Love Magic: Two Different Hearts

Chapter 20: Water Elemental

Chapter 20: Water Elemental

Glen's POV

"So that's what happened" I heard Ema said in realization while nodding her head continuously.

So we decided to tell her what happened and she was looking at us in amazement. Like she was so

proud to even call us her friends because were awesome according to her.

"Yup, so enough asking question and sit down properly" Kaylee scowled at Ema who keeps on

pestering her a while ago.

"Okay class" the teacher said and we all faced her.

"I want this class to have a seat plan and I will be the one to choose where will you sit no buts" she said

and everyone groan in displeased.

"But ma'am--"

"No buts I said" she scolded making the poor girl just keep quiet and pouted.

"Guess I think that we might separate" I said to the two and they look at me in sadness.

"I guess so. Hope that my seatmate will not an asshole" Ema said and I also prayed that.

"Me too" I honestly said and look at them.

"I guess me three" Kaylee said and we all laugh at each other while looking at the instruction of the


I then look at Tobios and caught him looking at me. I then look away and look at the teacher who is now

eyeing us one by one.

"Okay then I want all of you to get your bags and stand on the corner and I will tell you your sit" she

instructed and noisily we all stand up and went to the sides of the room and waited for her instructions.

"Hope we won’t paired with the those" I hear Kaylee said in disgust and I also feel her.

"Okay then let's start" the teacher said and started calling names.


I look at their sit and they were chatting. We're not seatmates anymore since our teacher decided to

make a seating plan making me move and sit in front.

I was sitting in front with one of group of Tobios and I was so relieved when I didn't pair up with Tobios

and moreover, that girl.

I look at my seatmate and saw that he was just looking in front and now minding me.

(Thank goodness that it was you. I nearly died when I thought Tobios was the one who will sit with me

but I thank the teacher that he changed it. Bless you teacher) I thought while looking at her and

listening to her lesson.

I look at the two and they were sitting together and even though they are sitting together I was not

jealous but rather happy since they don’t have a seatmate that is not good.

I am also happy again since they are just at my back making me feel relieved even more since I can

talk to them.

So we didn't complain even thought we were seated in front because at least we are near each other.

"Thank goodness that we are all near with each other" I hear Ema said.

"Yeah... I nearly thought that we will be separated but hey were not" Kaylee agreed and I nod too

before they look at me in worry and I just stare at them in confusion.

"You are the luckiest among us you know" Kaylee said and I look at here in confusion.

"What do you mean?" I asked and I saw him scoff making me chuckle nervously.

"Come on and don't act like you don’t know it" she insisted and I sigh in frustration.

"You’re lucky that you didn't sit with him or else he might have burn you alive" I hear Kaylee whispered

me while she was looking at my seatmate.

"I am the luckiest" I sigh in relief and then we all chuckle softly not wanting the teacher to finds us

chatting with each other or we'll get into trouble.

"Keep it down or else they will hear you" Ema said and we all keep quiet and look in front just as soon

as the teacher looked at us.

Tobios and the girl was the one paired and they were at our left side. (Argh...... why do have to sit near

us can't they stay more in the front and not here) I groan in annoyance while looking at them.

I suddenly felt someone was glaring holes at my side and I was tempted to look but I really know who

she is.

(Why does this girl always glare at us? Can't she have enough already) I decided to just ignore it and

focus my attention at the front. I sigh defeatedly before calming myself.

(Man, can't life get any better) I thought while looking at the celling and suddenly observe it's structure

like it was the coolest thing to do.

Carves and scratches are somewhat visible if you really look close at it but then covered with paints

just to cover it up, making it unnoticeable.

But I still keep on getting these feeling that the glaring is still there so I dare and look at my side and

saw Antonette looking at me intensely while the rest are taking.

(So she's really the one glaring at me tsk...) I look away and averted my attention back to the teacher.

I then look at my side and saw my seatmate. He was one of Tobios friend and I don't want that my

whole year in class with him is that we are not talking with each other.

I need to suck it up since he will be my seatmate and I don't want to always be awkward with him the

whole time.

He suddenly turns around and caught me staring at him and he eye like he was waiting if I will tell


"Uhm.... eh... my name's Glen by the way" I still have my manners besides he didn't do anything with

me so why would I hate him.

He looks taken a back and cleared his throat before looking at me.

"Andre" he said and I offered a hand and he took it making me smile at him.

"It is an honor to seat with you" he said making me look at him in confusion.

"What do you mean? Aren't I should be the one to say that since I'm paired with you who is one of the

popular here" I said and he chuckled at me.

"Well the guy who fought Tobios is more honorable" he said and I scoff at the.

"Come on it was just a friendly match and beside I really didn't even give him a scratch to tell the truth

he is really strong-- don't tell him that I told that" I said looking away when I realized what I have just


I glance at him and he was grinning at me so I groan at him.

"Come on and just listen to the teacher" I scolded and he just chuckles making other students near us

look at us and especially the two at my back who is tapping my shoulders but I ignored them and they



"Then see you on lunch" I said waving to them when we suddenly got dismissed.

We thought that they will get us but it turns out that they just let it go and they immediately went out

after the teacher dismissed us.

"Yeah see you too" they both sang and went to the other direction.

"But wait we still need to ask you something so better prepare" Ema said before I saw them disappear.

