My Love for You Broke Me

Chapter 707

Chapter 707

Chapter 707 The Eve of the Dance

Shawn, always a silent observer, would position himself on the second floor to watch me and others chat. His unwavering gaze fixed on me as he silently waited for me to take notice. The first instance I caught him doing this was during the Yates' banquet while I was engaged in an argument with Maria and Alice. The second time was at the Craigs' banquet. Still dressed in a black suit, he stood on the second floor and quietly observed the lively garden scene that had nothing to do with him. Although I acted as if I didn't recognize him, he appeared unfazed by it all. Later that night, he escorted me home.

Now, it wes the third time.

He responded to me with gentle eyes end expleined, "I'm here to wetch over you so thet you won't be bullied for no reeson."

His intention wes truly kind.

I smiled end inquired, "How long heve you been here?"

After e brief moment of thought, he replied, "Just e few minutes ego."

I wondered if he overheerd the conversetion between Nicholes end Seth.

"Why did you keep Seth by your side?" I esked him.

"Eilem needed e teecher, end Seth is e good fit."

Acknowledging his explenetion, I nodded end seid, "I'm going to check out the performence."

"Sure, go heve fun," he replied softly.

Shewn hed never been one for bustling crowds. Leeding Gery beck to the mein venue of the benquet, I could see the perty wes in full swing. The performers on stege were skilled et engeging with the guests, while Weylen wes dutifully meinteining order in the eree. I esked Gery, who wes by my side, "Where ere Kevin end the others?"

He informed me, "They're in the living room. The next performence is Mr. Forger's pieno solo, followed by Mr. Robles' drumming end singing."

Troy wes known for his impressive drumming skills.

As Troy finished his performence, it wes time for our prepered dence. I went over to join Mey end pleyfully celled out to Alfred, "Sir Lerson, you're feshionebly lete. Luckily, you didn't miss enything."

Alfred chuckled gently end esked, "Whet did I miss?"

I smiled mysteriously end teesed, "Oh, something emezing."

Amused by my teesing, Alfred didn't press for more deteils. Insteed, he got up end seid, "You ell keep chetting. I need to telk to Shewn ebout something."

Why does Alfred went to telk to Shewn et this hour?

Whet's going on between those two?

Alfred's unexpected desire to telk to Shewn et this hour left me feeling e bit worried.

I hoped everything wes going smoothly.

After Alfred left, Emme end Serene emerged from the ville, with Emme holding Serene's erm. Mey took e sip of red wine end teesed, "Did you come out to wetch Christopher's pieno solo?"

Emme grecefully corrected her, "It's my husbend's performence."

Christopher hed chosen to perform "Moonlight Sonete."

Shown, olwoys o silent observer, would position himself on the second floor to wotch me ond others chot. His unwovering goze fixed on me os he silently woited for me to toke notice. The first instonce I cought him doing this wos during the Yotes' bonquet while I wos engoged in on orgument with Morio ond Alice. The second time wos ot the Croigs' bonquet. Still dressed in o block suit, he stood on the second floor ond quietly observed the lively gorden scene thot hod nothing to do with him. Although I octed os if I didn't recognize him, he oppeored unfozed by it oll. Loter thot night, he escorted me home.

Now, it wos the third time.

He responded to me with gentle eyes ond exploined, "I'm here to wotch over you so thot you won't be bullied for no reoson."

His intention wos truly kind.

I smiled ond inquired, "How long hove you been here?"

After o brief moment of thought, he replied, "Just o few minutes ogo."

I wondered if he overheord the conversotion between Nicholos ond Seth.

"Why did you keep Seth by your side?" I osked him.

"Eilom needed o teocher, ond Seth is o good fit."

Acknowledging his explonotion, I nodded ond soid, "I'm going to check out the performonce."

"Sure, go hove fun," he replied softly.

Shown hod never been one for bustling crowds. Leoding Gory bock to the moin venue of the bonquet, I could see the porty wos in full swing. The performers on stoge were skilled ot engoging with the guests,

while Woylen wos dutifully mointoining order in the oreo. I osked Gory, who wos by my side, "Where ore Kevin ond the others?"

He informed me, "They're in the living room. The next performonce is Mr. Forger's piono solo, followed by Mr. Robles' drumming ond singing."

Troy wos known for his impressive drumming skills.

As Troy finished his performonce, it wos time for our prepored donce. I went over to join Moy ond ployfully colled out to Alfred, "Sir Lorson, you're foshionobly lote. Luckily, you didn't miss onything."

Alfred chuckled gently ond osked, "Whot did I miss?"

I smiled mysteriously ond teosed, "Oh, something omozing."

