My Dominating Apollo





I noticed Lydia, who was looking at me in panic, I bolted out of my room.

God, please save me.

I climbed down the stairs and spotted my mom going to the main door while the buzzer has rung again,

“Mom!” I called out,

She turned around as she heard me, I signaled her I’ll open it by my hands and she nodded her head while turning back and walking to the kitchen, I smiled at her and walked towards the door.

I sure she might feel suspicious noticing my behavior but knowing my mother she will wait until I tell her. I took a deep breath as I grabbed the knob with my shaking hands and opened the door, I peeped through the door and my breath hitched when he’s serious and intense eyes landed on me.

I moved back and stared at him, terrified to see him there, “Ap… Apollo!” I shuttered, he gave me a bone-melting smile while raising his hand, I flinched back, scared of what he might do! His hand touched my cheek, and I noticed adoration in his eyes which made me confused but also relaxed.

“Can I come in,” He said, I blinked in confusion while stepping aside and letting him walk in, I gulped hard while closing the door and walked behind him.From NôvelDrama.Org.

I was nervous and scared; I don’t know what he will do now!

“Hello, Miss. Green,” his voice brought me back, I looked at my mom who took his extended hand while glancing at me in confusion.

“My name is Apollo Villin, Clarisse’s boyfriend,” he said with a smile on his face, I was stunned at his words, I got tensed when my mom’s eyes landed on me. I looked at Apollo and saw him staring at me while smiling at me like a loving boyfriend.

“um… Yeah!” I said while walking towards my mom.

“I want to talk to you, Miss Green,” Apollo said gaining her attention and mine, I swallowed hard as I turned around and looked at him, he glanced at me before moving his eyes off me.

“If you have time!” he added,

“Yes, please sit down,” she said walking stepping towards him,

I stood there with my shaking legs and nervousness,

What I’ve gotten myself into!

I was watching them as Apollo began impressing her with his sweet talks, I never saw this side of Apollo and I know this was all his manipulation, I was helpless, I know he was manipulating my mom but I was in a situation where I can’t do anything about it.

Tears were rolling in my eyes, I turned my face away as I don’t want him to notice my tears, from the corner of my eyes I noticed Lydia watching me while standing beside the stairs, she had a sympathy look in her eyes as she glanced at me.

“I hope you don’t have any problem, Miss Green!” He said. My innocent mom smiled and glanced at me before nodding her head.

I felt my heart clench when I saw that, I felt defeated and left alone, I couldn’t explain how I was feeling inside, I sighed.

No one can save me from him,


“Don’t worry, I’m just a call away!” Lydia said while giving me a cheerful smile, I nodded my head while I turned to my mom, I couldn’t look at her, I can’t face her! But I don’t have any other option left!

She smiled while hugging me, I hugged her back, there were no words, only love and affection in her embrace. She moved back and stared at me with happiness in her eyes while pushing a strand of my hair behind my ear, “Take care of yourself, Mom!” I said as I tried hard not to cry in front of her.

She nodded in reply, I felt guilty and it was eating me inside when I see her happy, not knowing I’m never going to come home, to her, and for not telling her he’s not my boyfriend. I turned around and noticed Apollo looking at me and mom, and what shocked me was the way he was looking at us, there were envy and adoration, I was confused and curious too. ‘

He took my hand in his and led me towards his car. I climbed inside while he places my luggage inside. The tension in the air was thick. He wasn’t talking neither was I?

I looked out through the window, lost in my own thoughts, past days were running in mind, I turned my body towards the window while sighing and leaning back into my seat.


I unblocked my seatbelt while he parked his car in the parking lot, I opened the car door and stepped out of the car, I noticed him strolling around the car and stepping up to me, I tensed up. I looked at him in fear while he walked to me and held my hand in his. He began dragging me toward the main door while I followed him without saying a word, but inside, I was scared and nervous.

We walked through the hallway and reached the stairs. As we were climbing the stairs, my heart was pounding against my ribcage. I was sacred, I must save myself from him, I can’t be like this forever.

I tried to pull my hand out of his hold but his grip was strong, I was struggling to get my hand out of his hold that I didn’t notice him dragging me towards a room. He dragged me inside a room, I stumbled on the floor, and in just the blink of an eye, I heard him close the door while grabbing my arm and shoved me to the wall. He had slammed his lips to mine and knocked all wind from my lungs, I placed my hands on his chest and pushed him hard but he didn’t budge at all.

He pressed his tongue to the seam of my lips, I shut my lips not granting him, he bit my lower lip making me hiss in pain, he dove his tongue into my mouth, his tongue hurried in and it felt like he was forcing his claim on me.

He grabbed my hands and pinned them over my head while his tongue devoured every corner of my mouth making my head lite and his intoxicating smell hit my nose making my body tremble. oddly his touch, taste, and smell felt familiar to me, his free hand wrapped around my waist making my body press into his.

Every part of my body was squeezed against his, there was no place for air to pass, I felt lightheaded, suffocated, and he pulled away, he was staring into my eyes while we were breathing hard.

I was breathing like my life depended on it while I stared into his beautiful eyes and like an electric shock hit my brain with the memories, I thought I forgot has rushed to my mind.

I gasped when I recognized this familiar feeling I was having and another gasp escaped from my mouth when I recognized this familiar intoxicating body smell.

“You…” I whispered in shock.

****Let me know your thoughts in the comments section.***

Love you all.

Instagram:- S. n_Nina_Arthur

Facebook:- s. n Nina Arthur.

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