Raakshas - A human demon

Chapter 45- Selfish Father

Chapter 45- Selfish Father

Flashback continues

Author's p.o.v

" I am your biological father," Khalid said and the sword from raakshas's hand fell on the floor.

Raakshas became frozen in his place. His blood turned cold and he felt like his body isn't functioning

anymore. his mind went totally blank. He isn't even blinking his eyes.

He is only looking at Khalid like a statue. His whole life he craved for his father. He never imagined that

he is working under his own father.

He growled at Khalid, " Do you think I believe you, Khalid? You are lying. You are trying to manipulate

me. I don't believe in your bullshit talking."

Saying all this Raakshas punched him like a maniac. Khalid coughed more blood and replied," It's the

truth. If you want to do a DNA test then go ahead. But, trust me, the truth will never change."

The confidence in Khalid's voice is telling Raakshas that Khalid is saying the truth. Raakshas isn't

understanding he should believe Khalid or not.

" How do you know my mother?" Raakshas hissed at Khalid almost choking his neck. He lifted up

Khalid with his one hand. His eyes are red and his nose is flaring due to anger.

Khalid started struggling for oxygen thrashing his hands and feet everywhere. He is almost on the

verge of fainting when Raakshas left him.

Khalid started coughing loudly and sucked as much as oxygen he could. After a few moments, he

became normal.

Then Khalid started saying," Your mother was a high profile prostitute. Because of her beauty, she was

very familiar with high society. She used to warm bed for rich businessmen, politicians and gang

leaders like me."

Raakshas closed his eyes due to hurt thinking about his mother. He still curses himself for being born

as a prostitute's son. He still remembers how everyone used to bully him saying that his mother is


Raakshas opened his eyes hearing Khalid's voice," I took an interest in her and started having a

relationship with her. In a short period, we became closer. I couldn't resist her beauty. I was just

passing my time with her. But, your mother thought my time pass as love. I never told her that I love

her. Still, she assumed that I love her."

" Then? Raakshas asked without any emotion in his voice. His inside is becoming void of all emotions.

Khalid continued," I was in a relationship with her for almost one year. One day she informed me that

she is pregnant with my child. She wanted her child's right from me. She wanted me to accept her

child. I was angry and refused her immediately to accept her child. I couldn't let a prostitute be the

mother of my child. I told her to abort the baby and gave her a huge amount of money. She tried to

blackmail me saying that she will tell everything to my wife. I gave her more money and told her to shut

her mouth. After that, I broke up with her."

" Just because of your lust I was born! Do you have any idea that your refusal made her a crazy

woman? Do you have any idea what I used to face because you rejected her? Huh!! What was my

fault? Huh!! What was my fault to endure all those tortures when I was just a little boy?" Raakshas

screamed at the top of his lungs remembering his childhood. His eyes are now showing too much hurt

and agony. He can feel the pain inside his chest.

Khalid didn't say anything to Raakshas. He is just looking at Raakshas without any emotion. But, he is

sure that he can use this father card to save himself from Raakshas.

" You refused me in the first place. Then, why did you take me to your house? Why you gave my

responsibility to Abdul chacha?" Raakshas asked Khalid impatiently. Today he wants all the answers of

his unanswered questions.

Khalid took a breath and started saying," After so many years I came to know about you from the TV.

One day, I was in my office and watching TV. I was just passing my leisure time. I was changing

channels while I noticed that one of the news channels were broadcasting a news about a little boy

who killed his own mother. The reporter was saying that in a brothel one of the prostitutes was

murdered by her own son."

Hearing Khalid, Raakshas remembered that day when this society gave him the name

Raakshas(demon). He still remembers how the neighbours were spitting on him calling him a demon.

Raakshas fisted his palm remembering all those painful memories of him.

Then Khalid started narrating," I don't know why I was curious to know who is the boy. I was shocked

when I saw your mother's name and picture on the TV. It didn't take much time for me to understand

that the boy is none other than my bastard son. Because I knew that because of complications, your

mother couldn't abort you. I saw you on the TV and felt that you are merciless and ruthless just like me.

