Miss CEO Is Pregnant For Her Secretary

Outbrust. Of Emotions


They waited in Mr. Thomas’s office for the results of the test. While excitement was all Mandy’s parents felt, she on the other hand felt the air engulfing her slowly. She couldn’t understand why they’ll be excited when she barely knows what kind of person the child’s father is.

The question Mr. Thomas asked her constantly continued to ring in her head, and fear gripped her. She couldn’t dispute it any longer, it was only minutes away before judgment was declared and she on the other hand had to make a decision, one that she was scared to make.

Mandy stood there, tapping her leg on the floor in agitation, and betting on the fact that it would come out negative. That she couldn’t possibly be pregnant. That’s where she laid her hope on, even knowing deep down everything always has two sides to it and one has got to prepare for both of them.

“So Mandy, what happens if there’s a child in you?” Her subconscious asked her now, causing her to release a deep breath ignoring the question.

“I’m so excited about this, my love,” she heard her mother say while rubbing her hands against her father’s.

” Are you ready to be a mother? Would you keep this child? Or would you let it go?” The last question was the one she avoided the most, she didn’t want to be tagged as a killer, a weakling, or a scared mom, but then again she wasn’t sure she was ready to be a mother.

Her thought was cut short, the moment Mr. Thomas walked inside his office. Her mom squealed and she used a few seconds to scan the expression on Mr. Thomas’s face to know what to expect in turn.

“I see a lot of excitement in the room,” he said staring at Mandy who didn’t feign to be uncomfortable, alright then, let’s get to it,” he took a pause and stared at them all briefly before releasing a deep breath.

“Congratulations Mandy, you’re pregnant,” he said and immediately my dad stretched out his hands for a handshake, while my mom giggled, rushing to where I sat and engulfing me in a tight hug.

“Oh my gosh, you’re having a baby. I’m going to be a grandma, I’m so excited,” she squealed like a little girl who’s been given her favorite ice cream. The only problem Is I ain’t feeling whatever they are feeling, I am feeling shocked, angry, and not happy at all.

“Can we go now, I’ve got work to do in the office,” I said in a nonchalant tone, putting everyone in silence. No way I was going to pretend that this made me happy as it did for them.

“Mandy, we just got some good news and you’re thinking of work. Is this some kind of joke? How are you not excited?” Mom asked and I didn’t even blink in her direction.

“Dr. Thomas, could you please tell me how long I have for an abortion, cause it seems like an option to me now,” I said dryly, in a cold tone. One that carried the authority I was hoping to portray, one that said I wasn’t kidding one bit about it.

“Abortion? Is she kidding,” mom’s words came out in a whisper, while I signaled for a response from Dr. Thomas.

“Latest you have for the next two to three weeks,” he responded in a cracked voice, obviously also wondering what I was thinking.

“Alright then I’ll be booking a meeting with you soon,” I added and turned to leave.

” You must be out of your damn mind, Mandy!” Father’s voice was stern, but when I turned my head to look at him, I noticed he had raised his hands against me, and Mom had held them halfway stopping him from doing the deed.

“I’m out of my mind? You should have let him complete it, you should have let him hit me, that would have made it easier to put away the baby. Why don’t you hit me here,” I pointed to my stomach rubbing it in dismay, as I felt this disgust.

“Don’t let that anger go to waste, Hit me here and end this once and for all Dad. Cause I don’t agree with you and Mom being happy for me, while you’ve been making my life shitty.

“Hit me, like how you do to Mom, and watch what I do next,” before I could utter any other word. I felt the sting pain on the side of my face, making me stumbled backward. I turned my head around and behold my mom had hit me hard, that I could feel the impact of her hands still lingering around my face and giving me that sting feeling.

“You did not,” I proclaim, shocked, angry, and sad all at the same time. I stare at her with tears in my eyes. My legs wobbled as I couldn’t believe it would be her doing the act.From NôvelDrama.Org.

“His puppet, isn’t that what this is? You’re his puppet, of course, that’s what you are, that’s why you stand by him, God mom? Why,” I said tears streaming down my eyes, I didn’t care how my vicious words hurt her. I wouldn’t be saying them if it wasn’t true and of course, she didn’t prove me wrong after all, she did exactly what I expected she would. Go under his scrutiny, be his puppet, and don’t stand up for herself, all with the excuse of being in love.

“God Mandy, I’ll hit you one more time if you say one more word, if you dare utter anything against your father or me, I’ll give to you what you deserve forgetting you’re my daughter,” she said, dryly, using her other hands to clean her tears.

“There would be no need for that, you’ve been giving me what I deserve long before now,” I said and walked out of Dr. Thomas’s office, only to realize I’ve displayed all of this attitude and hell-bent emotions right in his eyes.

“Great Mandy, just great,” I said and dug my fingers into my palms as a way of punishing myself, while I dialed the number of my driver, as I would no longer be pleased riding with them.

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