Mated To An Hybrid

Chapter 47

“You didn’t tell me Andrew came over to the house”, Brian said.

It was a over a week since the full moon appeared and over a week since Alpha Frederick, Brian’s father died.

“I’m sorry, it totally escaped my mind especially with everything that happened”, Serah said.

“You should have remembered, no matter what”, Brian seethed.

He got up from the chair he was sitting as he paced about. Serah sat back, silently watching him. She knew he was angry but there was nothing he could do as it was something she didn’t remember.

“You got shot Brian and you know damn well I wouldn’t have remembered that especially with your condition”, Serah said.

“I see. What was his mission here though?”, Brian asked.

“Are we seriously going to talk about that. It’s in the past Brian, forget about it”, Serah huffed.

“Oh and I forget about mine whenever Benita comes around?”, Brian mocked.

“That’s different and you know it”, Serah shouted.

She was fed up of his temper, fed up of having to walk on egg shells for fear of offending him. She was done playing nice and if he wanted to fight, she was ready to give it to him.

“There’s nothing different Serah, they’re all the same”, Brian said.

He sat back down, staring at her. He didn’t know what came over him when he raised his voice but he sure as hell don’t didn’t like it.

“Brian, honey. I know you’re grieving but you shouldn’t take it out on anyone one else, it’s not good for your health”, Serah said.

“I’m sorry for raising my voice. I don’t know what came over me, I’m truly sorry”, Brian sighed.

Just then, his phone gave a sharp beep indicating he had a call. He glanced at the caller ID and discovered it was Jack calling him.

“I’ll be back soon babe, I need to take this”, he said, rising up to his feet.

He made his way to the balcony, overlooking the blue sea far away which danced playfully under the evening breeze. Ever since his father died, his wolf had been down, even refusing a run when Brian suggested it. He didn’t know what to do as he could only hope he came over it.

“Jack, what’s up?”, Brian said.

“Nothing much. I called to tell you that the submarine has arrived our port”, he said.

“Oh good. Has the order been sent to the army chief?”, Brian asked.

“Not yet, we’re waiting for your order before we dispatch the goods”, he said.

“Go on with it”.

“Okay. There’s a bit of a problem boss. It’s nothing serious but I just thought to inform you”, Jack said.

Brian paused, thinking over his words. He knew that since he had taken up the position of being the alpha, he’ll always be faced with one problem or the other.

“What’s it about?”, Brush asked.

“The vault you asked us to open, I mean your father’s vault we can’t seem to access it”, he said.

“What do you mean?”.

“The passcode is wrong. We fear it has been changed or tampered with”.

“But that’s impossible, my father gave it to me before he died”, Brian said, pacing about.

“I’m sorry boss, but it’s wrong. The vault won’t open”, Jack said.

“So what’s the implication of that”.

“We won’t be able to assess the guns and right now, we’re short. If we experience anymore attacks, we’ll be severely hit. We just have a little over a hundred”, he said.

Brian knew this was bad but try as he may, he couldn’t think of anything that could lead him to discover any clues that could help him.

“Okay. We’ll figure it out before the end of the day”, Brian said.

“Okay boss. I’ll commence the dispatchment of the goods to the army chief now”, Jack said.

“Please do, thank you”, Brian said.

“Okay. Say hi to Serah”, Jack said before cutting the call.

Brian returned to the living room to meet his mate sleeping peacefully. He didn’t want to disturb her and he was about moving to another area when she sat up.

“You weren’t sleeping?”, Brian chuckled.

He sat down on the large couch, pulling her towards him. He always loved it when her soft body was pressed to his, it reminded him that there was someone who had his best interest at heart, a mate and a confidante.

“What’s the matter?”, Serah asked.

She had sensed his change of mood the minute he walked in. She knew it was related to the phone call.

“Remember I told you my Dad gave me some guns before he died?”, Brian said.

“Yes, I remember”.

“Well now that he’s dead, the whole vault belongs to me now but Jack just called to inform me that the passcode to access the vault is wrong”, Brian said.

“Wrong? That’s weird. Are you sure it’s the right passcode they put in?”, Serah asked.

“Yes, it’s the right one. It’s really weird because this has never happened before”, Brian said with a confused expression on his face.

“Is there anything that’s remotely related to the passcode, anything that could be helpful?”.

Brian thought long and hard about it and like a flash, he remembered a hint. It was the date his parents had their unveiling. According to his father, that day was a special one in his life.

“Yes, the date of my parents unveiling”, he said.

“Bingo! That’s your answer”, Serah said.

“But how can you be so sure”.Têxt © NôvelDrama.Org.

“I just know it Brian, I’m sure of it”.

“I love you, you know that”, he smiled.

“I know, heck you tell me that everyday”, Serah smiled.

“And I would never stop loving you. You’re like a drug to me, one I need to take everyday of my life”, he smiled.

“Brian, what’s with all the components?”, Serah laughed.

“Is it a bad thing if I shower all the love on my mate?”, he smiled.

“No and i love it”, she grinned.

“I never intend to”.

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