Mommy, Is The President Our Daddy? The Ex-Wife’s Revenge

Chapter 68

Asher’s POV

While having breakfast, I could not stop thinking about my children. This was still a shock to me as I didn’t even know I had children.

They looked like they were five or six years old, maybe even seven and I had not been in their lives.

I could feel nothing but guilt and regret welling up within me from the past actions, including when I had told Zendaya to abort the pregnancy.

Would I have even been with her if she had gone to the hospital and returned with the good news of having triplets? I had no idea.

During that period, I could remember not wanting anything to do with her and right now I want everything to do with her. It was almost like I was obsessed.

My thoughts were immediately shattered when Delia walked into the hall for breakfast while talking and laughing loudly on the phone.

I watched her with disgust as she ended the call, settling into a seat.

“Shouldn’t you have decorum with the way you answer your calls? Going around and laughing like a maniac while answering calls. That is absurd and you should know better. You are the president’s wife. You should act like it.”

In my mind, all I could think about was why I had not stayed married to Zendaya instead of having to deal with this mistake before me.

I hated her and I wanted her out of my life. Delia was the worst of the worst and sometimes I wondered what I had seen in her to even think of her as a better replacement for Zendaya.

I still had plans to get rid of Delia and make my move on acknowledging my children, of course not in that order but I wanted to do it as soon as possible. I just didn’t know when that would be possible.

I had to find a time when it would be easier for me to handle.

“Anyway,” Delia said, destroying my train of thoughts for the second time. “I was thinking about us the other night and I was seeing how distant we’ve become. Maybe we should go out on a date. I mean, you haven’t invited me on a date in like forever.”

“You have been spending money like it’s nothing. I don’t see how me going on a date with you will top that.”

She rolled her eyes, “Don’t be silly. As husband and wife we have to be doing things that couples should be doing.”

She made a seductive gesture with her body while giving me a wink as I grimaced at it.

“You’re always whining about how I can’t help your father and here you are telling me about being a couple. Maybe if you stopped focusing on your dad and focused on building a relationship with me I would be interested in going out with you more.

“But with how you’ve been acting lately, how do you expect me to be attracted to someone like you?”

I got up to leave the table as she gave me a question which caught me off guard.

“Is there someone out there you would rather be with than me?”

I stopped short as I had not been expecting such a question. If I did answer her, Zendaya would be at risk. She could even see the children and that would also put their lives in danger.

“Mind your own fucking business Delia.”

I walked off without looking back at her. I had to keep silent until I could come out with the truth in a way that would not harm Zendaya or the children.


Zendaya’s POV

I waited in the cafe for the woman I had called the other day. She had gotten some dirt on Asher and I was here to meet her and collect the information from her.

I wondered what she had to give to me.

A gray haired man arrived in all black suit and shades. At first I didn’t care for him when he entered the cafe but when he stared at me or some time before approaching me, I started to think he was one of those assassins I would see on the ng screen.

“Miss Zendaya?” he asked with a cold grin.

“Yes?” I eyed his hand in his pocket as he sat in the chair before me. “I’m the one she sent to give the information to you.”

I relaxed after he had said that.

“For once I thought you were here to kill me,” I chuckled nervously.

“Oh no,” he smiled. “I don’t do that anymore.”

He pulled his hand out of his pocket to slide a flash drive to my side of the table.

“I had to dig really far in to find this,” he said while I picked up the drive. “If this ever got out it would ruin his reputation for good so be careful what you do with it. Or don’t, I don’t actually care.”

I could not stop myself from smiling at what I had in my possession. Finally I could end this charade and be on my way out of this stupid and dry place.

“Thank you so much,” I smiled at him.

We both stood up, shaking hands as he turned around and started out of the restaurant.Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

I walked out three minutes after ordering for a meal to go.

I drove home with an excited look on my face. Anyone who saw me would think I hit the jackpot. Maybe it was because I did hit my kind of jackpot.

I entered the apartment to find it quiet. It was not a school day so the children had to be asleep.

I walked to the stairs to see Travis’s study door open. Peering into it I found him drinking whisky.

He had promised that he would not do it and here he was breaking his promise. What was wrong with him? Did he not care about how I felt anymore?

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