M.I N.E endless Love

Chapter 16: You are a good person

Rodrigo smiled when Camilla asked him why he went to the hospital. When he answered his phone, he had told her he was on his way home already. But she asked what he was doing outdoors so late.

Not wanting to mention the fact that he went to the glass house, he skipped that and told her he went to the hospital for a check up. That was when Camilla asked why he went for a check-up.

“Nothing serious. Just a normal routine check-up” he declared. Soon the call ended and he promised to call her when he gets home.

Camilla and Jared were together. Their mother had not returned from her coffee shop. “Sister, what is Rodrigo’s family saying about your relationship with him?” Jared asked, pausing in his computer games and turning to glance at her.

Once his sister had told him his mother had almost skinned her alive when they met in Rodrigo’s Mansion. She was hostile towards her and told her son she doesn’t approve of their relationship.

” His family wants him to break up with me. I really appreciate his love towards me but if they want him to marry that daughter from Kim’s family, that is fine. I am willing to let him go” Camilla disclosed, her voice giving a hint that she would soon cry. That’s what fate had brought her, she would accept it that way.

” He isn’t going to leave you. He loves you and I know he would Stand up to defend his love for you. You are a good person Camilla, everything is going to work out fine for you” Jared cheered.

He looked at his sister’s teary eyes, and stood, went to sit beside her and embraced her. Camilla is the best thing in he’s and his mother’s life. He can’t imagine how they would have sustained all these years after his father died without her.

She’s not his parents’ daughter, that he knows. But he could never have imagined a better sister. She has brought only goodness to their lives and filled them with happiness.

“Thank you Jared,” Camilla mused, smiling through teary eyes. She played with his hair and Jared smiled. He feels happy when he sees her smile.

” When did you say you are graduating again?” Camilla asked, shifting attention from herself. Jared paused and chuckled aloud. ” My final exam is in two weeks. Haven’t I told you that before?” He asked, surprised that she didn’t know when his last paper came up.

Jared was graduating from the University. He’s been to the University, thanks to Camilla. Her salaries as a waitress and the profit made from his mother’s coffee shop, saw through his years in the university.

“You did? I can’t remember” she replied and Jared teased her saying she only remembers Rodrigo’s name and nothing else. He will find a girlfriend that loves him too.

Camilla teased and said no girl was going to leave him better than she does, he is her surest brother.

Betty arrived home that day and locked herself in her room. She was furious and thought about what Jenny said to her and the way she pride herself as the youngest eldest madam of the Anderson family.

She would have been the one in that position. She would have been the madam of that family but the bastard was cripple. She had to give up the idea of being his wife and started flirting with his younger brother.

She can’t afford to be married and not be able to have an offspring. Simply because her husband was impotent. She let Jenny have the position and now, she talks back at her, lashing her with her tongue.

When it was dinner time, Betty didn’t come downstairs. She remained in her room until her mother Came to find her. She knocked and Betty pushed open the door.

Sebrina walked into her daughter’s room and saw her sitting on the floor and supported her back on the edge of the bed. She looked unhappy and to add to her mood, she took someone who had sobbed.

Seeing her daughter was Sebrina’s weak point. There are things she can’t stand and that includes seeing her daughter’s tears. Her daughter is a princess and should never sob.

“What happened Betty, you haven’t stepped out after you returned a few hours ago” Sebrina asked her daughter, going closer to her and trying to pull her off her feet. Betty wouldn’t talk but just looked away.

Sebrina coaxed her daughter and finally Betty explained to her mother how she saw Jenny at the grocery store and went to hug her but she snubbed her and told her she is no more in her category, she has become the young eldest madam of the Anderson family.

She told her mother how she wouldn’t believe it that Jenny almost killed her friends. She choked both of them at the same time and was choking them before eye witnesses came over to save them.

How can Jenny be the eldest daughter in-law of such an influential family in the country? How can she let her poor cousin take what rightfully should have been hers?

Sebrina said she had always known that the girl Jenny was a wolf in sheep’s clothing. So she dares to lash at her daughter publicly?

She told Betty to relax, for what she did, her mother’s life was due to come to an end. She had lingered too much as a vegetable in the hospital. She needs to go over and meet her husband. He definitely must have been waiting for her to come over.

That seemed to soothe Betty and she smiled. She can always trust her mother would be wise in all the decisions she made. Jenny, get ready in less than 24hours, you will become an orphan.

Emma felt so humiliated that day. She must have Rodrigo to herself if not for anything, but to prove to Camilla that she is capable of getting whatever she wants irrespective of who tries to stand in her way.

She must find a way to separate the two lovers. She has never lost any confirmation, this one is going to add to her successes. Rodrigo can only be hers and hers alone.

She knows she doesn’t love him. She has no trace of love or affection for him but her parents are really interested in being family with the Campbell’s.

They would then be able to own their own company. Not everyone knows that her parents were not the sole owners of the company but the President. The owner was in another country.

She made her lose face privately, she would ensure that she made Camilla lose face before the public and strip away from her the prestige of being Rodrigo’s woman. That is her promise to herself except she is not surnamed Martin.

Next morning, Eduardo came downstairs but didn’t have his breakfast. His assistant just called him an hour ago to inform him that Jenny’s mother was lying in a coma in the hospital supported by a life support machine.