Without wasting any time, I went to the brothel and found you. I brought you with me out of pity as you

became an orphan. I did a DNA test as well which showed me that you are my son. I was amazed

seeing your cruelty when you stabbed another gang leader for me. I have always wanted a weapon

that will be unstoppable. I wanted a weapon that will be able to create fear in everyone's mind. I wanted

a weapon that will make my business stronger and give me power. Seeing your potentiality, cruelty and

ruthless nature I understood that you can be that weapon. You have the potentiality to become that

unstoppable weapon of mine. That's why I made you the most feared mafia teaching you all type of

illegal works."

Raakshas became numb after hearing his father. He can't believe his father never cared for him. He

just used Raakshas. He never thought that this cruel world will show this reality like that. Raakshas was

deceived by his own parents.

" So, You used me for your own interest! I was your son. Your blood. Still, you made me a demon. I was

your son just like Azhar. How can you just use me like that? Raakshas screamed and a few drops of

tears escaped from his eyes. It's the first time that he is crying in front of Khalid.

Khalid decided to say all the truth which he feels about Raakshas. He said sternly," You are just my son

in name. How can you expect me to accept a whore's son? Be grateful to God that I decided to adopt

you and gave you a new life."

" And that new life lead me to the destruction. Do you have any idea how many people I have killed for

you? Do you have any idea how many lives I have destroyed just because you made me a demon!!!

Raakshas said pulling his hairs out of sadness and frustration.

Khalid didn't say anything. He is just looking at Raakshas with his expressionless eyes. He is still

looking at Raakshas when Raakshas raised the sword in the air to behead Ibrahim Khalid.

Before his sword could touch Khalid's neck, Khalid reminded Raakshas," You can't kill me. I am your

father. Don't you remember? Your life is given by me. I am your God. You can't kill me."

Raakshas stared at his face for some time breathing heavily. Raakshas doesn't know what's he feeling

right now. But, he can feel the betrayal by his own father. His whole life he carved for his father's love.

His whole life he just wanted to see his father for once. And, when he met his father, he comes to know

that his father is a completely selfish jerk who used his own son to gain power.

" Baba(Father)," Raakshas said emotionally and Ibrahim Khalid became shocked hearing the word.

Raakshas hold Khalid's shoulder and said crying," I am sorry to misbehave with you. You don't know

how much I have craved for your love. You don't know how much I wanted to hug you."

Ibrahim Khalid composed his shocked expression and a smile formed on his lips. He understood that

he has successfully fooled Raakshas.

" Come beta(dear). Hug your father," Ibrahim Khalid said pulling Raakshas into a bone-crushing hug.

Then, Khalid heard Raakshas's blank voice," It's the first time as well as last time I called you baba."

Before Khalid could react, his breath got hitched, a loud scream left his mouth and blood oozed out

from his mouth when he felt a sharp pain in his abdomen. He touched his belly and found something


He looked at his hand and found blood. It didn't take much time for him to understand that Raakshas

has stabbed him with a sharp knife.

Khalid pushed away Raakshas from himself ans saw that Raakshas is holding a bloodied knife.

Raakshas's whole face is expressionless. He is completely void from the inside.

" You ......stabbed..... me!! Khalid asked with his trembling voice.

Raakshas replied fixing his gaze on Khalid's disgusting face," I have lessened the burden of this earth.

You are a burden on this earth. You are a shame in the name of father."

Khalid opened his mouth to say something but couldn't utter any sound. Slowly he laid down on the

floor and took his last breath. Before dying, he took his children's name which hurt Raakshas more.

Raakshas saw his father taking the last breath but he didn't show any emotion. He was watching

everything with his void eyes. His mind becomes hollow leaving behind the shell.

After that, he spread oil all over the house and burned it leaving Khalid's dead body inside it. He saw

the house burning down. He saw that his childhood is burning down. He has many memories inside

this house. He was trained to become a demon in this house. He was trained to become a mafia don in

this very house.

