Pregnant After One Night With The Lycan King


Nolan’s eyes were fixed on Layla and Regan, a storm of emotions swirling within him. He felt a strange mixture of happiness and jealousy, a confusing combination that left him feeling unsettled.

He watched as Layla laughed and danced, her face glowing with joy. He wanted to be the one to make her smile like that, to be the one to make her feel so carefree. But he also felt a pang of envy, seeing Regan so close to Layla. He knew he had no right to feel that way – after all, he was the one who had pushed Layla away.

But then he allowed his anger get the best of him as he stood up in a rage walking over to the dance floor.

As Nolan approached, Layla felt a chill run down her spine. She turned and saw him, his expression dark and unreadable. Regan also noticed Nolan, and he let go of Layla’s hand.

“Nolan,” she said, a hint of caution in her voice.

“What’s going on?” Nolan ignored Regan, his gaze fixed solely on Layla.

“What do you think you’re doing?” he asked, his tone sharp and accusing. Layla felt a rush of adrenaline, her heart pounding in her chest. She wasn’t sure how to respond.

He suddenly yanked her hand as he dragged her straight out of the club.

Layla gasped as Nolan pulled her towards the door, his grip on her hand like a vice. She felt the eyes of the other clubgoers on them, their stares burning into her skin. She tried to pull her hand away, but Nolan’s grip was too strong.

“Let me go!” she cried, panic starting to set in. Nolan ignored her, continuing to drag her towards the exit.

Regan ran after them, shouting for Nolan to stop. But he didn’t listen, his focus solely on getting Layla out of the club.

“Why are you doing this?” Layla asked, rubbing her wrist that felt sore as they stopped at the car.

“How dare you dance with another man!” His voice thundered in her ears.

Layla felt a wave of indignation wash over her. “I was just having a good time!” she protested. “It wasn’t like that, and you know it!”

Nolan’s eyes were blazing, his anger palpable. “I don’t care what it was,” he grunted, his voice low and menacing.

“You’re mine, and I won’t let anyone else have you.” Layla felt a shiver of fear run down her spine.

“You can’t own me,” she said, her voice shaking. “I’m not a possession.”

But Nolan was unmoved, his expression cold and unyielding.

He didn’t treat her like he was supposed to.

“Get into the car..” he ordered. He was about to go in when someone suddenly grabbed him from behind. Regan turned Nolan who was caught unaware and he landed a punch on his face.

Nolan smacked his lips in disbelief as he grabbed Regan’s collar, how dare him raise his hands on him?

He raised his fist to hit him when Layla suddenly intervened.

“Please Nolan don’t!” She begged. How did things turn so sour? She knew Regan was no match for Nolan if they were to engage in a fist battle.

Nolan could kill him, he was a Lycan, Regan human.

“Please stop!” She stepped in between them as she begged for Regan’s life.

“Get out of my way!” Nolan snapped angrily at her. There was no way he was going to spare Regan now. He would make him pay ten folds for daring to raise his hand on him.

“Nolan please…” she persisted.

“Who’s he to you?” Regan asked. From the look of things, it seemed as if Layla knew Nolan very well enough.

They have met once , at the company, when he warned Layla not to bring friends.

“He’s my…” Layla stammered looking for the right words to say. How would she introduce Nolan to Regan? Nolan had warned her not to talk about their relationship openly, how would she go about this?

“Get out of my way Layla!!” Nolan hollered as Layla flinched. She could tell he was mad.

“Please no, don’t…” Layla insistently pleaded.

“Get into the car..” he ordered, letting go off Regan.

“I’m letting go because of a reason, which Is you’re going to get punished in his place..” Nolan stated as Layla quickly shook her head.

“I don’t mind getting punished, so please let him go….” She breathed in relief as Nolan loosened his grip off Regan.

She couldn’t just fathom what was wrong with him, he stated he didn’t care about her but yet made sure she never went out with anyone, even the ones that made her happy.

“Layla, what’s the meaning of this?” Regan pointed out. Why was she getting punished and what were they talking about?

“Regan please you need to leave..” she said softly, holding his arm.

“Wha.. t? Wh…. at?” Regan stammered in disappointment, now she was telling him to leave.

“I’ll explain everything to you later, please just leave. I promise to call you..” she uttered. She knew Regan would listen to her, he was understanding.

“Okay I’ll leave..” he finally agreed to her request.

“But why are you going with him?” He asked, still confused. Nolsn looked very dangerous to him and as far as he was concerned Layla was not safe with him.

Why was she intent on going with him? She could just walk away and if he tried anything stupid, he’d get arrested, it was as simple as that!

“Please just understand me , hmm…” she said and Regan shook his head slowly in agreement.

“I’d be expecting your call…” he stated and he gave Layla an understanding look.

“Get into the car!’ Nolan ordered in a stern voice as he climbed into the car, Layla doing the same.

Regan just stood in confusion as he watched Nolan drive off at a very high speed.This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

Why the hell did Layla just go with a man that looked like he would kill her anytime soon?

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