My Hunted Mate

Chapter Thirty Nine

Chapter Thirty Nine


Gia and I wait together in the healers examination room, while the doctor gets a few things. I'm now

dressed in a typical blue hospital gown, sitting on top of an examination table.

After a couple of minutes Gia decides to break the awkward silence that has settled between us. " Why

do you need to see the healer anyway? " she asks me, her tone much lighter than it had been


" When I tried to shift into my wolf I couldn't. " I admit, looking down at my hands as I pick away at my

finger nails.

" Oh.. Why couldn't you see a healer on your mate's territory? " she speaks again, my eyebrows furrow

in confusion and my eyes snap to hers.

" My mate is a vampire, they don't have healers in their clans, they don't need them. " I tell her, my

eyebrow raises when her facial expression changes from mildly curious, to shocked.

" Your mate is a vampire? " By time she gets her words out, there's a look of nervousness and fear in

her eyes, which glance to the door.

" He's not like the one who attacked you, he wouldn't hurt anyone. He's a kind, loving man. " I assure

her with no doubt a love sick smile, but it only seems to calm her very slightly.

We don't get to discuss the topic any further because the door opens and a middle aged woman with a

blonde bob, dark brown eyes enters the room, dressed in a jeans, a black blouse and a white lab coat.

Attached to the pocket of her coat is a card with a picture of her along with her first and last name

printed on it, Jennifer Peters. Jennifer wanders over to the end of the examination table I'm perched on,

to grab a flip chart sitting on the end, she removes a pen from her pocket, clicking it and sending me a

warm smile.

" Hi, you must be Corinna. I'm Jennifer, you can call me Jen, I'll be your doctor today. I'm going to ask

you a couple of questions if that's okay with you? " Her voice is sweet and chirpy as she speaks,

making me wonder if it will change when she finds out I'm a hybrid.

Giving her a nod to begin asking her questions, she opens her mouth and then shuts it again when she

notices Gia in the room. " Luna, would you mind taking a step outside of the room? I'll call you back in

when the examination is over. "

Gia raises her eyebrow, but doesn't say anything, instead she sends me a half smile and leaves me

alone in the room with Jennifer who then proceeds to ask me her questions, writing down all of my

answers onto the chart in her hands, surprising me when she remains her kind and chirpy self even

after finding out about my hybrid status.

She asks me to go over exactly what happened when I tried, and failed, to shift and then lays me down

on the table to give me an examination with a knowing look in her eyes. Throughout this she nods her

head, humming and requests for me to do a couple of things, she disappears out of the room for a few

minutes then comes back.

I find myself going into complete shock as Jen explains why my body refuses to shift, the appointment

goes on for a little longer then I change back into my clothes, she hands me a couple of papers which I

shove into my cardigan pocket, as she leads me out of the room and into the waiting room where Gia is

glued to her phone.

Gia's eyes snap up to mine when she hears Jen bidding me a farewell, Immediately I pace out of the

building where the healers are located, barely registering any of the questions Gia asks me as she

chases after me.

" Corinna! What the hell? What's going on? " She cries, grabbing my arm to stop my fast pace back to

the pack house.

" I'll talk to you later Gia, thanks for your help but I really need to go. " I rush out before taking off again.

Marching through the pack house, I continue ignoring everyone I encounter along the way including

Olive, Mateo, Phoenix and Sabine, who all shoot me either curious, worried or suspicious glances as I

bolt through the house and up to my temporary room.

Slamming the door shut when inside the room, panic settles over my body and my breathing turns to

short pants of breath as I stumble over to the bed, I grab the crumpled up papers from my pocket,

straightening them out, trying to level my breathing but I fail when I look at the picture in my hands.

" Congratulations Corinna, you're pregnant. " Jen grins. " I'm going to do an ultra sound, make sure

baby is all okay. "

" I'm what? " I cough out.

" Pregnant, coming up on three weeks along. Our bodies work a lot faster than humans, so we'll be

able to see your little one on the screen about now. When wolves conceive they're no longer able to

shift because the way our bodies break and reshape during transformation can cause issues with the

foetus, you'll be able to shift as normal a day or two after giving birth. " She explains, setting up the

equipment for an ultra sound. This content © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

My eyes continue to stare at the tiny ball of cells in the picture in my hands for a couple minutes before

I toss the picture aside, looking down where I am now cupping my stomach with my hands.

" Oh god. " I whisper out, squeezing my eyes shut.

How the hell could I let this happen?

The sound of footsteps approaching the room snaps me out of my moment, I quickly grab the scan and

paper with information on pregnancy in werewolves, shoving them back into my pocket just in time as

the door swings open.

" Hello my darling. " Kai grins, moving across the room to plant a swift kiss on my forehead. " How did

your appointment go? "

" Fine. " I mumble, giving him a weak smile.

" So did you find out why you can't shift? " He questions, sitting on the bed to remove his shoes.

I clear my throat, fisting the papers in my pocket. " No, uh, she's going to run some tests and have

them sent over to us .

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