Masters And Lovers 1-4

Chapter 47

Chapter 47


I turn her to face me, hold her at the shoulders, look her in the face. “Charlotte, are you sure about

this? You have the final say. And if you say no, then it won’t happen. Remember, this affects your long-

term future, not just the occasional evening of frolics in the basement.”

“I’m sure, Master. The more I think about it, the surer I am. I can’t think of a better way for our family…

all of our family to be safe. If Michael is happy with the idea, and you are, then I am too.”

I kiss her forehead. “Good girl. And I agree with you. This will keep you and Peanut down there…” I pat

her stomach… “... very safe…”

She bursts out laughing. “Peanut?”

“About the right size for now, wouldn’t you say?”



I sit, staring at nothing, thinking about…

… Nothing…

Maybe I should get something to eat?

My gut’s griping. I’ve not eaten all day. Sally brought me one of her usual offerings for lunch; a plate-

sized bacon and egg sandwich and a can of beer, but the smell turned my stomach.

Scruffy ate well though along with Kirstie’s tribe, running wild around the gardens in hairy, waggy,

excitable enthusiasm.

The pint-sized rag-tag lies by my feet. Occasionally he looks up at me, whining. I scratch his ear and he

settles again.

There’s no sign of James and Charlotte other than James’ tablet on his armchair and a book, marker

inserted, on Charlotte’s favourite spot on the settee. With no real interest, I look at the cover. ‘A Song of

Ice and Fire - A Dance with Dragons.’

The scent of something is drifting in, James’ cooking I assume. A part of me says it smells rich and

savoury, winey and herby, but my gut recoils.

Just a coffee maybe…

I head for the kitchen, but as I enter the hallway, the doorbell rings. I glance around, but there’s no sign

of James or Charlotte.

Where are they?

… and I open the door to two broadly smiling faces.

“Richard, Beth, I didn’t know we were expecting you?”

“James and Charlotte knew,” says Richard. “They invited us to dinner. They didn’t tell you?”

“Um, no they didn’t, but James has something going on in the kitchen. Come on in. I’ll track them


As I wave them through, Beth stretches up, kisses my cheek. “Nice to see you again, Michael. I’ve

missed you.” Then she drops her eyes. And just like that, I scent a trace of her arousal.

My cock jerks.

Richard casts a look down at his lovely wife-sub, mouth working and amusement crinkling at the

corners of his eyes. He knows exactly what just happened.

I’m a little embarrassed. For sure, Beth and I have enjoyed each other, with Richard’s blessing, but the

moment has to be chosen…

Where are James and Charlotte?

“Let me take your coats. Come on through to the lounge. I’ll get you a drink.” They follow me through

and as we pass the bottom of the stairs, from above comes the unmistakable sound of Charlotte,


Fine sense of timing…

Richard and Beth exchange a grin. “It sounds as though Charlotte’s Master is looking after his sub,”

she comments.

“Um, yes, it does. Perhaps they’ve lost track of time… When did he invite you for?”

“Perhaps we’re a little early.” Richard’s expression is bland. He looks around. “No Mitch?”

“She went to visit Kirstie in hospital. Said there was a movie she wanted to see afterward. Anyway, sit

yourselves down, I’ll er… Beth, what would you like to drink?”

“I’ll have a gin and tonic, please.”

“Same for me.”

“Ice and lemon?”

Beth starts, “Yes, plea…” Her words are cut short by another moan drifting down the stairs. The moan

grows louder, edgier, rises in pitch. Scruffy wags his stump of a tail and yaps.

What the fuck’s he doing to her?

Beth and Richard both roll eyes upward. “Sounds like quite a party,” he says.

“Um, yes. I’ll go let them know you’re here.”

Their eyes meet and something passes between them, but I don’t dwell on it, instead heading upstairs.

Charlotte’s wails grow louder the closer I get to the bedroom.

As I open the door, the sight that greets me is… arresting…

James, fully dressed, has her on the bed, lying over a layer of thick towels. Charlotte is naked,

blindfolded, arms spread and with her wrists cuffed to the posts of the bed-head. Her legs are spread

too, not too tightly. He’s left her enough play to bend her knees but not enough to close her thighs. Her

skin gleams, as though she’s been oiled.

On a small side table, James has an ice-bucket, the floating contents chinking a little. Beside that, a

bottle of baby oil and a large feather.

With an expression of careful concentration, James holds a small jar candle over her, tipping it to spill.

As I watch, liquid wax drips, falling to splash over a creamy breast. She arches, inhaling, her breath


“Um, James… your guests have arrived. Beth and Richard are here. Er… what kind of wax is that?”

