Marked By The Demon Triplet Alpha Kings

Chapter 8

Chapter 8


A frown settled on my face at the thoughts and I almost slapped myself at my stupidity.

How could I doubt my biological mother because of a mere fur colour?

You are so dumb, Aurora, that’s why she hates you.

I heaved a sigh before glancing at my mother who froze on a spot, watching me suspiciously.

Maybe if I was as smart as Nathalia, she would have shown some care.

I tore my mind off sad thoughts that crept in slowly, blocking it off completely before it could engulf me.

As far as I was concerned, this was the happiest day of my life.

The day I shamed Nathalia by transforming into a gigantic wolf more majestic than hers.

I drowned in the sea of awe as I marveled at my fur that glittered like precious stones as the sun reflected on it.

My jaws dropped to the floor as I got lost in the beautiful sight.

I could never get tired of watching it.

I wouldn’t mind shifting every day to have a look at my shiny fur.

A sharp pain pulled me from my thoughts as I felt a burning sensation behind my back.

Its sting was like that of a deadly scorpion. I hissed, clenching my teeth and refusing to spill a tear.

No amount of pain would ruin my day.

But I was wrong.

The pain continued to intensify at a great speed, hovering over the region above my waist.

Confusion hit me hard as I felt the strange sensation spreading and forming symbols. As much as I tried to follow the movement mentally, I couldn’t make out what the symbols were.

In the blink of an eye, deafening screams came off my mouth in waves as I fell on the floor, gasping for breath.

What was happening to me?!

I wasn’t allowed to recover as a sunset orange glow emanated from my back, where the strange symbols rested.

It burnt so bad that I felt myself being skinned alive. It was like a bag of salt was used to rob my bleeding wounds.

I lay on the floor, helpless and whimpering as I watched the glow from my back connect to the Moon strangely before fading away like it never happened.

“You’ll be fine, Aurora.” A voice in my head sympathized.

I jolted up weakly, glancing at people’s shocked faces as I searched for who spoke.

The voice was strange. I have never heard anything like it.

Despite the numerous people in the mansion, I could differentiate their voices.

“Don’t be afraid. It’s Rue, your wolf.” It sounded again, more clearly this time, sending chills down my spine.

I have a wolf!

A smile was slowly playing on my face when Nathalia found it as a perfect time to pounce on me, clawing me till I began to bleed.

It hurt that I couldn’t fight back. Thanks to the transformation for sapping my energy.

“Get away from your sister, Nathalia!” The Alpha’s voice thundered. But I could sense confusion clouded in his head.

What was he confused about? His daughter beating me to a pulp while I lay slowly losing consciousness without him intervening?

What a good father. I scoffed inwardly.

I groaned in pain as Nathalia threw me on the floor like a bag of potatoes. I could feel my ribs cracking.

“She’s got the pack’s tattoo.” The Luna gasped in shock, stretching her finger at the symbol behind my back with bulged eyes.

The pack’s tattoo? What was she talking about? And why was everyone flabbergasted at my transformation?

With my last strength, I turned my head to have a glimpse of the symbol.

“Holy shit!” I cursed, and my eyes widened in surprise.Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

How the hell did the pack’s tattoo end up on my back?

My head ached terribly as I began to think of a possible way that the tattoo appeared.

“Everyone, get out!” The Alpha commanded. His tone screamed authority and danger at the same time.

Confusion hit me hard like a ton of bricks as I watched everyone’s perplexed faces staring wide at me…even my mother was not left out.

Except she looked like she was about to pass out. Her fears consumed her as I could almost taste it. Her heart was beating like a thousand war drums.

Something wasn’t right. I have never seen my mother so frightened.

“Eve, Nathalia, Ingrid, Aurora, Valerie stay behind.” He released a tense breath, swallowing the bile in his throat as his chest rose and fell in anticipation.

I raised my head to see the other servants walk out the door hurriedly before my father did something tragic to them.

Satisfied as the door was slammed shut, he threw a deadly look at my mum who tried to compose herself.

“What just happened?” He bellowed, taking dangerous steps to her. A forced smile flashed across her face as she took a few steps backward.

“I don’t understand, Alpha.” Her voice came out in a whisper.

“Aurora is my daughter and because she shares my blood, she is bound to have silver fur. I need to know why her fur is not mixed with black fur. Why is it entirely silver and not silver and black?”

“Alpha-” She tried to speak.

“I am not done yet!” He cuts her, trapping her behind a wall with a menacing look on his face. His hands grabbed her neck, suffocating her as he looked dead in her eyes, “Don’t you dare cut me off when I’m not done talking,” he warned before releasing her from his firm grip while she coughed.

“I need you to explain why Nathalia’s wolf is lean with black fur as yours and why Aurora’s fur is huge and also has the pack’s tattoo,” he gritted, clenching his fist tight.

“And how she has the pack’s tattoo that Nathalia was supposed to have.”

I could tell he was trying hard not to punch her in the face.

“I swear by the Moon goddess, I don’t know what you are talking about.” My mother’s shaky voice pleaded, hoping my father would be convinced.

“One more lie from you and that would be the end of you this instant!” he threatened, seizing her by the neck again until she started to gasp for breath.

Fear gripped her as my father’s pupils’ turned pitch black. I’ve seen that look before, it only happened when he was dangerously furious.

No one wanted to see that side of him.

“You are hiding something about the children. Beatrice said she noticed after she left the ward that night. I swear by the Moon goddess if you don’t spill it out, I’ll tear you limb from limb!” he growled, his eyes flashing with rage.

Without warning, my father’s claws elongated as he raised them above my mother, ready to rip her into pieces as he was blinded by anger.

“Don’t kill me, I’ll confess!” she screamed, shielding her body from his claws as panic seized through her.

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