
Don’t Kill him

“Ben?” Alex tried to talk to him but wasn’t walking on calculated steps so she almost fell and he caught her.

Some cameras started to click when he stopped her from falling because Alex had once lied in an interview that ‘they have a thing for each other’. He helped her back on her feet and wanted to leave the place before any more pictures could be taken but she held his arm and brought herself closer to him; taking advantage of the information she wanted to relay to him.

“Ben,” she called and hugged him.

“What’s this you’re doing, Alex?” He became angry when she wrapped her arms around him and refused to let go.

“I’m scared,” she sniffed and hugged him tighter. He wanted to push her away but what she was doing had brought attention to them.

“Alex, stop this, let go.”

“Can’t you hear me? I’m scared.” She repeated and waited for him to ask why, else she wouldn’t tell him about Belle and what happened in the restroom.

“Are you scared, or are you just drunk?”

“Yes, I might have drunk more than I should have tonight but that doesn’t mean I can’t be scared does it?” She stopped hugging him and looked at his face. His expression was calm but she knew he wasn’t happy that she was that close to him and it would normally make her angry to the extent that she wouldn’t tell him about what she witnessed earlier but she worried for Belle, not because she likes her but because she knew it would affect Ben if anything happened to her.

“I saw someone take Belle,” she blinked twice after she spoke.


“I someone carry her and leave the place with her.”

“Who? Can you identify who?”

“It was a woman, she works with Randy. What’s her name again? Uhm… Zana… Zina!” She finally remembered the name.

“Zina? Shit.” Ben muttered and brought his phone from his pocket.

“She injected Belle with something, I don’t know what but it made her pass out sooo quick.”

“Randy, where are you?” Belle asked once the person he was calling while Alex spoke picked up.

“I’m on the road, sir, I’m going after Zina. I noticed something fishy with her earlier.”

“Make sure you stop her, she has Ms Miller.”

“On it.”

“Thank you,” he told Alex and was about to leave but she pulled his arm and stopped him from moving.

“Just thank you? Won’t I get a k…”

“Alex, I don’t have time for this.”


“Don’t tell Jenna or anyone else about this, okay?” He told her and saw her nod before he left. He didn’t want anything to disrupt Jenna’s event.


Zina breathed heavily as she drove on the silent road with Belle at the back looking lifeless. She saw a car following behind her through the car’s side mirror. Feeling suspicious about it, she slowed the speed of her car to see if the car would also decelerate but it didn’t, it drove right past her and she sighed in relief.

She would have loved to see who it was driving but the car’s windows had tints throughout. Resuming the speed of her car, she started on the road again when she saw a car coming towards her. At first, the car’s headlight was far but then it suddenly was in front of her car. Before she could reverse, the car hit hers.

It was Randy who hit her. He had been following her since she left Jenna’s wedding with Belle. He got out of his car and rushed to Zina’s car to check on Belle before anything else.

When he opened the door to the backseat, he saw Belle lying unconscious with some blood on her forehead. He pulled her out of the car and carried her to his car without checking on Zina. He expected she would pass out from the accident.

After laying Belle comfortably in the backseat of his car, he closed the door and was about to get into the car and drive but heard a gun cock behind him.

He turned slowly and saw that It was Zina, she had woken back up quicker than he expected and was pointing a gun at him.

“I can’t believe you actually followed me,” Zina chuckled lightly and weakly, wincing her eyes while she did so.

“Of course, I did. You became quite suspicious since Nicholas died after being caught.”

“Suspicious? For all I know, I’ve been very careful.”

“Exactly. You’ve been too careful, that was what made me suspicious.”

“And where did being suspicious get you?” Zina laughed at him.”Move away from the car,” she ordered after laughing. Randy didn’t move, instead, he looked at her unforgivingly.

“Didn’t you hear me?!” She got angry.

Randy sighed and did as she asked, slowly backing away from her and the car. Zina threw the gun into the car and got in, planning to drive away but Randy was quick. He held the door from shutting and pulled her out before she could start the car.

“You…!” She almost cursed. Searching the back of her trousers for her gun, she remembered that she had just thrown it in the car. She looked at Randy and saw him smile pompously.

“Beat me at a hand-fight and you can leave with her.”

“I’m not gonna fight with you, Randy.”

“It’s not like you have a choice at the moment,” Randy smiled again.

“I always have a choice, and why the hell do you sound like Mr Larkson?”

“Mr Larkson, speaking of him, you know what he’s going to do if he ever sets eyes on you, don’t you?”

Zina said nothing.

“I’d advise you to start to run. Leave the city, maybe the country too.”

“I’m not scared of him.” Her reply got Randy laughing again.Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“Come on… trust me, even the person you betray him for is scared of him. It’s most certainly why his woman is being targeted and not him.”

“I’m not going to fight you…” Zina reversed the topic and got out a penknife.”… with my hand.” She added and swallowed after before approaching him swiftly with the knife but he dodged it.

She made a screeching sound as she used her boot to help her slide backward from his angry fists. Randy got tired of her running away so he went to her with his attacks but she was just as good as he was when it came to dodging blows.

They were still at it when a bright light coming from behind stopped them. It was from a car’s headlight. Randy smiled, happy that Ben had just arrived but his smile dried up when the car got closer and he saw that there was more coming behind that one car. He would assume that it was Ben’s convoy but he knew Ben’s cars.

“Oh fuck,” he muttered to himself.

Some men jumped off the cars and approached them. They all had guns with them and wore joker masks.

“You said you needed help? It’s just one person here,” One of them said to Zina while chewing gum.

“One but he’s deadly, get the woman so we can leave,” Zina replied with her eyes fixed on Randy. She was the one smiling now, even amidst tired pants.

“Hands behind your head.” The man who just spoke to Zina ordered Randy.

After looking at the amount of men with guns, he decided to obey. Slowly putting his hands behind his head, he still kept his eyes on Zina.

“Get on your knees,” came the next order from the man. Randy didn’t do that immediately so he was hit with the base of a gun to get him to the ground.

“You get the lady, I’ll keep an eye on him.” The man put his foot on Randy’s back.

Zina went to Randy’s car where Belle was and carried her. She still wasn’t awake. Zina carried her to one of the cars the men came with and came back.

“Alright, let’s go.” She told the man but the man looked at Randy for some seconds and decided to cock his gun.”What are you doing?” Zina asked him.

“Do you not want him to die?” The man took his leg off of Randy and turned to Zina to ask.

“No, don’t kill him.”

“Were you fucking him?” The man laughed after Zina said she didn’t want him dead.

“Ha ha ha,” Zina laughed sarcastically.”Let’s go.” She told the man and waited till he had turned away completely from Randy before wanting to leave too. Randy took out a knife and stabbed Zina’s left leg with it.

“Son of a bitch!” Zina cursed.

What he did was an attempt to waste more time so Ben could come join them but he got shot. The man shot him in the shoulder and watched him pass out.

“Are you okay?” He asked her.

“Am I okay?! What do you think?” Zina turned to the man with a sharp reply.

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