eyes with Elliot, again, who stared back at me with anger. “It’s not over yet.” he whispered those words through telepathy while I scoffed and walked out of the hall, only to meet Liam waiting for me by kelvin’s car.

“That was a close one.” Liam smiled at me and shook hands with me.

“I never knew I would get the highest vote, I thought all the other alphas hated me and would want to punish me through this.” I murmured, confused.

Liam chuckled loudly and shook his head before speaking, “Not every Alpha hates you Eric, they are just scared of you and, besides, every Alpha knows the pain of being separated from their mate, and I think they don’t want you to go through that.” he smiled at me and tried to touch my shoulder, but he stopped halfway.

“It’s okay, Victoria healed me a long time ago.” I assured him.

“Really?” he asked, shocked.

“Yes, that was during mating with her.” I whispered, almost to myself.

“It’s okay, man, I believe everything will fall into place.” He encouraged me as he tapped me on my left shoulder.

I nodded my head and thought for a while before speaking, “Are you busy? I want you to accompany me to Michael’s place.”

“Sure, let’s go.”

I entered Kelvin’s car while Liam drove behind us in his car.

“You are a lucky bastard.” Kelvin grumbled, while I chuckled and arched my back on the seat with my eyes closed.

“The moon goddess has given you another chance, you have to cherish it.” Kelvin advised, and I nodded my head with my eyes still closed.

We drove in total silence until we arrived at Mike’s place. We drove in and saw some of his men in the building. They kept staring at us but couldn’t say a word out of fear.

“Where is Mike?” I asked, as I got out of the car.

They stared at us with curious eyes but did not say a word, rather they led the way, and we followed them into the house. They led us through a door where we met Michael in his garden, lost in deep thought.

“Micheal.” I called out his name to get his attention.

He turned around and stared at us for a while and walked up to us.

“I have told you all I know, I killed her and threw her at the bridge. What else do you want?” Mike yelled with rage.

Liam did not let those words leave his mouth before he forcefully took hold of his hands to see his past.

“Let go of me.” Mike tried to take his hands off Liam’s hand, but Kelvin and I held him and pinned him on the floor while Liam read through his past.

I stared at Liam, whose eyes were closed, and noticed how his facial expression changed, which made me curious on what he might have seen to make him this angry.

After a moment, he opened his eyes, and before we knew what was going on, Liam grabbed Mike by his collar and throw a punch at him. “You bastard,” he yelled in anger, trying to hit him again, but kelvin stopped him.

“What is wrong, what did you see?” I asked curious.

Liam released a heavy sigh and stared at me with a pitiful look. ”Tell me what you saw.” I spoke almost like a plead.

“He captured her, brought her here and would have raped her if Elliot didn’t show up on time.” Liam muttered angrily while I took a deep breath and calmed my angry wolf.

“He was responsible for Victoria losing her pregnancy.” Liam whispered while holding my gaze.

“You bastard.” I yelled in anger while clenching my fists.

“Then why did he keep saying he killed Victoria when obviously Elliot took her?” Kelvin asked, confused.

“Elliot brought someone to cast a spell on him, a spell that will make him think he killed her and threw her at the bridge. Elliot did that, so Eric wouldn’t come searching for Victoria.” Those words made me collapse on the long bench in the garden, as I did not know what to say or feel.

I would have had the chance to make up things with Victoria if Mike hadn’t kidnapped her. I would have shown Victoria my face and told her how much I loved her if Mike hadn’t done all this.

The situation I am in today was because of Mike, and to think that he wanted to touch her angered me the more. “I will kill you.” I yelled in anger and took a step closer to Mike.

“Calm down, Eric, we will hand him over to the wolfie.” Kelvin suggested, but I cut him off. “I don’t need to do that.” I replied in anger and went for mike on the floor.

I grabbed him by his hair as he tried to fight back at me, but he was too weak for me.

“You have the guts to kill my child.” I yelled angrily and punched him in the face. “You dare touch what is mine.” I yelled and punched him in the stomach.

“Stop Eric, you will kill him, he is too weak because of the spell on him.” Liam begged, but I totally ignored him.This belongs © NôvelDra/ma.Org.

“You have the guts to even think of touching what is mine, huh?” I punched him in the face and furiously let go of him when I realized he couldn’t take it anymore.

“Calm down.” Kelvin pleaded and went to check if Mike was still alive. “You almost killed him.” Kelvin murmured.

“He is lucky I just gave him a few punches.” I muttered angrily.

We all stood there in silence while we watched Mike breathing slowly as he was trying to catch his breath.

“I’ll take him to the hospital and I think I know someone who knows where we can find that kid who manipulated Mike’s mind, so he can undo it.” Liam proposed while staring at me to see my response.

“I don’t care, just make sure you tell him I’m not done with him yet.” I expressed those words as a promise and walked away.

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