After burning down the whole house, Raakshas called Vedant. He ordered Vedant and his men to find

out Azhar anyhow. He also ordered his men to seize Ibrahim Khalid's every property. Raakshas's men

obliged him immediately.

Raakshas reached his mansion and found that Pari is already waiting for him at the door. She is

looking very tensed. She looked forward and found Raakshas's is walking towards her like a broken


Seeing his face and bloody shirt Pari understood that something bad has happened. She ran towards

him and asked worriedly," What happened? Why is your shirt bloody?"

Pari abruptly touched his body to see he is injured or not. Very quickly she understood that he isn't

injured instead the blood is from someone else's.

" What happened?" Pari again asked worriedly and held Raakshas's shoulder tightly.

This time Raakshas couldn't control himself anymore and fall on his knees. He started crying like a little

kid. Tears are flowing from his eyes like a never-ending stream.

Pari became dumbfounded seeing Raakshas. She never saw him crying like that. She is wondering

what happened to him suddenly. But, her heart started aching after seeing his crying face. She bent

down to his level and hugged him tightly. Raakshas rested his head on her shoulder continuing his


Raakshas said hiccupping," I was deceived by my own parents. I was used by my own father."

Pari became confused hearing him. She isn't understanding what's he talking about.

" Tell me, what's bothering you? Pari asked softly stroking Raakshas's hairs.

Raakshas told everything Pari and she becomes dumbfounded. She can't believe how can a father do

all this to his own son. She never thought that Raakshas is Khalid's biological son.

" He deceived me all the years. I was just a weapon for him. My own father made me a demon,"

Raakshas said and cried out loudly.

Pari tried to console him while Raakshas continued saying," I was the result of their disgusting lust.

But, what was my fault to endure all this? My mother tortured me, my father used me for his selfish

reason. I was their child. How can they do all this to me!!"

" I am sorry," Pari said meekly wiping Raakshas's tears.

Raakshas took a deep breath and said with his heavy voice," It's the first time in my life that I am

feeling so much helpless. I have no one beside me. I am alone. No one loves me. I am unwanted for


" Who said you are alone and unwanted. I am with you. I want you. I love you. I will always be there

with you. I have held your hand for once and I will never leave it," Pari said emotionally where tears

aren't stopping from her eyes.

Raakshas couldn't control his emotions anymore and hugged her tightly. His heart is feeling happiness

thinking that at least his wife loves him.

I love you, Raakshas. You are not alone," Pari said with her most emotional voice.

" Rajveer. My real name is Rajveer," Raakshas said breaking the hug and wiping his remaining tears.

Pari uttered surprisingly," Rajveer!!!". She remembered their wedding night when Raakshas told her to

call him Rajveer.

Seeing her expression Raakshas said taking a breath," My mother never gave me any name. Rajshri

me used to call me Rajveer."

Pari was silent after hearing him. She can feel the pain of Raakshas. He was so unfortunate that his

own mother refused to give him a name.

" My name is Rajveer but I don't have any surname. I was a bast.........." Raakshas tried to say but Property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

couldn't complete his sentence when Pari pressed her palm on his mouth preventing him from talking.

She replied nodding her head in the negative," You are not a bastard and you don't need any


Raakshas pulled her into a hug and captured her lips in a hungry kiss. They both kissed each other like

there is no tomorrow. They kissed each other forgetting everything that happened to them.

After some days, Raakshas's people found out Azhar as well and burned him alive. Raakshas told

Ibrahim Khalid's daughters that their brother and father was killed by a rival. They believed Raakshas

and he took their responsibility.

Then, Raakshas left all his illegal business and concentrate on doing social work. He is regretting for

destroying many people's life. He is guilty of whatever he did with many innocent people.

After enduring so much, Raakshas almost lost his hope and trust in this world. But, he again started

having hope and trusting people because of Pari. She didn't leave his hand on his most crucial time.

She was always there supporting him and loving him.

Because of Pari, Raakshas understood the meaning of life. He understood that God wasn't merciless.

He has shown mercy by sending Pari into Raskshas's life.

Raakshas is grateful to God for giving Pari as his wife, his lover, his everything.

Flashback ended.

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