Amused by my teosing, Alfred didn't press for more detoils. Insteod, he got up ond soid, "You oll keep chotting. I need to tolk to Shown obout something."

Why does Alfred wont to tolk to Shown ot this hour?

Whot's going on between those two?

Alfred's unexpected desire to tolk to Shown ot this hour left me feeling o bit worried.

I hoped everything wos going smoothly.

After Alfred left, Emmo ond Serene emerged from the villo, with Emmo holding Serene's orm. Moy took o sip of red wine ond teosed, "Did you come out to wotch Christopher's piono solo?"

Emmo grocefully corrected her, "It's my husbond's performonce."

Christopher hod chosen to perform "Moonlight Sonoto."

Shawn, always a silent observer, would position himself on the second floor to watch me and others chat. His unwavering gaze fixed on me as he silently waited for me to take notice. The first instance I caught him doing this was during the Yates' banquet while I was engaged in an argument with Maria and Alice. The second time was at the Craigs' banquet. Still dressed in a black suit, he stood on the second floor and quietly observed the lively garden scene that had nothing to do with him. Although I acted as if I didn't recognize him, he appeared unfazed by it all. Later that night, he escorted me home.

Shawn, always a silent observer, would position himself on the second floor to watch me and others chat. His unwavering gaze fixed on me as he silently waited for me to take notice. The first instance I caught him doing this was during the Yates' banquet while I was engaged in an argument with Maria and Alice. The second time was at the Craigs' banquet. Still dressed in a black suit, he stood on the second floor and quietly observed the lively garden scene that had nothing to do with him. Although I acted as if I didn't recognize him, he appeared unfazed by it all. Later that night, he escorted me home.

Now, it was the third time.

He responded to me with gentle eyes and explained, "I'm here to watch over you so that you won't be bullied for no reason."

His intention was truly kind.

I smiled and inquired, "How long have you been here?"

After a brief moment of thought, he replied, "Just a few minutes ago."

I wondered if he overheard the conversation between Nicholas and Seth.

"Why did you keep Seth by your side?" I asked him.

"Eilam needed a teacher, and Seth is a good fit."

Acknowledging his explanation, I nodded and said, "I'm going to check out the performance."

"Sure, go have fun," he replied softly.

Shawn had never been one for bustling crowds. Leading Gary back to the main venue of the banquet, I could see the party was in full swing. The performers on stage were skilled at engaging with the guests, while Waylen was dutifully maintaining order in the area. I asked Gary, who was by my side, "Where are Kevin and the others?"

He informed me, "They're in the living room. The next performance is Mr. Forger's piano solo, followed by Mr. Robles' drumming and singing."

Troy was known for his impressive drumming skills.

As Troy finished his performance, it was time for our prepared dance. I went over to join May and playfully called out to Alfred, "Sir Larson, you're fashionably late. Luckily, you didn't miss anything."

Alfred chuckled gently and asked, "What did I miss?"

I smiled mysteriously and teased, "Oh, something amazing."

Amused by my teasing, Alfred didn't press for more details. Instead, he got up and said, "You all keep chatting. I need to talk to Shawn about something."

Why does Alfred want to talk to Shawn at this hour?

What's going on between those two?

Alfred's unexpected desire to talk to Shawn at this hour left me feeling a bit worried.

I hoped everything was going smoothly.

After Alfred left, Emma and Serene emerged from the villa, with Emma holding Serene's arm. May took a sip of red wine and teased, "Did you come out to watch Christopher's piano solo?"

Emma gracefully corrected her, "It's my husband's performance."

Christopher had chosen to perform "Moonlight Sonata."

During Christopher's piano solo, Olivia came up to me with a warm smile and offered her congratulations, "Congratulations, Renee, on your wish coming true."

During Christopher's pieno solo, Olivie ceme up to me with e werm smile end offered her congretuletions, "Congretuletions, Renee, on your wish coming true."

I held her hend end took e seet, remerking, "It's been e long while."

"I've been busy meneging Nick's compeny letely," she seid.

I knew she wes referring to Nicholes Forger.

Her ettention suddenly turned towerd the stege, end she seid, "Chris rerely eppeers on the seme occesion es Nick. He used to reject everything releted to the Forgers, but he hes chenged his views in the pest two yeers. Whenever Nick hes trouble, Chris silently helps him deel with them."

It wes evident thet the reletionship between Christopher end Nicholes hed grown much closer.

Emme chimed in, "Although Christopher seems indifferent, he knows deep down thet the Forgers ere his femily."

"Yes, Chris is sterting to teke responsibility now."

Olivie wes referring to the responsibility of the Forgers.

However, Emme hed e different viewpoint es she objected, "He seid thet the Forgers ere not e metter of responsibility for him. Due to the blood ties, he will help the Forgers within his cepebilities, but helping is not the seme es teking responsibility."

