Only vampire can love you forever (book 2)



Jace waited for Alexander, who handed the girls their pajamas as he returned to his mate.

Alexander caught sight of Jace, who was deep in thought, his lips pursed, and his brow furrowed.

Alexander was concerned but intrigued by Jace's worried expression, as he knew Jace would save

Luna, Juliet, and Alyssa from this disaster.

“Are you ready?” Jace inquired as Alexander hummed while wearing his jacket and held Jace's hand

as he replied "Let's go" as they both walked out of the house hand in hand.

Jace returned his gaze to his castle for a brief moment before handing over his bike keys to Alexander,

who looked at him puzzled.

Alexander continued to stare at Jace as he walked back to the castle and called up one of the butlers.

The butler approached Jace and bowed, while Jace hummed in thought for a moment.

“If anything happens, please contact me immediately,” Jace said, pausing for a second before adding,

“Don't let anyone inside the castle because people want to kill your current queens, so they must

remain hidden,” as the butler nodded.

“Inform all the guards and butlers to be cautious and keep an eye on everything,” Jace said, as the

butler nodded understandingly.

“Yes, sir, I will notify you if anything occurs.” The butler said as he bowed down, while Jace hummed

and walked away.

Jace jogged towards Alexander, who was standing near the bike, holding the helmets.

“Is everything all right? Why did you go back?” Alexander enquired, and Jace replied, "Had to tell the

butler that they need to make sure no one visits Luna, Alyssa, and Juliet because their lives are in

danger," to which Alexander hummed in agreement.

Alexander wore his helmet, while Jace sat on his bike and started it while wearing his helmet.

Jace assisted Alexander in taking a seat behind him, while both Jace and Alexander took one last look

at their castle.

Alexander noticed Luna, Alyssa, and Juliet waving at him and waved back, just as Jace noticed them

and waved back.

Jace sped his bike towards Maya and Ruby's packhouse, hoping Ruby would have answers to the

unanswered mysterious questions.

The drive to the destination was unusually quiet but relaxing, as both Jace and Alexander were lost in

their thoughts.

After a while, Jace parked his bike while Alexander got off and handed over his helmet to Jace, who

kept it alongside his helmet.

Jace got off the bike and held Alexander's hand as they entered the packhouse that was supposed to

be theirs, but because Jace became king, he gave the position of alpha of the pack to his little sister

Maya, who now took care of the pack.

Jace and Alexander were welcomed into the pack with love and care.

Alexander remained shy whenever he encountered the pack, as Jace held his hand and led him

directly to Maya and Ruby's room.

Jace knocked as Maya opened the door, only to see her older brother with his mate.

“What happened? Why are you returning so early?” Maya inquired, concerned, as Jace sighed and

entered the room, closing the door behind him.

As Maya looked at Jace puzzledly, he said, "Get ready because the disaster Ruby mentioned has

already begun."

“What exactly do you mean?” Ruby inquired as she exited the restroom and sat on the bed.

Alexander looked at Maya and Ruby, hoping they could find a solution because he was terrified and

wanted everything to go back to normal.

“The negative energy I mentioned messed up our cousin's mind.” As Alexander quickly nodded, Jace

groaned and added, "they kicked their mates out saying they are liars and not their mates."

“Not only that, but they think Kim, Amy, and Sam are their girlfriends and mates,” Alexander paused for

a moment before adding, "it appears as if they went back to the past," which made Ruby sigh.

“I remember you didn't describe the negative energy like this,” Ruby said, returning to her thoughts on

what that energy means and what it can do if someone stays in it.

“What exactly do you mean?” Jace questioned as he waited for a response because he knew Ruby

was trying to figure out an accurate response.

“I mean, you said you felt weak and as if your soul was being snatched,” Ruby explained, pausing for a

moment before adding, “as if your powers are being weakened.”

“Yeah, that's what was going on, and when I got back, I still felt the same way.” Jace hummed as he

spoke, knowing Ruby could tell more about spells and energy.

“Doesn't that mean that negative energy has nothing to do with Draco, Loukas, and Ronin acting this

way?” Alexander inquired as Ruby smiled and hummed.

Jace inquired, "You mean that this negative energy is only used to weaken our powers?" Ruby replied,

“Yes, so you won't be able to fight whoever was casting this spell."

Jace questioned, "If I'm not mistaken, only Nathanial, who is a witch, is in the dungeon, so what if he's

doing this to divert our attention?” While Alexander held Jace's hand and added, "Or he might be doing

this to escape." All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

Jace hummed and nodded, whispering, "that could be possible as well."