“Soy,” rumbles James. “She’s quite safe.” He glances up. “The casserole’s in the slow-cooker. It won’t

be ready for an hour or so. Why don’t you ask Richard and Beth to join us up here? For that matter,

why don’t you join us?”

Another trickle of wax drips onto Charlotte’s pale skin. Her breath catches, but as it sets, James puts

the candle aside, fishes out an ice cube and slides it over and around the dripped wax. Her gasp turns

to a gulp then a cry. He stoops, Aaahhhs breath over the spot and moves on to chew softly on a nipple,

tugging it between his teeth.

“What the hell are you doing to her?”

“She was reading. I was bored. I decided to give her my own interpretation of a Song of Ice and Fire.”

Charlotte’s whole body is quivering, her hips jerking. Her slit glistens and the way she smells…


“I’ll, um… I’ll pop down and see if Richard and Beth would like to… er…”

But as I re-enter the lounge, I meet two knowing smiles. The bloody obvious dawns. “It’s a set-up, isn’t

it? You did this at Christmas. Now you’ve done it again.”

Beth blinks, chewing at her lower lip. Richard’s head tilts. “If you don’t want to…”

“Oh, I do. I do. It’s just that, the last few weeks, I’ve not…” Shame wells over me.


My wife…

Richard touches Beth in the small of her back, nods her to me. She moves close, lays a hand on my

arm. “Which is why your friends are here. To help get you feeling more like yourself again.”

Then Beth wheels out her big guns; turns her eyes on me, green as springtime, wide and soft, and she

drops to her knees at my feet.

Oh… fuck…

My shaft surges. My balls heating, abruptly, the room is too warm. I take her hand, help her upright

again. “Better get you upstairs, hadn’t I.”

Then to Richard, “I think you’ll enjoy the game James is playing. I suspect he’s brought enough toys to

the playground for two.”

His eyes twinkle. “I expect so, yes.”

As we enter the bedroom, James speaks as though he were addressing his secretary. “Ah, Richard.

Thank you for coming. I have a small task for you. One I think you will enjoy.”

“Always happy to help. Beth, look after Michael will you while I’m busy here. What can I do for you,


“Charlotte here is enjoying a little wax-play, but of course, we need nice smooth skin to take it further. If

you look over there, you will find a razor, fresh blades, a can of foam and a couple of bowls...”

Charlotte’s head jerks up and forward.

James’ voice is dry, but his eyes are creasing. “Something to say, Charlotte?”

Her head falls back. “No, Master.” But her chest rises and falls… rises and falls.

He’s going to shave her?

Beth’s eyes dance…

… and her breathing is ramping up…

She’s waxed smooth…

Charlotte told me Richard shaved her the first time they met…


My erection is struggling for freedom. I wish I could take a moment out to… adjust… myself…

… but Beth is waiting for me.

“You want to watch your husband shave my wife, Beth?”

Her eyes huge, a blush rises up from her neck, kissing her cheeks. Her head tilts slowly back and forth.

“Don’t you think you should be naked?”

Again the slow rocking of her head. Her lips open.

“So, take off your clothes, slowly so I can watch you.”

She swallows then starts to unbutton her blouse.

“Turn to face Richard as you undress.”

Obeying me, she turns to her husband where he now sits perched at the head of the bed to one side of

Charlotte. James sits to the other side, framing her between them. As I move to stand by Richard, he

acknowledges me with a small nod of the head then sits back with folded arms to watch his wife’s


James reaches to tug the blindfold away from Charlotte, plumps a pillow to lift her head a little then also

sits back, arms folded, his dark eyes following Beth’s movements.

Beth’s eyes shift between us, her audience of four, lingering on James, who normally keeps his

distance, and his attention, fixed on Charlotte. But this time, a smile lurks around his mouth and eyes.

She unbuttons the blouse at front and cuffs, letting it slide and fall. Underneath, she’s wearing a corset

in that shade of green that so well suits both her and Charlotte. Her breasts sit high and mounded,

porcelain edged by lace in moss and gold, constrained by laces which zig-zag from cleavage to below

the line of her skirt.

And I’m itching for that skirt to come off.

She turns, a hip facing me, fixing me with a hypnotic emerald and black gaze. “Unwrap me?”

My cock pulses. I stroll across, cursing the tightness in my pants that is making walking uncomfortable.

I feel for the fastening. A button… two buttons... The skirt is a wrap-around.

Looping an arm around Beth, I turn her until I stand behind her and she once more faces her audience.

Standing close, pressing my shaft against her ass, I slip open first one button, then the next, then move

away to let the skirt fall. Charlotte, head propped, watches, mesmerised, as I undress her ‘cousin’.