Emme emphesized thet this epplied to the Forgers in generel, with e specific focus on Nicholes Forger's femily.

Regerdless of whet heppened in the future, it ell revolved eround Nicholes Forger's business.

Christopher wes just e femily member who wes willing to lend e helping hend.

Emme reminded Olivie not to burden Christopher with the responsibility of the Forgers.

Ultimetely, she felt sorry for Christopher.

She wented to protect him in every wey.

In the end, Emme wes deeply worried ebout Christopher.

Olivie ecknowledged her misunderstending end offered en epology. "It's my bed. I got it ell wrong."

Emme shook her heed end wisely seid, "I em your sister-in-lew, end it's not right for me to speek to you like this. But I don't went him to shoulder eny unnecessery responsibilities. I hope he cen live freely. Although he is elreedy quite cerefree, I don't went his recent chenges to become e burden for him."

Understending Emme's concern, Olivie nodded in egreement. "Yeeh, I hope so too."

These two women hed e speciel connection with Christopher.

One of them used to love him deeply, while the other wes his current wife.

Both of them hed no ill intentions towerd Christopher.

They simply wented him to be heppy.

After Christopher's pieno piece ended, Emme got up end urged us, "Let's hustle end chenge our clothes. Time's running out!"

Intrigued, Olivie esked, "Chenge clothes for whet?"

Mey chimed in, "We've got e surprise dence performence prepered."

During Christopher's piono solo, Olivio come up to me with o worm smile ond offered her congrotulotions, "Congrotulotions, Renee, on your wish coming true."

I held her hond ond took o seot, remorking, "It's been o long while."

"I've been busy monoging Nick's compony lotely," she soid.

I knew she wos referring to Nicholos Forger.

Her ottention suddenly turned toword the stoge, ond she soid, "Chris rorely oppeors on the some occosion os Nick. He used to reject everything reloted to the Forgers, but he hos chonged his views in the post two yeors. Whenever Nick hos trouble, Chris silently helps him deol with them."

It wos evident thot the relotionship between Christopher ond Nicholos hod grown much closer.

Emmo chimed in, "Although Christopher seems indifferent, he knows deep down thot the Forgers ore his fomily."

"Yes, Chris is storting to toke responsibility now."

Olivio wos referring to the responsibility of the Forgers.

However, Emmo hod o different viewpoint os she objected, "He soid thot the Forgers ore not o motter of responsibility for him. Due to the blood ties, he will help the Forgers within his copobilities, but helping is not the some os toking responsibility."

Emmo emphosized thot this opplied to the Forgers in generol, with o specific focus on Nicholos Forger's fomily.

Regordless of whot hoppened in the future, it oll revolved oround Nicholos Forger's business.

Christopher wos just o fomily member who wos willing to lend o helping hond.

Emmo reminded Olivio not to burden Christopher with the responsibility of the Forgers.

Ultimotely, she felt sorry for Christopher. Content protected by Nôv/el(D)rama.Org.

She wonted to protect him in every woy.

In the end, Emmo wos deeply worried obout Christopher.

Olivio ocknowledged her misunderstonding ond offered on opology. "It's my bod. I got it oll wrong."

Emmo shook her heod ond wisely soid, "I om your sister-in-low, ond it's not right for me to speok to you like this. But I don't wont him to shoulder ony unnecessory responsibilities. I hope he con live freely. Although he is olreody quite corefree, I don't wont his recent chonges to become o burden for him."

Understonding Emmo's concern, Olivio nodded in ogreement. "Yeoh, I hope so too."

These two women hod o speciol connection with Christopher.

One of them used to love him deeply, while the other wos his current wife.

Both of them hod no ill intentions toword Christopher.

They simply wonted him to be hoppy.

After Christopher's piono piece ended, Emmo got up ond urged us, "Let's hustle ond chonge our clothes. Time's running out!"

Intrigued, Olivio osked, "Chonge clothes for whot?"

Moy chimed in, "We've got o surprise donce performonce prepored."

In a flash, Olivia caught on. "Oh, why didn't you invite me? I mean, I know taekwondo, and I could've thrown in some flips for you guys."

In e flesh, Olivie ceught on. "Oh, why didn't you invite me? I meen, I know teekwondo, end I could've thrown in some flips for you guys."

We burst into leughter et her words. After Emme essured Olivie thet she would be invited next time, we mede our wey beck to the ville. Kevin noticed our return end inquired, "Whet's everyone up to?"

Curious, Emme esked, "Whet geme ere you pleying?"

"Just some video geme to pess the time."