I groan and look at them. (Can't they let is go already. They keep on asking why is Andre chuckling a

while ago and why do I look like I'm having fun)

I sigh and the look at the hallway and walk to my next class.

"Now it's time to face our death since I know that something might happen today and my guts it telling

me that" I mumble and gulp while taking a deep breath.

I slowly walk to my next class and even though we were dismissed a little bit early I still went to the

room since I want to sit at the back and I don't want to roam around and suddenly meet with him.

I opened the door and entered the room. I saw that there are still no one so I look around cautiously

since you never know if something will show up or they are just hiding.

(Damn I'm so freaking nervous) I immediately scan the room if Tobios is already here and hiding since

he is also another reason why I immediately went to class.

To my luck he's still not here and the room is really empty and no something is going to show up.

"Thank goodness he's not here" I mumble before finding a vacant seat at the back.

I immediately dash off and find sit at the back row. I pick the chair near the window, as usual.

I look at my watch and saw that I still have few minutes left before class will start.

"I guess I could take a nap" I mumble while yawning before slumping on my table and took a nap.


I suddenly I heard the door bursted open making me wake me and I lifted my head immediately and

adjust my eyes to the environment.

"What was that?" I mumble and suddenly realize where am I and I immediately fix myself.

I'm still a little bit sleepy so I yawn and look at my watch and then my eyes went wide.

(What the... I took a nap for fifteen minutes. Am I getting to be scolded today) I silently prayed to be not

while I look around and students were already inside the room making me hiss in nervousness.

I immediately look at Sir Tanner and he is walking to the center then looked at us.

(Please tell me you were late. Please tell then your late) I prayed while looking at him.

"Sorry class I'm late. I had to talk with someone before coming here" he said and I nearly jump in joy.

(THANK YOU..... I thought that he'll caught me sleeping and get mad at me) I scream in my head and

of course a joyful smirk crept in my face while a look around.

Then his eyes room around to the class making me fix myself immediately so that he won't get

suspicious of me.

(I don't want to piss that guy. He nearly caught me sleeping in his class and I saw what he did to the

poor kid that he caught sleeping) I shiver when I remembered that.

I look in front and saw that his still not here. (That's better I don't want to see his face)

Suddenly Sir Tanner spoke making me look confused.

"Okay good nobody run away. Everyone is present" he trailed looking at his book.

(But he is still not here how come we are present I already scan the class and his not here) I look

around and still none.

"Are you looking for me" a familiar voice said surprising me and I blush for a moment.

I facepalmed (Of course his at your back it's the only place my vision can't see)

I just ignored it like I haven't heard someone spoke and just continue to look at the discussion.

I listen closely if he would speak again but he didn't. I sigh in relief and smile.

(But what if he'll kill me from behind) I pale and move a little bit in front.

I look in front and Sir Tanner was looking at the door. My classmates also are looking at the door like

they are waiting for someone so I look at the door too.

The door opened and revealed someone making us all stand up and bow down except Sir Tanner who

just nods at him. NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

The person in front was our headmaster. His aura was also intense and reeks of strong magic. He also

screams power and authority.

"Good morning Headmaster" we all said in unison before bowing then standing straight again as

respect to him.

"What brings you here headmaster?" Sir Tanner asked making me curious too.

"What is the headmaster doing here? I hear the other students whisper and I also think that.

He went closer to Sir and talks to him then scanned all of us until his eyes landed at my direction

making me nervous.

"Don't tell me that I'll be punished" I mumble and start to get worried and nervous.

All my classmates followed his eyes and that's why they are all looking at my direction which made it

even more intimidating.

But somethings wrong, their eyes are not on me but at my back making me sigh in relief.

(I thought it was me) I slowly turn around and I was surprised by what I saw.

Tobios is glaring at the headmaster. "Why are you here" he said in cold tone.

Some of my classmates gasp in shock. (I too will react like that if I don't know who is he. I guess those

students who gasp don't know who this guy was) If I haven't also known that he was the son of the

headmaster I would also be reacting like that.

The headmaster just looks at him then away. He just ignored his remarks and look at Sir Tanner.

"Mr. Tanner you have a new student who just transferred today" the headmaster said.

"Headmaster isn't it a bit too late to have new students" Sir Tanner said facing the headmaster.

We all just sit there and watch them talk about something. The only thing in my mind is that who is the

new student.

I can also hear my classmates whispering and being intrigued by the new student.

We all look at the door and a girl entered. She was wearing clothes that are a bit too revealing.

"Aren't she getting cold there"

"The girl’s clothes is nice"

"Does she even have a boyfriend"

"Can I get your number"


I could hear my classmates snicker that they like what they are seeing making me sigh and shake my

head. I look at her and something made me uncomfortable with her presence.

Her aura is different. Too different to be exact making me eye her. She went at the center happily and

bow her head.

"My name is Margaret Malloy, a water elemental" she said making all of us gasp including me.

I was frozen in place looking at the girl who said she was a water elemental.

(I knew it my guts was right something is really going to happen) I thought while I look at her.

Once she said that everyone kept quiet even Sir Tanner didn't move and stayed at his position. The

room was filled with an intense seriousness and tension.

(She's a water elemental. But I thought that, that man was the last one and until now no one still have


I look around and they were all share the same expression as me until one spoke cutting the tension in

the room.

Her voice echoed to the whole room.

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