The fabric puddles at Beth’s feet. Underneath, the corset wasps in before flaring out to wide hips and

suspenders in the same green-gold combination, and sheer black stockings.

A thong completes the ensemble, tied at the side with ribbons that dangle, begging for attention.

“Very nice, Beth,” I say. “Perhaps not completely naked today,” I draw my thumbnail from the nape of

her neck, down her spine and to the edge of the ribbing. I know from previous occasions that she

responds to this, and I want to see the results of my efforts.

Reaching, I palm her caged breasts, then tug down the cups of the corset to leave them sitting high,

perched above the stays, vibrating with her heartbeat.

James and Richard watch all this as, sliding my nail down between shapely shoulders with one hand, I

tug and pluck at a crinkling nipple with the other, rolling it between thumb and forefinger, warm and

yielding, plumping and hardening.

Then, heading south, I tug at the ties of the thong, pulling away about a square inch of satin as the

flimsy thing falls away.

Richard sucks in air. “So, James, where would you like me to start?”

“I’m sure you don’t need instructions from me...” James drops eyes to Beth’s smooth pubis. “… An old

hand like you.” His gaze shifts to Charlotte… “But I think we’ll adjust the furniture a little.”

Rising, he takes a stand-mirror from the corner of the bedroom, moves it to the side of the bed, adjusts

the angle, then stands back to gauge the results. He adjusts it a little, measures it by eye again and

then nods. Charlotte has an excellent view of her own sex.

“Would you like her opened a little further, Richard? I imagine you’ll want to reach everything easily.”

“Excellent idea, James. The knees wider I think, and we'll lift her hips.”

It's a game they play, the pair of them, torturing her with anticipation, but Charlotte’s eyes tell a tale.

The two Doms work as a team, James tossing silken rope across the bed, looping around the bedposts

as Richard passes the other end around and under Charlotte’s knees, drawing her open, increasing her


“Just a moment, Richard.” James hooks an arm under Charlotte’s ass, lifts, then thrusts a pillow under,

pushing from one side to the other until she’s evenly balanced. “You might want to adjust the rope a

little. The pillow’s eased off the tension.”

“Can’t be having that.” Richard hums to himself as he repositions Charlotte and her bindings.

“Just one more thing,” says James, plucking something from a pocket; an egg. He presses at a spot

until it starts to buzz, shows it to Charlotte, pops it in his mouth, sucking it for a second, then pushes it

inside her. She yelps and strains, then yelps again as James fiddles with a set of controls, pointing

them at her pussy.

“I think that should help move things along,” he comments. Then passing Richard a small pair of

scissors, he sits on the end of the bed, sucking in his cheeks.

Still standing behind her, one arm now locked around Beth, I pull her body hard against mine. The heat

of her skin scorches through my shirt. Her quickening heartbeat thumps through my chest and my arm

tightens and relaxes with her breathing. Reaching down with my free hand, I stroke over her mound,

then cup the fingers inward.

Wet heat rewards me, my fingertips slick as I probe inwards, slipping between her labia, stroking and

teasing around her clit. Content rights belong to NôvelDrama.Org.

And together, we watch Richard with Charlotte.

Charlotte keeps herself trimmed in any case, but she’s always done it for herself. Richard’s eyes rise to

hers, then drop to his ‘work area’. “I’ve always enjoyed the novelty of your red hair, Charlotte,” he says

in matter-of-fact tones. “But this is fun.”

He widens eyes at her for a moment, flashing his brows, then sliding fingers into her curls, holding a

short length, he snips. She swallows hard as he places the trimmings to one side, moves to the next

area. “You smell good, Charlotte. Enjoying this are you?”

There’s more than her rising aroma. The glisten at her pussy is spreading, a fine trail which trickles

down her swelling labia. The billowing combination of her scent and Beth’s is playing mayhem with my


Oh, God, it’s good to feel like this again…

Richard looks up when Charlotte doesn’t reply. James reaches forward, tweaks at a nipple. “Show

some manners, Charlotte. You will reply to Richard when he asks you a question.”

Her voice is shaky. “Yes, I’m enjoying it.”

Richard pauses, scissors poised over the red tuft between his fingers. “Which part are you enjoying

Charlotte? Me trimming you? Or knowing that I’m looking at your pussy while I’m doing it? Or knowing

that everyone is watching you?”

Scarlet pin-points her cheeks. “All of it.”

“Charlotte…” James’ warning is a rumble.

“Sorry, Master. All of it, Sir.”

