Reborn Heart of Steel

CHAPTER 12: Shattered

The journey to school seemed endless. The previously known trail appeared to continue endlessly in front of me, with each step feeling like a huge undertaking. The murmurs began quietly, a suppressed laugh here, a meaningful look there. However, as I approached the school building, the whispers transformed into a chaotic and harsh noise.

“That’s her, the drug addict!”

“See her fancy outfits purchased with ill-gotten gains!”Nôvel/Dr(a)ma.Org - Content owner.

“Would you think she has the nerve to appear in this place?”

Tears filled my eyes, making my vision blurry. My heart pounded frantically against my chest, on the verge of breaking free. Chase’s words reverberated in my thoughts, a crucial strand of hope in a sea of pessimism. “He told her not to pay attention to them,” his voice filled with anger. “They’re simply envious.” More difficult in practice than in theory.

The corridor was lined with contemptuous expressions and derisive chuckles. Brittany, sitting on a makeshift throne of clustered desks with her group of friends, presided over the group. Her impeccably groomed nails drummed a wicked beat on the wooden surface, directing the escalating suffering with a cruel touch.

“Very well,” she drawled, her voice oozing with sugary sweetness. “See who has finally chosen to join us.” The drug dealer who lives in the school.

She was surrounded by a chorus of gasps and disgusted snorts. I felt intense shame, as if my soul had been branded by searing heat. I desired to vanish, to blend into the linoleum floor and disappear.

“Do you not have any particular packages to deliver?” Brittany kept going, her smile stretching into a distorted representation of joy. “Perhaps you could distribute some of your… goods among your peers?”

The laughter that ensued felt like a punch in the gut. I tripped over, my backpack sliding off my shoulder and making a loud noise when it hit the ground. Papers and textbooks tumbled out, spreading all over the floor in front of me.

“Oh, so clumsy?” Brittany pretended to care, fluttering her eyelashes towards the spectators. “Perhaps the substances you are selling are impacting your ability to coordinate.”

I cried as tears flowed down my cheeks, causing the image of myself in Brittany’s cruel eyes to become even more distorted. My voice, when I eventually spoke, was a quiet murmur.

“I didn’t say that,” I whispered hoarsely, my words sounding harsh and rough. “I’m not a drug dealer!”

“Please,” Brittany said with a scoff. “Do not pretend to be innocent, Lucy. We are all aware of the truth. How could you possibly afford those fancy clothes and maintain your perfect grades? Unless…” she murmured in a secretive tone. “You’re, you know, willing to provide… special favors in exchange for good grades.”

A simultaneous gasp went through the audience. The accusation, fueled by the circulating rumors, hit like an explosion. A blend of embarrassment and anger caused my cheeks to flush.

“That is not true!” My voice cracked as I shouted. I put in a lot of effort for my grades, and I would never…

“What is it that you never do, Lucy?” With mock sympathy in her voice, Brittany issued a challenge. “Never lower yourself so much? Do not fret, my dear, we comprehend. Being in desperate need of attention is surely challenging.”

The last insult was excessive. I made a sudden forward movement towards her, driven by intense anger that briefly overshadowed the feelings of fear and embarrassment. But before I could get to her, powerful arms embraced me from behind, dragging me away.

“Brittany, stop now!”

Chase’s jaw was tight and his eyes were filled with anger. He looked at me, his tone becoming gentler. “Are you okay?”

I could barely muster a feeble nod, tears continuing to flow down my cheeks. Brittany, on the other hand, was not finished.

“Oh, so adorable,” she mocked. “The shining armor-clad knight comes to save his distressed damsel. Do not say you trust her deceitful stories, Chase? Or are you also involved in her little plan?”

Chase paid no attention to her, facing away from the growing crowd. “We’re departing,” he stated firmly.

He guided me away from the hallway, with the taunts and jeers trailing behind us like hungry wolves. Chase provided reassurances while they made their way to the car through choked sobs.

Upon entering the car, the dam finally gave way. I covered my face with my hands and cried. The accusations’ weight, their sheer cruelty, was close to crushing me.

“I choked out between sobs that it wasn’t fair. What is the reason for their actions?”

