Married To Mr Arrogant

Chapter Sixty Six

Married to Mr. Arrogant

Subtitle: Getting to know him

Written by : Marvy Hyacinth

“Stop it… That’s enough.”

Alexa breathed against Anderson’s lips as soon as she removed his lips from hers and Anderson tried to kiss her more.

Anderson furrowed his brows in confusion.

“You didn’t like it…?”

Alexa nodded in the negative.

“It’s not that… Just…”

She couldn’t find the right word to complete her sentence.

“Just what?”

“Nothing. Let’s just concentrate on the road leading where we’re going.”

Alexa straightened her face. How on earth could she face and tell this man staring right at her that her tummy tingled each time he touched her?

Anderson stared at Alexa with no specific emotion. Was it that he didn’t kiss her well? No, there was no way that was possible… Not after his past pleasure filled experiences with other girls.

“Ok then.”Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

He said coldly and turned to face the way ahead, away from Alexa as he stared at the road Bob was steering them by, his mind not there but on Alexa.

Alexa on the other hand turned her face to the window by her side, away from Anderson. She’d noticed Anderson’s frown, but she couldn’t care less. She was the proud type and nothing was going to make her confess feelings first.

>APRIL< I stared at the pictures in front of me... I could achieve a lot with these three pictures like I did the first ones. SURPRISED? Oh don't be! You should know me by now, wherever the fun is... Is where I am. I looked for a side among Anderson and his ex to side with, but turns out... I hate the b! tch for no particular reason, and I still have scores to settle with Anderson... So I chose to be in between - creating rifts and little problems that were eventually gonna lead to something bigger. ... You see, that sounds fun right? Let me tell you this... It actually is I was expecting the first tear gas I dropped to cause a lot of Chaos, and it did. The media and majority of people against Anderson after I released the pictures of Alexa and Anderson in his house hugging was quite an enjoyable session. I was surprised as to how fast Anderson was able to clear the topic from most lips after such a scandalous news came out. Since I started with Anderson, I should probably leave Phoebe a little gift too, right? I know what to do. Aƚ ƚԋҽ Pαƚƚҽɾʂσɳ'ʂ Hσɱҽ... "Dad!!!" Phoebe yelled as she stomped into her Dad's office_room. "What the fvck Phoebe? This is the third time you're screaming my name in a minute." Greg half yelled, slightly frustrated. "Nothing's going my way!" She sulked. "Nothing ever goes my way sometimes too, so stop acting like it happens to you only!" "But... But..." Phoebe stuttered. "But what?!" Greg asked, already annoyed by his daughter's disturbance. "My brand is going to be declared open by next week, and we have NO investor still." Phoebe yelled in espiration. "You're talking about investors? Where are the clothes and accessories you're gonna market?" "Since April refused to partner with me, I looked for other brands. They're less quality, but all the same... It's ok." "Where are your investors then?" Greg asked, half mocking his daughter. "Use your influence and get me some." Phoebe said in her usual bratty manner. "I don't have much influence on the public... It all goes to Simon and his stupid son." Greg replied, stressing more on 'And'. "Just wait a little bit more Dad. I'll make sure to deal with them and we'll watch them fall." Phoebe said, a smirk playing on her lips. "I'm waiting... but I'm slowly running out of patience." "Don't worry... It will be a while more till you won't have to wait no more." Phoebe smiled. As soon as she was done with her last word, a knock came on the door... Directing both Father and Daughter's gaze to the door. "You having a visitor?" "Did you order for something?" They asked each other simultaneously. "I'm not expecting anyone today." Greg answered. "I ordered nothing too." Phoebe answered, making her Dad's face curve into a frown. "Then who could it be?" "I'll go check." Phoebe said, already taking steps outside her Dad's Room cum Office, towards the door. "Hi, miss Phoebe Patterson right?" A uniformed man asked as soon as she swung the door open, making Phoebe nod in the positive. "This package is for you." The man spoke again. "Please sign here." He said, pushing a notepad towards Phoebe. "What's this?" Phoebe asked slightly confused. "A miss sent it to you, I don't know the contents... I only deliver them." "Oh, ok." Phoebe muttered, collected the notepad and pen from the delivery man and signed. The man collected his notepad back, scrutinizing if Phoebe truly signed and wrote up her name in the notepad. After being assured her signature and name was gracing the notebook, he sighed in relief. "Here you go." He said and handed Phoebe her Package before taking his leave. Phoebe looked at the box and sighed. "What could be in this box?" He asked nobody in particular before closing the door and walking back to her father's room. "What's that?" Greg asked immediately he sighted Phoebe walking in with a box in her hands. "A package... I don't know what's in it though." Phoebe replied absent mindedly as she placed the box on her Dad's desk and began the interesting work of tearing the box open. "What the heck!" Phoebe said. "What's in it?" Greg asked. "A key." Phoebe said, disappointment dripping from her every word. "What?!" "It's a damn key!" Phoebe yelled disappointed. She had expected more than what she saw in the package... What was she going to use a key to do? "That's not right. A key to what?" Greg asked. "That's what I'm confused about." Phoebe answered and started probing the box with her fingers. "And there's nothing..." She cut herself off when her fingers groped an envelope in the box. She pulled it out. "Oh, there's something." "Is that an envelope I see?" Greg asked, still on his seat as he watched Phoebe tear the envelope open. "Yes. And it contains a letter." Phoebe said staring at the paper in her hand. "Read it then, let's see." "I will." Phoebe rolled her eyes at her Dad before drawing her attention back to the paper. "This key you first thought useless is the key to the best brand you want. Go to the address below this letter I write you, and use the key I gave you to unlock your dream." Phoebe read out. "What the heck was that?" Phoebe asked and picked the single key up. "How did the writer of this letter know I considered this key useless?" She asked no-one in particular as she stared at the key. "I suggest you go to the address he\she wrote and go see the nonsense the letter's talking about." Greg suggested. "I'll do just that." Phoebe said and took her leave. "The question is... Who sent me the key and letter?" She asked inwardly as she moved on.

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