Richard snips and cuts, snips and cuts, occasionally stretching one lip or the other, drawing the skin

tight as he trims the hair short.

“I think that will do for that part.” He sets the scissors aside. “Could I have some warm water and a

damp cloth please, James.”

“Coming up.” James takes the two bowls and vanishes into the bathroom, reappearing a few moments

later with a towel and the bowls half-filled and steaming.

Richard drapes the towel over Charlotte’s loins. “We’ll just let the heat work its magic shall we.” He

turns. “How are you doing with my wife, Michael? Is she enjoying herself?”

“I’d say so.” I hold up Exhibit One for inspection; my wet hand, then place my fingers on her lips. “Taste

yourself, Beth. Are you ready for me yet?”

She sucks at my fingertips. “Michael, I…”

“A bit more I think. Then when you’re good and ready, I’m going to lean you over the armchair so you

can see what they’re doing to Charlotte while I fuck you from behind.”

It’s bravado. My erection is ready to burst out of its own accord. I can’t hold on too much longer. It’s

been weeks, and I want to fuck and shoot.

First Beth…

Charlotte’ll be good for another later…

“I think that warm cloth should have done its work,” says Richard. He whips the towel away, once more

revealing Charlotte’s exposed sex.

She's agog. Trussed and tied, she watches with disbelief on her face as Richard takes the razor,

setting it beside her. As he picks up the can, he displays it to her then drops a wink. Foam spurts into

his palm, a pale spume…

On your knees… Mouth open… As I spurt over your tongue…

… which he creams into copper curls, working it in, massaging it to the skin.

“It's a while since I've had the opportunity to do this,” comments Richard. His tone is conversational. He

could be remarking on the weather, but there's a glint in his eye. Wielding the shaver like a maestro, he

glides over white skin and whiter foam, edging into foxy curls then tapping the head clean into the

water bowl. Lather bobs on the surface, mixed with strands of glinting copper.

Beth quivers in my arms. My cheek pressed to hers from behind, “Is that what Richard did to you…?

The first time?” I speak quietly, but Richard obviously hears, his eyes rolling up to his trembling wife, a

smile twitching around his mouth.

“Yes, except he had me tied up in the shower.”

“Did you enjoy it? It turned you on?”

“Oh, yes. Well… it was a mixture of arousal and outrage.”

I suppress a chuckle. “And are you enjoying watching your husband shave my wife's pussy?”

A tremor runs through her, and wet heat gushes over my fingers.

That answers that question…

Working swiftly but carefully, inch by inch, Richard shaves Charlotte clean; pubis, pussy and lips,

leaving her smooth as a summer cherry, and somehow… more naked…

He sits back, drops the razor into the water and wipes his hands. Then swiping away the last of the

foam with the cloth, he fishes a small bottle from his pockets and tips a little oil into his palms.

Charlotte inhales then wrinkles her forehead.

“Olive oil,” says Richard rubbing his hands over skin shiny and now blooming pink. “I borrowed it from

James' store cupboard in the kitchen.”

“Olive oil… Sir?” Her frown deepens.

“Very good for the skin and… it tastes better than baby oil.” And with that, pressing palms against her

thighs, opening her even further, he stoops and draws his tongue, long and slow, between her legs.

Charlotte presses her head back into the pillow, her mouth flinging wide, mewling and crying as she

strains and struggles. Richard ignores her cries, trailing his tongue over hot flesh and nude skin,

winding a circle or two around her clit, then delving into her sex.

“Lovely. There’s nothing like a nice smooth pussy I always say.” Richard sits up and back. “Take a look,

James. What do you think?”

James moves to sit beside Richard on the bed, running a finger along the vee of her thighs. “I rather

enjoy having her redhead at top and tail, but the novelty is interesting.”

Her lips and entrance are swollen and exposed, puffy and brilliant red. The glint at her slit is turning to a

flow. Richard slides in a finger, flicking out the egg, then slips inside again, first one finger, then another.

He pumps her a couple of times, opening her, then jams in. He's angling, aiming for the sweet spot

inside and her answering yell sends ripples through my groin…


I need to fuck…

“Over you go, Beth.” I’d said I would place her to watch, but instead I just bend her over the bed to

supporting herself on her hands.

I unbelt then, fumbling in my haste to get my cock out, rip the top button from my fly before flipping the

others open. With Beth’s beautiful slick pussy waiting for me and Charlotte’s displayed, I plunge inside,

ramming home with everything I’ve got. My release begins to rise immediately. Seldom in my adult life

have I gone more than a few days without sex. This time, it’s been weeks and my libido has returned

with a vengeance.

And Beth is on the receiving end.

