Mafia’s Curves

Chapter 30

Fallon’s POV

I have never been this nervous. Ever in my life. Even when I went to give my final medical paper.

But this is different. I am meeting four of the world’s most powerful people but most importantly my ‘ boyfriend’s’ family.

Who very romantically never asked me to be his girlfriend and just assumed that I am his girlfriend.

Anyway, I got dressed in a lacy orange dress. It’s was a square neckline and the dress ended just at my knees. I was about to wear the suit pant I had got but decided against it. I am going to meet his parents not sign a peace treaty.

Hayden told me that all of his family loves a certain kind of sweet. His father, Jason King likes mild sweet in his dessert where as his mother, Rose Kings loves to eat dark chocolate, really dark… like 75% dark. I almost cringed when I heard that, it would be so bitter.

His brother, Alexander Kings loves really sweet things, not so sweet that one will get diabetes. Then comes the hard part, Diana Whales. Alexander’s wife and Hayden’s best friend/long time crush. She like to eat unusual but tasty stuff, I also got to know that both of them have five year old triplets. One girl and two boys.

I was now on my way over to the kings mansion. According to Hayden, they have a huge property that is surrounded by dense forest and their mansion is in the middle. I looked back in the car seat to see three sets of stuffies, one reindeer, one bunny and one dog. I also made dessert of each of them according to their taste. It was hectic but I did it with Hayden’s help.

I turned back and asked him when we’re going to reach. He just said five more minutes and turned on the music. He seemed to be in a distress and that wasn’t helping me. Did he not what to introduce me to his parents? But he is the one who brought up the whole idea. Please don’t tell me he’s ashamed of me just because I am a big woman!

I haven’t seen anyone’s picture except for Alexander’s. Those five minutes were the toughest part of tonight.. or maybe.

“There… That’s my parents house!” Hayden painted out an enormous mansion to me. My eyes widen at the sheer size of it. It’s was beautiful to say the least. Now I know from where he gets his taste of elegance from, his parents.

There was a huge metal fence and a capital letter ‘K’ was written on the fence. It’s was just beautiful as we arrived at the drive way. We stepped out and I looked around mesmerised. Both side of the drive way had running bushes and the sides were decorated with pebbles.

I felt a nudge, I looked at a amused Hayden, “Wait till you get inside!” He said and handed me some bags that I didn’t even see. He took the rest of the bags and we went inside without knocking or ringing the bell.

“Mommmm, I am home!!” Hayden shouted I could detect a hint of excitement and enthusiasm. With that he went into the living room. I gasped awestruck, the interior was so lavish. The entire theme was gold, cream, brown and red. It was old Victorian style. The floor was polished cherry wood, the chairs and the couches looked extremely expensive and… Snuggly

I looked up at the ceiling, it was dome shaped. There were various panting on it, conspicuous if I may add. I couldn’t look more as a voice got my attention.

“My babyy!” A very soft feminine voice cried, I looked to the direction of the voice and my breath was knocked out of my lungs.

She was absolutely perfection. She seemed to be in mid 40’s, her blond hair was tied in a loose bun and her green eyes shined with happiness. She hugged Hayden while he picked her up and twirled around. I looked at the scene with awe.

“I missed you mumma!” He said and kissed her forehead and hugged her tightly. I chuckled mentally, mumma’s boy.

She pulled back and kissed his entire face, he gave a toothy grin to his mumma, “I missed you too baby” she said kissed his cheeks. Then she turned to look at me. I gave her a nervous smile, “Hi, I am Fallon” I said and stretch my hand for a handshake.

“She’s your girlfriend?” She asked Hayden, he nodded grinning. She gave me a beaming smile and pushed my hand away. My smile faltered for a little but then she hugged me, “I am so happy you found someone” she hugged me tightly. I remembered my mother’s embrace in hers.

I enveloped her, taking in her motherly smell. She pulled back and looked at me, “You’re really beautiful sweetie!” She said making me blush and do the most awkward thing ever, “You’re more beautiful!” I said my face turning 100 shades of red.

Both the mother and son chuckled, “Let’s go in the dining room, everyone is waiting for you guys!” She said.

We followed her to the dining hall. All the way there I was in winder if the interior. Though it was all elegant and lavish but it didn’t not lose its homey feeling.

When we reached there, my eyes widen at the sight. Are these people Greek gods and goddesses? Hayden’s father was a very… Very handsome man in his early 50’s. Pepper hair and sea blue eyes, even at such an age he is very well built. Then my eyes travelled to Alexander, to say he was handsome would be an understatement.