“So, what are we going to do now?” Maya inquired, and Ruby replied, "I and Maya will go to the castle

to see the negative energy, whereas you must protect Alyssa, Juliet, and Luna," as Jace hummed.

“They wanted to return to the human world, and after such a long time, they finally agreed to stay,”

Alexander said as Maya sighed and whispered back. “They must be shocked and sad,” Alexander

sighed while he nodded and added, “Yeah, even Luna cried.”

“They not only kicked them out,” Alexander said sadly as he looked up and stared at Ruby's eyes,

which stared back at him, puzzled.

Maya inquired, "What do you mean, Alex?" to which Alexander replied, "They kicked me and Jace out

of the castle as well," causing Ruby and Maya to gasp.

“No way,” Maya said quietly, adding, “They did that?” as she was surprised and perplexed.

“But why would they do that?” Ruby inquired as Jace laughed as he responded, "That is what we need

to find."

“I made a plan to go to the dungeon tomorrow, while Luna, Alyssa, and Juliet will take their clothes, and

I told them to have a deep conversation with their mates.” Jace explained his plan to Ruby and Maya,

who listened carefully.

“Yeah, if they're acting, we'll know what they're up to,” Ruby said, as Maya hummed, adding, “That's a

good idea.”

“I'll go to aunt and uncle and tell them everything.” Alexander said as he smiled at Jace who nodded

knowing that is what he told him to do.

Maya sighed and whispered, "We need to be ready for anything," as Alexander agreed by nodding his


“Yes, we would need help from your pack and other packs that have alliances with you,” Jace said,

hoping his sister would agree as Maya smiled and replied, “Yes, we will be happy to help anytime you

need us,” causing Jace to sigh with relief.

“I was thinking, why don't we go to the castle right now? You can do what you want tomorrow,” Ruby

said, staring at Maya, Alexander, and Jace.

“What exactly do you mean?” Alexander inquired, and Ruby replied, "I and Maya will check the

dungeon, while you go chat with Draco, Loukas, and Ronin to see what they are up to," as Jace

hummed and quickly said, "Okay, let's do that."

As they walked out of the packhouse, Jace held Alexander's hand and handed him his helmet.

Alexander wore his helmet while Jace sat on the bike, also wearing his helmet.

Jace sat on the bike as Alexander sat behind Jace while they waited for Maya and Ruby.

Ruby wore her helmet, while Maya sat on the bike and wore her helmet as she started it.

Ruby sat behind Maya, staring at Jace, who nodded as they drove towards Draco, Loukas, and Ronin's


Jace was both curious and angry at his cousins for their actions, but he knew deep down that there had

to be an answer.

Alexander wrapped his arms around Jace's waist and buried his face in Jace's back, who chuckled.

Jace parked his bike near the castle, and Maya parked next to Jace's bike.

“I'll go to the dungeon with Ruby, so be careful bro,” Maya said as Jace hummed.

Maya waved goodbye to Alexander as she walked away with Ruby to investigate the negative energy

Jace felt.

Jace took a deep breath as he held Alexander's hand and they walked towards the castle, only to find

that there were more guards than usual.

“J-Jace” Alexander stammered out as Jace hummed for him to continue, and Alexander added, "W-

Why are there so many guards?" as he gripped Jace's arm tightly.

Jace smiled as he gently pulled his arm and wrapped it around Alexander's waist, bringing him closer.

“Is my cub afraid?” Jace questioned Alexander, who quickly nodded his head and replied, "I'm scared

because Draco, Loukas, and Ronin are acting strangely."

“You don't need to be afraid because I am here with you,” Jace said as they walked through the castle,

looking for Draco, Loukas, and Ronin.

Alexander assisted Jace by looking around while he questioned, "I know, but what if your cousins try to

attack us because we took Luna, Alyssa, and Juliet's side?"

“I will make sure you don't get hurt,” Jace said as Alexander pouted and stopped walking as he stood in

front of him, replying, “But they have powers that can harm us a lot,” which made Jace laugh.

Jace said, "Cub, I got powers as well," and Alexander's cheeks flushed red as he remembered his

mate's powers, while he stuttered, "I-I know, but I a-am worried."

“They weren't pushing us away, but they were pushing the girls away, which means they aren't angry

with us.” Jace spoke verily as he took Alexander's hand in his and resumed his search for his cousins

around the castle.

“But I yelled at them,” Alexander said, pausing for a moment before continuing, “They have always

been protecting and supporting me since they found out I am your mate,” which made Jace smile.

“You don't have to worry, my mate,” Jace said as he pecked Alexander's brow and whispered, “I will be

with you, so stay behind me,” Alexander smiled and hummed in agreement.