I’m battering into her and she screams her appreciation. One arm curved around her waist, with the

other I finger at her bud, jack-hammering her as I do so. I think she’s as aroused already as I am,

because her screams are growing shrill. At some level, I’m aware that Richard, James and Charlotte

have stopped….

… whatever it was…

… they were doing and are watching as I fuck the brains out of Richard’s wife. Of course, I’m taking the

short-cut to her brain… Straight up the middle.

Balls tight, shaft ram-rod hard, I pound her, my climax rising by the moment. But so’s hers. My control’s

going and I’m clutching at her tits. Richard shoots out a hand, taking over her clit where I’ve abandoned

her. Bear-hugging her, squeezing her tight as she shrieks and struggles in my grasp, that moment


And so do I.

It’s so intense. So internal. Buried inside this lovely woman, this image of my wife who watches me all

the while as I do it, I pump into her. Pulse into her. Shudder and groan and grind into her.

And when I’m done, twitching and trembling, I simply stay there, my erection slowly subsiding.


“Beth, I’m sorry. Did you…”

She laughs; a low, slow, reassuring sound. “Oh, yes. I did. Are you feeling a bit better now?”

“Yes. Oh, God, yes. Beth, thank you.”

“My pleasure.” That rippling laugh again. “Although it might take me a while to get my insides

rearranged back where they belong.”


“Have I hurt you?”

“No… Do you seriously think Richard… or James… would let that happen?”

Of course not…

A sound… Charlotte clearing her throat. “Ummm…”

“Yes, Charlotte.” Richard swings around. “I believe that makes it your turn. James… Together or


“You’re the guest, Richard. You choose.”

“In that case, I think together. Heads or tails?”

“Oh, tails I think, if that suits you?”


As I withdraw from Beth, tucking away my subsiding erection, I help her upright.

Richard and James both stand, side by side, towering over Charlotte. I back away from the action,

giving them space, but take Beth with me, pulling her down onto my lap as I sit, nuzzling into her neck.

“Thank you. You have no idea how much…”

She twists back, kisses me on the mouth. “I think I did know.”

James and Richard are both stripping off jackets, ties and shirts, kicking off shoes. “I think Charlotte’s

about to get it big time,” she murmurs.

“I’d say so, yes.”

James drops to his knees, settles between her thighs.

Richard unzips, releases himself, then stroking his erection, straddles her, his shaft trembling by her

chin. He tilts her chin, looking directly at her. “Charlotte,” he says. “Yes? You know what I'm asking.”

“Yes, I know. And, yes.”

“You're sure?”

“Yes, Richard. I'm sure.”

“Good, in that case, open your mouth.”

Beth wriggles on my knee, somehow slotting in more comfortably. She smells of sweat and sex and her

and me and…

… great…

… and even though she’s ‘leaking’ over my thigh, she just kind of belongs where she is

With me...

… My arms around her…

Richard, his shaft swollen purple, is rubbing himself over Charlotte’s lips, his cock-head streaming pre-

cum over her as he fists himself, between wails, into her open mouth. “I want your tongue out,

Charlotte. I’m going to come where I can see it, and then I want to watch you swallow.”

“Yes, Sir.”

James is in his favourite spot; his face pressed into her cunt, licking her out as she twitches and

dances to his tune, sucking at her clit, drawing out her bawls and loving every one of them. His pants

must be killing him, judging by the ridge to the front, but it’s not slowing his style.

Charlotte’s becoming breathless, gasping for air as the flush on her breasts rises, spreading over neck

and face. Her skin gleams, and not just from the oil. Sweat beads her forehead and her belly.

With a grunt, Richard jolts, his eyes squeezing closed as he pulses a creamy pool over Charlotte’s

waiting tongue. He heaves, gasps and looks briefly skyward before looking down once more.


Charlotte closes her mouth, gulps and grins. But the grin vanishes as James plunges his own tongue

deep into her, his face pressed hard against her.

She’s brinking, shuddering, the sound from her throat a long drawn-out howl…

And she explodes into orgasm…

Richard kneels up to one side, watching her. I watch her. Beth watches her, briefly twisting to plant a

kiss on my cheek.

And as she hits her peak, James backs away, unzipping and releasing his erection as he stands, then

dropping again, he spears into her. Her screams rise; louder, higher. James is already as close as I

was with Beth. He’s fucking her hard, hilting himself with every stroke, riding her as though there is

nothing else, no-one else in the world but they two.

And as his own climax takes him, he presses into her. At hip and head, pelvis grinding, his mouth

fastened over hers, shuddering, he gasps and heaves and spills into her.


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