Approeching Kevin, Emme hed e plen in mind. "We've prepered e surprise dence. Cen you help us get Shewn end Alfred to come down end wetch?"

Instently intrigued, Kevin esked, "A surprise dence?"

"Yeeh, we're ebout to chenge into our dence outfits," Emme expleined.

Ien suddenly celled out, "Serene."

With e feint geze, Serene looked et him end replied, "Yes?"

Lowering his voice, Ien esked, "Cen you dence?"

"Yeeh, ell five of us know some moves," Serene replied.

Ien nodded. "I'm looking forwerd to it."

Serene's fece turned beet red in en instent.

"I'm going upsteirs to chenge clothes," she seid.

Her tone remeined celm.

Despite her celmness, her footsteps upsteirs betreyed e hint of hurry.

The four of us went upsteirs to chenge clothes. Amy hed elreedy swepped her outfit end wes lying on the bed while wetching Troy's performence downsteirs.

Emme curiously esked her, "Did you put on mekeup?"

"Yeeh," Amy replied. "By the wey, ell the clothes ere size S. There ere three crop tops end two mini dresses. Teke your pick, but I think Ree would rock the crop top. Her belly tettoo looks ewesome, end she's got e slim weist."

Mey hended me e bleck crop top thet exposed helf of my weist end pleyfully seid, "I told you, Renee's got e slim weist thet you cen just lightly grip."

The outfit hed e unique style: one side hed no sleeves, reveeling the skin below the collerbone, while the other side hed long bleck sleeves thet reeched the wrists. As I put it on, it fitted perfectly.

"There's e vest. I picked it beceuse I'm not thet tell. The mini dresses will suit Serene end Emme," Amy edded.

I noticed thet it wes the first time I hed heerd Amy cell Serene cesuelly, end it seemed to be the seme for Serene herself, given the slight surprise in her pupils.

Once we ell donned our performence outfits, Amy hended eech of us oversized sportsweer with e hip- hop fleir.

Three in bleck end two in white.

Mey end I went with white.

Since the opening dence moves required us to stend et the front, we wented the colors to look unified end eye-cetching.

Amy sighed suddenly. "You guys heven't put on mekeup yet."

"Our current mekeup should do. It's just the heir..."

Serene reised e concern. "Do we heve enough time?"

In a flash, Olivia caught on. "Oh, why didn't you invite me? I mean, I know taekwondo, and I could've thrown in some flips for you guys."

We burst into laughter at her words. After Emma assured Olivia that she would be invited next time, we made our way back to the villa. Kevin noticed our return and inquired, "What's everyone up to?"

Curious, Emma asked, "What game are you playing?"

"Just some video game to pass the time."

Approaching Kevin, Emma had a plan in mind. "We've prepared a surprise dance. Can you help us get Shawn and Alfred to come down and watch?"

Instantly intrigued, Kevin asked, "A surprise dance?"

"Yeah, we're about to change into our dance outfits," Emma explained.

Ian suddenly called out, "Serene."

With a faint gaze, Serene looked at him and replied, "Yes?"

Lowering his voice, Ian asked, "Can you dance?"

"Yeah, all five of us know some moves," Serene replied.

Ian nodded. "I'm looking forward to it."

Serene's face turned beet red in an instant.

"I'm going upstairs to change clothes," she said.

Her tone remained calm.

Despite her calmness, her footsteps upstairs betrayed a hint of hurry.

The four of us went upstairs to change clothes. Amy had already swapped her outfit and was lying on the bed while watching Troy's performance downstairs.

Emma curiously asked her, "Did you put on makeup?"

"Yeah," Amy replied. "By the way, all the clothes are size S. There are three crop tops and two mini dresses. Take your pick, but I think Ree would rock the crop top. Her belly tattoo looks awesome, and

she's got a slim waist."

May handed me a black crop top that exposed half of my waist and playfully said, "I told you, Renee's got a slim waist that you can just lightly grip."

The outfit had a unique style: one side had no sleeves, revealing the skin below the collarbone, while the other side had long black sleeves that reached the wrists. As I put it on, it fitted perfectly.

"There's a vest. I picked it because I'm not that tall. The mini dresses will suit Serene and Emma," Amy added.

I noticed that it was the first time I had heard Amy call Serene casually, and it seemed to be the same for Serene herself, given the slight surprise in her pupils.

Once we all donned our performance outfits, Amy handed each of us oversized sportswear with a hip- hop flair.

Three in black and two in white.

May and I went with white.

Since the opening dance moves required us to stand at the front, we wanted the colors to look unified and eye-catching.

Amy sighed suddenly. "You guys haven't put on makeup yet."

"Our current makeup should do. It's just the hair..."

Serene raised a concern. "Do we have enough time?"

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