Chase enveloped me in his arms, providing a quiet shelter from the storm. “They’re just envious. They dislike the fact that you are intelligent, skilled, and kind-hearted. They attempt to rip you apart…”

My phone vibrated in my pocket, rudely disrupting the delicate peace of being held by Chase. I removed it, gasping as I noticed the notification. The sender was the principal of the school. My heart beat wildly against my chest.

“Lucy, please open it,” Chase urged as he detected my distress.

Shaking fingers, I opened the phone and tapped the message. I felt a knot in my stomach as I saw the blunt, detached words glaring at me.

“Lucy Karen. You are being kicked out of Northbridge High School with immediate effect.”

“Kicked out?” I took a sharp breath, the word resounding emptily in the car. “This is not correct!”

“What is that?” Chase inquired with a worried tone in his voice.

I pushed the phone into his hand, tears causing my vision to blur.

His jaw clenched tightly as he scanned the message displayed on the screen.

He exclaimed, “That is extremely unfair!” We must have a conversation with the principal. Presently.”

“I have no time,” I said, frantically wiping away my tears. “I must return to school and clarify everything.”

Chase exited the parking lot with a somber expression on his face. “We will go as a team.”

However, destiny had different intentions in store. Just as we approached the school, my phone vibrated once more. The message was from an unknown sender.

“Meet me on the rooftop. This is your sole opportunity.”

“What is that?” Chase inquired, giving me a curious look.

I was uncertain, caught between the importance of the message and the necessity to talk to the principal. “I… I’m fine,” I fibbed, my voice trembling. “Simply a mistaken phone call.”

However, I had a feeling inside me that it was not true. A glimmer of hope, a desperate longing for a resolution, burned inside of me. Perhaps this was the exit, the path to vindicate myself.

“Lucy, are you sure?” Chase’s tone expressed uncertainty.

“I need to,” I murmured, my voice almost inaudible. “Could you just leave me at the school entrance? I will take care of this.”

For a brief moment, he paused, his gaze scanning my eyes. Ultimately, he let out a sigh of acceptance and parked by the curb near the school gate.

“Watch out,” he warned, his voice tense. “Don’t hesitate to give me a call if you need help.”

I nodded, trying to smile. Upon exiting the car, a desire arose within me to have confessed everything to him. However, my fear of imposing on him and my fear of showing vulnerability prevented me from speaking up.

I took a deep breath, straightened my shoulders, and walked into the school. The familiar corridors now seemed unfamiliar, oppressive, and unfriendly. Rushing towards the office, I ignored the inquisitive gazes and quiet gossip that trailed behind me.

There was no one in the office. I felt a heaviness in my chest. The principal’s whereabouts were unknown. Right at that moment, I was surprised by a familiar buzzing noise. It was a different message.

I felt desperation eating away at me. Could this be a trap? However, what other option did I possess? Feeling heavy-hearted, I made the decision to take a risk. Ascending the squeaky staircase to the rooftop, a cold sense of foreboding draped over me.

The rooftop door opened with a creaking sound as if it was protesting. I exited, my gaze sweeping the empty area. The breeze tousled my hair, bringing with it the slight fragrance of rain.

“Is anyone there?” I called out cautiously.

Silence. My heart beat wildly against my chest. A small amount of fear, intense and genuine, broke through the fragile hope that led me to this point.

As I started to turn around, a shadow separated from the corner of the building. I couldn’t make out the identity, yet a strong feeling of fear twisted inside me.

“Who is there?” I stuttered, speaking in a barely audible voice.

No one responded. The shadowed figure stayed quiet, concealed in darkness. With panic mounting, I slowly retreated, scanning my surroundings for a way out.

“Show yourself!” Tears fell as my voice trembled with emotion.

However, by the time they acted, it was already too late. My shoulder was grabbed firmly and I was spun around. I was pushed over the edge of the rooftop before I could let out a scream

The Earth shifted on its axis. I felt the ground coming closer towards me. I was silenced mid-scream as I plummeted towards the harsh concrete below.

The final sound I heard before everything faded to black was a cold, victorious chuckle.

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