Chapter 67_ The bitter truth

Old Grayson snapped his head to the door to meet mark’s already red and angry set of eyes. Mark took a step into the study room. “Father what is the meaning of this?”

Old Grayson swallowed hard staring at the paper in his son’s hand. “mark that is the…….

“save it dad!” mark roared banging his fist on the table. “All these years you lied to us all about mother’s death, you were the one who murdered her in cold blood”

Old Grayson maintained a calm expression as he watched mark rant on. “You knew who murdered Brianna but you chose not to talk instead you closed down the case how could you do this dad?”

“It was for your own good son if your mother didn’t die you wouldn’t have been living in all these riches!”

“Dad!” mark stared at his father in disbelief, he staggered back a little knocking over some books on the shelf.

“And yes I shut down Brianna’s case because I didn’t want the media poking their nose in our family’s affair”

Mark was speechless, old Grayson’s explanation was ridiculous. “How do you sleep at night? after commiting these crimes you deserve to be punished father”

“You are making the same mistake that Brianna and Becky made, I admit that I had a hand in Brianna’s murder but it was your son who pushed her off the balcony, the only crime I committed was to bury her alive”.

Tears streamed down marks face, he moved backwards till his back touched the wall. “How can you be so cruel? now I feel what Liam felt for me all these years, that child thinks I’m the one who killed his mother but it was you all along!”

Old Grayson threw his face at the other side, he fell into a deep thought. ‘If mark is with one piece, then where is the rest?’



Angie collected the file from Nicholas who was on his way out. “have you lost your mind? you fool! where do you think you are going?”

“Where else? I’m taking this to Liam!”

Angie slapt his head “You dummy! do you think Liam would throw a party for you once he finds out that you were the one who pushed his mum off that balcony? use your tiny brain for once!” Angie fired at Nicholas.

“So what? he is bound to find out sooner or later, don’t you see? if he finds out about grandfather’s scheme he will surely leave this family for good which makes me the heir to the Grayson’s wealth”

Angie face palmed herself, how else could she explain the situation at hand to this foolish son of her’s. “you are as foolish as your father, should I open your head up and scream some sense into it? Liam will definitely skin you alive”

Nicholas collected the file back from his mother “Then we have to burn this”

Nicholas suggested taking a lighter from a drawer nearby.

Angie held his hand “We can’t burn this, we can use this to blackmail your grandfather”

Angie said snatching the file back from her foolish son, she flipped through the pages and furrowed her brows.

“Prince a part has gone missing!” Angie panicked slightly.

“What? it can’t be! it must be somewhere around here”



Amelia came down from her car escorted by her guards. She stopped on her tracks when she noticed that they were still walking behind her. “Excuse me! you were asked to protect me not to turn to my other skin at least give me some space”

“Amelia” Chelsea called out walking to her, she shuddered slightly at the sight of the guards who were now more than before seeing their all black outfit which made them look like they were here for some funeral.

“Hmm how tight is my schedule for today?” Amelia asked walking into the building.

“Really tight, by two you have a meeting with the producers by three you have to be on set which ends by five by six you have to…..

“Come on now Chelsea let me breathe first okay”

They arrived at the producers office, where she met the producers and fellow cast of her current movie.

“I’m sorry to keep you all waiting” she apologized taking a seat beside kelvin.

“What made you come late? the meeting started thirty minutes ago” kelvin scolded.

“I had urgent work”

Evelyn rolled her eyes at the drama queen, of course as always everything speaks about her and no one else.

“So we received a contract from a skincare company asking for one of our actress to be their model”

Evelyn sat up upon hearing that, she smiled scornfully at Amelia. This time she made sure that she would be the one to grab this fantastic offer.

“I think you’ll be the one to get the offer” kelvin whispered to Amelia.

“And what makes you say so?” Amelia inquired

“Because you are the most prettiest actress in this industry” kelvin added with a wink.

Evelyn heard what kelvin whispered to Amelia since she was seated not too far from them.

“so miss Hart we think this offer suites you better” the producer announced.

Evelyn stood up the next minute “What?!”

“Miss simpton is there anything wrong? this meeting is over please everyone go to your dressing rooms we will meet at the location given”



Liam stared at his mum’s sleeping face in worry “there’s nothing to worry about now Mr Grayson she is out of danger”

Liam kissed her forehead before walking out of the room, immediately he stepped out of the room the servants who passed by him felt the murderous aura emitting from him.

His mum finally recalled who pushed her off the balcony.

He dismissed his driver and took the steering himself.

Nicholas ran his hand through his hair in worry, the most important part of the document was missing and if his grandfather finds out that he was the one who broke into his study he would be finished.Content © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

Angie threw down the pillow she was holding in anger. “there’s nothing in here prince where on earth could it have fallen off?”

The door opened with a loud bang, the mother and son snapped their heads to the door and before they could react Liam grabbed Nicholas by the collar taking him out.

“Liam let go of my prince!” Angie screamed running after him.

Liam pulled Nicholas all the way to the balcony where his mum was pushed off years ago. “Let me go Liam!” Nicholas screamed as he felt the cold air brushing through his face.

Mark came out of his room to witness the horrifying scene in front of him. “Liam let go of your brother he might fall”

“Let him go?! it was from this same balcony my mum was pushed off from by your illegitimate son! now he’ll face the consequences of his actions”

Angie fell on her knees in tears “Liam please spare him don’t take my son away from me”

Nicholas yelled when half of his body dangled on the air. “Liam please don’t do this I admit that I was wrong”

“Stop this madness this minute!”

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