He was tall, really tall, jet black hair and blue eyes just like his father. It seemed like his face was crafted to make Zeus jealous. He was a huge guy, really huge with pure muscles. Next to him was a very beautiful girl, that beautiful that she could make even a straight girl fall in love with her.

She was the definition of perfectly curvy girl, her hair was long brown with some streaks of honey golden. Her eyes were the prettiest colour of green, enchanting green. Her face broke into a huge smile, “Panda boo” she said and came to Hayden and hugged him.

I was mesmerized by her beauty to even be jealous of her hugging my man rather I was jealous of Hayden hugging the goddess. Fuck I would be on my knees for her.

I was blown away with the sheer power and dominance they all carried, it was almost suffocating.

“My Godzilla!” He said and kissed her cheeks. I smiled thinking only if I had siblings I’d have known about the relationship they carry. She looked at me with a frown, “Who is she?”

Hayden looked at me with love, “She’s my girlfriend–”

“Let them sit first, little one” a deep husky voice said from behind, Alexander.

He gave me a comforting nod as we all sat down, “Where are the kids?” Hayden asked sitting opposite to Diana, next to me.

“They are all sleeping. It’s past their bed time” Diana said looking at Hayden. Soon the dinner was served and we started eating and chatting.

His parents seemed to be very kind and welcoming and so did Alexander though he was a man of few words he did seem to be comforting.This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

It’s was Diana who was making me uncomfortable. She was eyeing me as if trying to figure me out. Everyone was engaged in a real conversation but then all the good mood ruined, “How much money do you need?” Diana asked making the entire table quite.

I looked at her with a frown, “E-excuse me?” I asked in puzzlement. She looked at me with a sneer and put the knief and fork down and crossed her arms.

“Why else would a struggling doctor pin a billionaire?” I looked at her perplexed not being able to say anything. I looked at Hayden to see him looking at Diana with confusion then his face changed into understanding.

“Don’t look at him honey, answer me. Just tell me how much money do you want and we can just get it over with” she said and pulled out her phone

“Tell me your account number and I’ll transfer the amount” she said indifferently.

“Diana” Mrs. Kings warned her softly while Mr. Kings looked intrigued. Alexander just shook her head. Taking a deep breath and looked directly in her eyes.

“I may not be as rich as you, Diana but sure as hell I have more regards than you. Judging someone just by hearing a few things actually shows how intellectually aware you are. As for struggling… I make more money than most of your employees, just in one case. I have no considerate for money. The only thing I value is a family. You think of me otherwise, I’ll try my best to show you the real me but even after that you don’t understand then I cannot do anything in that. My pride is in my morals and I wouldn’t let anyone.. anyone taint it!” I said as softly as I could without snapping.

There was a thick tension in the room, Diana looked nonchalant about it. He leaned back on the chair with a glass of wine in her hand, “How can I believe you? Not to be rude but that.. wasn’t convincing.. at all..” she looked at me challengingly.

I smiled softly, “Do you want me to lick your bottom?” I said innocently. For a second she had a hard gaze but that façade soon broke. Her lips broke into a smile, “I like you!” She said sipping her wine.

I smiled at her and raised my glass of wine. The tension now reduced to zero, everyone soon began to talk after apologizing to me.

Hayden looked proud while his dad and brother looked impressed. His mother couldn’t help but grin like a cheshire cat.

“I am sorry for my behaviour, but I really wanted to make sure you were right for him” Diana apologize looking really sorry. I chuckled shaking my head, “it’s fine honestly. I’d have done the same if I were in your position!” I said reassuring her.

Everyone began to converse among each other while I was busy talking with Diana. She really is a cool woman and a great actress. We were making plans to go out tomorrow when Hayden caught my attention, “Mumma, can I leave Fallon here for a few days? I have some work to attend back in California” I frowned at him.

“Sure I have no problem whatsoever!” She said and smiled at me. I gave her a greatful smile and bend towards Hayden’s ear, “You didn’t tell me about that!” I said looking at him suspiciously.

“Yeah I just got the message and it requires my urgent attention!” He said and shrugged off.

“Don’t worry I’ll be back in three days” he said looking into space with hate. I frowned at his sudden change of behaviour. The rest of the night, we got to know each other more and I have them the gifts I got and the stuffies for the kids.

We went to bed but Hayden seemed to be a bit off about something whenever I tried to ask him about it he’d just shake off the topic. He snuggled in the bed in his parents house as they requested us all to stay for a few days.

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