Chapter 31_ One thing in common

Amelia took a deep breathe and placed her palm on his chest to stop him from coming further. “I suggest you live for the lady who will come into your life after I’m gone”.

Liam’s lips twitched a bit, his eyes met hers trying to read them.

Amelia let out a sigh of relief when he left the room sometimes whenever he stares at her that way she feels funny from her insides.

“even if he doesn’t express his feelings I know how lonely he is”.

Liam stepped into the meeting chamber, this was where their family discussions were held whenever every members of the Grayson’s gather.

When he stepped in he drew attention to himself as everyone raised their heads to him.

Old Grayson sneered at him, Liam ignored his grandfather and sat down on his assigned seat. He prayed silently for the meeting to be over because whenever all the Grayson’s meet under one roof it’s always chaos.

“now that Liam is here we should hear his side of the story” old Grayson said.

Liam arched a brow when he heard his name, Nicholas turned to his mum for help his grandfather will definitely side with Liam. Angie shook her head slightly there was nothing she could do now.

“Liam your brother was found unconscious in the study room right after you left the house”.

Liam stared at old Grayson he was sure that his grandfather knew everything. “Father you know that he will only blame my son why don’t you just give him the punishment he deserves?” Angie flew up.

Old Grayson’s eyes were enough to shut her up, Angie nervously sat down if Nicholas is found guilty he would be punished severely.

“i was drugged by your son and you are trying to cover it up? how many more lives will you ruin old witch?”

Angie sharply turned to Liam “keep quiet! it seems your mum didn’t teach you how to respect your elders”.

“Angie! I have told you countless times not to drag Brianna into any of your mess” mark scolded.

“don’t you dare call my mother’s name with your filthy mouth! don’t pretend to care now you lost the right to I and my mum years ago after you abandoned us for this crazy lady and her son”.

Liam rose up to his feet, this was one of the reasons he hates attending these meetings they always look for a way to piss him off.

Mark looked stared down at his feet, how could he explain this to his son?.

“that was the best decision my brother ever made by leaving you and your pathetic mother I’m sure that wherever she is now she must be having a good time with other men just like she always wanted” Martha, mark’s sister scorned.

Liam’s face darkened he gripped his chair hard resisting the urge to act irrational.

“if you had a little kindness in you, you might be married with kids by now think about your worthless life before pointing a finger at my mother, her only mistake was falling in love with your spineless brother!”.

“Enough Liam!” old Grayson roared.Content held by NôvelDrama.Org.

“you are equally at fault don’t raise your voice at me talk to your family instead and tell each and everyone of them never to get involved in my matters again” Liam yelled back at his grandfather.

“Liam you’ve just proven to be the beast we know you as, don’t you think you are going too far? you…..”

Liam sent a punch to Nicholas face that made fall from his seat. “honey!” Angie rushed to her son on seeing the blood oozing out from the corner of his mouth.

In just one week her son has lost a lot of blood because of Liam’s beatings now she has had enough.

Allison rolled her eyes at the family drama she was witnessing right now, she really didn’t care if they burn the house down all she wanted to hear in this bloody meeting was her alliance with Liam.

Angie moved quickly to Liam raising her hand to hit him her hand froze on mid air as she felt someone holding it.

Her eyes turned to the person who dared interfere, she met with a pair of hazel orbs with a cold gleam in them.

“how dare you…”

“don’t you dare raise your hands to my husband!”

Amelia spoke with such ferocity, she added a bit more pressure to Angie’s hand.

Allison sat upright, this was an unexpected turn of events, who even let her in?

“this is the gathering of the Grayson’s who asked you to interfere in our matters and who the heck are you?” Martha spat irritably.

Amelia let go of Angie’s hand, “aunt just let it be! some people just don’t know their place so what can we do about that? interfering in family matters that has nothing to do with her” Allison added.

“I have every right to get involved since I’m a Grayson whether you believe it or not I am Liam’s wife you are the imposter in here, you have no relation with this family or perhaps you plan on taking Liam as your brother!”

She turned to Angie “and you! what were you trying to do? I don’t blame Liam for being cruel to you, you deserve it!”.

Liam was moved for the first time someone stood up for him ever since he was a child he stood all alone during difficult times.

Old Grayson slammed his staff on the table to shut Amelia up “that’s enough child”.

“enough? you sat down there watching how they insulted Liam and…

Liam’s big palm covered her mouth from spurting words “shh now keep quiet” he whispered softly into her ears.

She tried to resist but was quickly led out of the chambers before she says anything else. he knew there would be drama but he didn’t expect the drama queen to arrive.

Liam closed the door behind him resting on it “what? stop staring! I was only passing by when I overheard your conversation with them I wasn’t eavesdropping” Amelia clarified with her fingers crossed.

“did I ask for an explanation?” Liam pulled off his coat and threw it on the bed.

“why did you say all that? I haven’t come across such a blunt lady other than you before” he added.

“I said that because we have one thing in common”.

Liam’s brow arched “and what is that?” he asked suddenly interested.

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