Mated To An Hybrid

Chapter 75

Up ahead, there was a barricade and Brian knew it was demons. He was surprised that they had found out where they were on time and now, they were here to cause havoc. One thing was sure in Brian’s heart, he wasn’t going down without a fight.

“Engage or leave it for later?”, Jack asked.

“Definitely now. We’ll be cowards not to engage in a fight, we can’t have Wilfred thinking we’re scared of him”, Brian said.

He had already cocked his gun which was ready to do a lot of damage. Brian climbed out of the van, moving towards the area where wilfred’s boys stood. Brian looked around but there was no sign of Wilfred nor Antonio.

“We’re here to retrieve our people”, a voice said.

The bearer of the voice came out from within the crowd of men who were dressed in black. Brian knew he was the leader of the men and the chief commander of this battalion. He had a large mark on his face, running through his forehead down to his neck. He looked fearless and Brian knew he might not be easy to defeat.

“You know bloody well I can’t release them to you”, Brian said.

He walked towards the attackers all the while keeping an eye on the snipers he had sighted from the rooftop. There was no telling that they came prepared and Brian could see the determination in their eyes over what they were about to do.

“I can not and will not release the prisoners to you”, Brian said.

“Then you leave us with no other option but to attack you”, he said.

Before Brian could react, the demon commander launched at him dealing blows towards him but Brian was quick to deflect. He staggered back when he gave him a particularly heavy blow that knocked him off his feet.

“I didn’t count you to be so slow and weak”, he taunted.

He moved towards Brian with a sly grin on his face. Brian shifted to his wolf form, growling as he watched the commander advance towards him.

“Even your wolf can’t stop me”, he chuckled.

Without wasting any more time, Brian launched at him, scratching out his eye. The commander yelled in pain and Brian was glad that he did that. There was no telling what he’ll do if he gave the commander a chance to retaliate.

“Brian, look out”, Killian shouted.

Brian saw it soon. A ball of fire created by one of the minions was heading his way and for the quick sight Killian had, Brian would have been incinerated.

“And you really think you’re smart”, Brian chuckled.

Jack and Killian rushed towards the minions, attacking them fiercly. Brian faced the commander who was growing weaker by the minute due to the attacks Brian launched at him.

“Any last words?”, Brian said.

“You’ll never have the final laugh”, he spat.

Brian dealt him a powerful blow as he watched the life drain out of his eyes. He shifted back into his human form as he watched his friends kill off the rest of the minions.

All was quiet now as they searched everywhere, trying to see if they could find another attacker but all was quiet.

“I think we killed off the last of them”, Killian said.

“We did. Let’s get out of here”, Brian said.

He made his way to the van with Jack and Killian following behind. When they got inside the van, they met their captors who were trying desperately to free themselves but it proved futile as their hands were tied tightly.

They drove to the airport soon without any other problems. When they got into the plane, Jack took over the wheels. Brian was happy that at least one of them knew how to drive a plane, he couldn’t imagine what would have happened if they were all ignorant on the subject.

“Does Serah know you’re coming today?”, Jack asked.

“No. She’ll be surprised to see me”, Brian smiled.

“I’m just glad you guys have settled your differences, that’s all that matters”, Killian said.

They landed at the airport few minutes later as Jack slowly brought the plane to a stop. They disembarked quickly, dragging the attackers with them. They got into another van soon as Killian took over the wheels.

“Where should we dump these men?”, he asked.

“At the club, in the cellar”, Brian said.

They drove towards the club with Jack reading some things on his pager. Judging by the look on his face, Brian knew that he had found something.

“What you got Jack?”, he asked.

“The drugs professor Handel manufactured last week just got into the city”, he said.

“Shit! That’s bad, we have to look for a way to stop it”, Killian said.

“We do. Jack, what is the mode of transportation. By air?”, Brian asked.Content held by NôvelDrama.Org.

His mind was furiously working on the ways he could stop what he knew could be a potential catastrophe. If those drugs got to their various outlets, Brian knew that there would be little to nothing he could do.

“By sea. From my sources, they are in the process of unloading it”, Jack said

His hands were typing furiously as he tried to get more information concerning this. Some of the sources were not forthcoming as they tried to keep away the information from him. Jack wasn’t surprised by this and he knew that some of them might have been bribed.

“Burn it down”, Brian snapped.

“Burn? Are you crazy?”, Jack said.

“No, I’m not. Jack, incase you don’t know but that’s the only way we can stop the supply”, Brian said.

“Boss, but there are some innocent lives there that might be lost”, Killian said.

“I know. Jack, see if you can evacuate some of the workers at the port before you give this order”, Brian said.

“In a minute”, Jack said.

He typed furiously on his phone, his eyes perched in concentration. There was no telling the damage that would be done if the workers were still there when he sets it on fire.

“All done. They’re all safe now”, Jack said.

“That was fast”, Killian chuckled.

“I have my ways”, Jack smiled.

“Do it”, Brian ordered.

From a singular tap on his phone, the port was engulfed in flames. Not many people knew it but Brian controlled the port and so had access to all the security footage and operations within it.

This was just the beginning of the total clampdown he was doing against professor Handel and hid wife and Brian vowed to continue until he was wiped out totally.

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