One Night Only

An offer – Part 2


Days had passed and I had to go back to work. I still hadn’t worked out any of the money, I only had a small part of it and there was much more to go.

I was still hoping to get all the money together, maybe I could ask for a loan or a credit at the hospital even if it would put me in debt for life. Julie had lent me some, but it wasn’t complete yet. She had told me she couldn’t lend me the whole amount because she couldn’t get that much money out of the bank in less than a week. But she left word that she would ask a friend for help, and I think what “friend” she meant.

He had come from the bank, had applied for a loan a few days ago, and had returned today to find out if it was accepted. But they didn’t, so I went to work discouraged. I had to walk and take the subway to the club. But since I started to leave home I felt observed, I looked everywhere, but I didn’t see anything unusual, it was only the passengers who were traveling on the transport.Nôvel/Dr(a)ma.Org - Content owner.

I had been feeling like that for days, I think I was becoming paranoid, all because of that conceited man.

Remembering him brought back bad memories and I didn’t want to think about him and his silly proposal. I don’t deny that it would be a lot of help if I would accept that crazy deal. But that would mean making a pact with the Devil.

When I entered the club I still had the same feeling, but I relaxed when I could see my friend, she was leaning against the bar chatting with the guys at the bar.

“Lilli!” the three of them call my name at the same time as soon as they see me.

“I’m glad you’re back” said Roy the bar tender very cheerful. “I hope it’s to stay.

“For the time being it will be. “I answered, and that’s how it was, as soon as I finished my medical career I was planning to change jobs right away. “I’m glad to see you again.

Mika and I stayed a few more moments chatting with them, they talked to me about everything that had happened in my absence for two weeks. When we finished our gossip we went to get ready for our dance performance.

Three hours later I was about to enter the stage, my friend was on the dance floor and I was just waiting for her to finish. I was still sitting in front of the mirror, checking my hair and makeup. At that moment I heard someone open the door and enter the dressing room, I ignored that presence believing that it could be a partner.

“Esmeralda?” a male voice calls me by the stage name I used as a dancer at the club. I turn to see who it was. “It’s you, isn’t it?

It’s the guy I’d seen in Julie’s office, and she’s standing next to him by the door. She takes a few steps to cut a little distance from where I am standing.

“Who are you?” I ask as I stand up.

“My name is Edgardo Rizzo” he understands his arm to introduce himself. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you and introduce myself.

Strangely I look at him for a few seconds without being able to understand his presence and his interest in wanting to meet me. Even so, after a moment of astonishment I reacted to answer his greeting politely, since I noticed that he is a very polite and gentlemanly man.

“My name is Lillie Watson. ” I corrected him while shaking his hand with mine. “What can I do for you?

Or rather I wanted to say what do you want from me?

“I’ll be direct, so as not to take up any more of your time – he replies.

– I’ll leave you two alone so you can talk” now Julie answers. “Don’t worry, no one will interrupt you.

I was still in turmoil because I didn’t understand what was going on, I don’t know who this man really was and why he wanted to talk to me. After Julie left the room, the man invited me to take a seat and it seemed that this was not going to happen quickly. Already sitting across from each other, me in the mirror seat and him in the seat that I pulled closer to be closer.

“I come from Dante Mancini” he pronounced a name I didn’t even know, my face showed a gesture of function and he spoke again. “El Diablo.

When he said that nickname I froze in my seat, I could not blink as my eyes opened in astonishment and I think my mouth did too.

“Now he has to send his goons to negotiate.” I answer annoyed, and I didn’t care if I offended him or not. “I don’t want to know anything about that man. “I quickly stand up to get a coat and put it on to get out of there.

” Wait please” he does the same but stands in the doorway to block my way. “Just give me a moment. If you don’t mind, I’ll leave without saying anything else, I only ask you to listen to me.

He looked a little worried and asked politely, I sighed taking out all the air and without refusing more I turned to return to where I was sitting before. And he did the same.

“He sent me to give this to you” he opened his long black coat, to take something out of it. “He told me to tell you to take it without protesting.

As he finishes saying that I see him take out a long yellow envelope and place it in the comb. He shakes his head for me to open it. But I don’t know whether to do it or not, I don’t think it’s a bad thing or maybe it is. So I won’t find out if I don’t open it. Without thinking it over he took it to try to open it, with my hands a little shaky I start to open it slowly and when I put my hand in to check what it might be, I feel something thick but not that big, and I pull it out to be sure. I realize that it is a wad of 100 dollar bills. I am stunned with shock, amazement and confusion.

What did this mean?

But apparently it wasn’t just that, I reached in again as I had seen that it still contained something else, and it was three more bundles. Oh my God! This was a lot of money. I recover from the shock.

” What is the meaning of this?” I raise my eyes angrily.

” Please wait…” he pauses. “He sent me to give you this money…. ” I interrupt him abruptly.

“In exchange for what!” Now I shout, and it’s not a question since I know that a man always asks for something in return.

He sighs deeply and denies.

“Don’t think badly, I know that the Devil can make someone irritating and hateful sometimes “let out an ironic chuckle when he says it. “I can assure you that deep down he is the opposite, he is a sensible person when he needs to be and deep down he is a good man. I’m telling you, I’ve known him since he was born. “I clear my throat “Yes he asked for something in exchange ” when I hear him I roll my eyes and he only makes a sign with his hand so I don’t interrupt him and wait to continue. “He only asked that you stop working in this place as a dancer, these bills are only a small part of the money he will give you. But that will be after you leave this job. He wants you to devote yourself only to your studies and take care of your mother.

If I had been frozen with shock before, now I was even more so. I never thought he was going to offer me money just for that, according to him he wanted something else from me but apparently not anymore. And what shocked me the most was that he was thinking of helping me by offering me other help in exchange, that was very strange. Maybe he was no longer interested in me as he had said, but I think that was bothering me a little bit but I don’t know why, I was supposed to want him to stop looking for me and forget about that deal. But something in me also wanted what he had asked me for.

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