Jace and Alexander sat on the sofa because Jace knew it would be difficult to find his cousins, so he

devised a plan to have a butler call them.

“Can you call my cousins? I need to talk to them,” Jace said to the butler standing near the hall door, as

the butler bowed slightly and walked away to call Draco, Loukas, and Ronin.

After a few moments, Jace noticed his cousins approaching him and Alexander, while Alexander

quickly tried to hide behind Jace.

Jace noticed Alexander's fear of Loukas, Draco, and Ronin, so he held his hand, knowing full well that

Alexander once feared all of them.

“Everything will be fine,” Jace whispered into Alexander's ear, and Alexander replied. “Okay”

Draco, Loukas, and Ronin sat on the other sofa, staring at Alexander and Jace.

“Why did you come back?” Draco inquired as Jace sighed and replied, "Because we need to talk," as

Draco rolled his eyes and added, "Okay, we don't want to talk."

"Well, it's up to you, but I just wanted answers, that's all,” Jace said as Loukas, Draco, and Ronin

looked at him puzzledly.

“What kind of answers?” Loukas inquired, and Jace responded. “How come you despise Alyssa, Juliet,

and Luna so much?” Loukas shrugged his shoulders as he replied, "Because they are humans."

Jace shook his head and said, "No, they aren't," pausing for a moment before continuing, "You were

turning them into vampires, and Luna is already one."

“So? “What does that have to do with us right now?” Draco asked, perplexed, as Jace sighed and

stared at his best friend.

“She is a vampire because of you, Draco,” Jace explained. If she doesn't return to her normal form...”

He paused for a moment before continuing, "...she could die"


Jace and Alexander waited for a response from Draco, Loukas, or Ronin, which irritated them.

“Say something, brother Draco,” Alexander said softly as Draco sighed, “I have nothing to say because

it's not my problem,” causing Alexander to frown.

Jace questioned "How about you, Loukas?" as Loukas responded by questioning Jace. "How about


“Your mate was so close to returning to the human world and forgetting all about you,” Jace said as

Alexander stared at Loukas and added, "Yes, she wanted to start a new life."

“She can if she wants to,” Loukas said casually, looking away as Alexander sighed and shifted his gaze

to Ronin.

“D-Do you feel the same way, Ronin?” Alexander inquired as Ronin sighed and replied, "Yes, I do."

causing Alexander to nod sadly.

“Juliet believes in you until now,” Jace said as Ronin shook his head and replied, “They aren't our

mates,” as Jace was at a loss for words.

Jace was enraged at his cousins, but he knew he couldn't do anything because his mate was nearby

and could be hurt.

‘Jace, we're leaving.' Jace heard Maya's voice in his head as his sister spoke telepathically to him, and

he replied, "Okay, we'll leave so quickly go home," as the connection broke.

“You know what, forget it because talking with you morons is pointless,” Jace said while he stood up

and Alexander quickly stood up as well.

“Are we going back, Jace?” Alexander inquired, to which Jace replied, "yes baby, let's go back" as

Alexander nodded.

“You are welcomed here because you are our cousin and my best friend,” Draco said, as Ronin

hummed and added, “Yes, even Alexander is welcomed here because he is your mate,” while Loukas

paused before saying, “The only people who are not welcomed are those girls,” as Jace sighed.

Jace knew it was bad that his cousins didn't want the girls around, but he also knew he could come

here to investigate whenever he wanted with no worries.

“Great, we'll be there soon,” Jace said as he walked towards the main door, followed by Loukas, Draco,

and Ronin.

Draco inquired, "Why don't you stay?" Jace replied, "I would love to, but we have to go."

“Why? Why are you in such a hurry?” Loukas questioned suspiciously as Jace tried to come up with an

excuse, to which Alexander quickly replied, "Because we're going out on a date," as Jace hummed


“Oh, you'd better hurry if that's the reason,” Loukas laughed, as Ronin and Draco agreed.

Jace held Alexander's hand as they said their goodbyes to Loukas, Draco, and Ronin.

When Alexander and Jace walked out of the castle, they noticed Maya's bike wasn't there, indicating

that she had gone away with Ruby.

'I'm glad they're gone,' Jace said through mind-link to Alexander, who agreed with a hum.

When Jace turned around and saw his cousins staring at him, he waved and quickly sat on the bike

while wearing his helmet.

Alexander sat behind Jace, hugging him and burying his face in Jace's back.

Jace started the bike, wearing his helmet and waving at his cousins one last time as he drove back to

the packhouse to find out what Maya and Ruby discovered.

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