From the investigation gathered, she was forced to be his bride in exchange for paying hospital bills to sustain her mother. So the one she really went out to see the previous day was her mother?

Eventually Jenny came downstairs and met Eduardo not eating but seated at the dinning. She murmured what sounded like a good morning and sat down.

Eduardo looked at her with a poker face. He already knows how she ended up his wife but he needed to keep up pretending to be mean towards her and everyone generally.

“Since you have agreed to take the wedding vows, you must do whatever I say you should do otherwise, you will remain in house arrest. First, you must wear the dresses in your wardrobe when stepping out. And you must inform me whenever you want to go out. Is that clear?” Eduardo instructed.

Jenny sighed audibly. She went to her room the previous evening with a bad temper because of what Eduardo said, this morning, will he make her step out in a bad temper as well?

” I am not used to dressing so sophisticated. I prefer to wear a simple dress that I am used to. As for telling you when I am going out, I will try my best to always remember to” Jenny sounded calm and ok.

“You had better get used to wearing classy and exquisite clothes. You represent not only yourself but me as well” Eduardo sounded authoritative. He waited for Jenny to reply but she didn’t reply, just nodded.

He started eating his breakfast and stealing glances at his wife. Why is he feeling she was avoiding a Quarrel with him? They ate quietly until Jenny’s phone started ringing.

The call was coming from the hospital. A ray of hope shone across her face. Has her mother shown a significant rate of improvement? Was she waking up already?

She answered the phone and the voice of the doctor came through “Doctor Clement on the line. I am afraid your mother’s health condition has deteriorated and she might not be making it out of coma…” the doctor was not through when Jenny stood up hurriedly.

” What.. what… what…?” That’s all she could utter. She was shivering when the call was hung. Her hand holding her phone was shivering and she was breathing hard as her chest moved forward and back in a too high rhythm.

Her mother was going to die? After so much effort? She had lost all her parents have gotten and ended up in this marriage she found herself only for her mother to be confirmed dead?This content © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

She was sweating and momentarily she was confused, either start running to the hospital or just sit back tsib? Or look into the rising sun and make wishes.

She sniffled and closed her eyes, tears running down her cheeks. She had sobbed and never stopped sobbing ever since she heard of that accident.

Eduardo Anderson looked at her, he felt pity for her. She definitely must have received a call from the hospital. Had anything happened to her mother. Paying no attention to his perplexed wife, he took his phone and sent a message to his assistant.

Jenny made a decision, she needed to head to the hospital. She doesn’t know what might have happened, but she needed to see her mother even if that’s the last time before she will be no more. She glanced at the nonchalant man having his breakfast.

He couldn’t even ask her what happened. Well she doesn’t want to have any exchange of words but just walked out on him and was going when he demanded ” where the hell are you going to when I am still seated?”

Eduardo’s facial expression was cold. Those eye balls of his seemed to be emitting a compressed aura. He was glaring at the retreating back view of Jenny.

Jenny paused and turned to look at him. She was having tears on her face and her eyes had gone red already. She locked eyes with Eduardo and couldn’t help looking at those eyes for ten seconds. They were frightening.

Didn’t this fellow see how devastated she was? He might not know who called her but from her actions and the way she stood up, he should know she had an emergency.

” I have an emergency Eduardo. You will have me excused” Jenny requested. She needed to leave immediately and get to the hospital. But what Eduardo said next almost made her curse him.

” Your damn fucking emergency situation should wait. This marriage only exists for some purpose, to accompany me at mealtime. I remember telling you this last night. When I am done, and decided to leave this dinning do you leave to attend to your emergency. Let this sink into your empty good for nothing skull” Eduardo commanded.

Jenny felt like throwing up at his words. She should sit and wait for him to leave before she would go and visit her mother? She glared at him with hostility and wished she could go and give him a deafening slap on that hairy chin of his.

She stomped her feet and sat down. Evil man, no wonder he is cripple. He would have been a demon if he had his legs. She wished he never walks with those legs of his anymore. Devil’s like him are better confined to a wheelchair.

Eduardo Anderson perceived her eyes were on him. She must be saying terrible things in her heart already. She would dislike him and that is his aim. That way his secret would remain covered.

Just then his phone beeped with a message. He unlocked the phone and read the content. He replied ” Get her out of the hospital and save her life. She mustn’t die” He kept his phone down and continued his breakfast.

He wasn’t really eating but taking a bite after intervals of five minutes. Thirty minutes had passed and his meal was just halfway. He would take his phone, browse with it and then read news.

Jenny knew he was being deliberate. He was keeping her indoors that’s why he had suddenly become cripple in his throat. Since he cannot use his legs, he probably was having problems with his throat.

Finally he received a message that she had been taken to a hidden hospital where she would be treated. And treatment had started and the doctor attending to her said she would live.

Only then did Eduardo stop eating and ask Eric to come around. In fifteen minutes, he arrived and wheeled Eduardo out of the house. He didn’t even glance back at Jenny nor asked enr what her emergency situation was.

That got her infuriated. She stood up and left as soon as Eduardo left for the office. Such a mean man. No wonder Betty was not interested in being his wife. She was forced and pushed into it as a condition to help sustain her mother.

When Jenny got to the hospital, she heard two familiar voices and was shocked when she heard a secret:

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