Living With The Player

Chapter 20 Weird Wednesday [II]


~Wednesday Morning

As I said, the tension was awkward, not to mention a little strange.

I ignored it, ignored him.

The ride was overly silent, I got so used to his witty comments every five seconds when he didn’t make any, I felt empty. Different even.

The drive felt longer even. It was usually ten minutes tops, but with the lingering silence, it felt as though I was there for hours.

Still, we arrived at soon in one piece.

On the bright side, yeah there’s a bright side. I don’t have to walk a slightly long distance when he pulls over and parks somewhere.

Since everyone had seen us arrive together, there was no need to hide it anymore. Dylan parked his car in the lot and I stepped down.

Unlike the first time, the surprise on most students’ faces was just plain and forced.

Although the nasty comments they made were quite the opposite. I could hear them, but it’s not like they cared.

They happily called me slut, boyfriend stealer, like whose boyfriend did I still?

I shook my head, a sad smile plastered on my face.

Realising I stood in the same position for over a minute, I turned back to meet Dylan’s gaze.

“I’ll see you after school.”

That was my way of saying sayonara.

My fake smiles were plastered on my face. This should be it for the rest of the day. No need to smile at any real ones anyway.

“Hey Camilla, put an actual smile on your face. It looks amazing on you.”

I cocked my head to his side, blinked twice and nothing changed.

I thought he was awkward Dylan? That was a genuine advice slash compliment.

From Dylan? Truly a weird Wednesday.

I didn’t know how to respond, if Kyle gave such I’ll hug him or peck his cheeks, but this was Dylan. The guy I…


I’m overthinking this.

To end this horror, I put up a half-smile, it didn’t reach my eyes, but it’s all he’s getting.

With that, I turned to face the entrance and walked away.


It became my hobby to always check my locker first before going to the first period coupled with the fact that it had become our meeting point, Kyle and I.

I’m still worried about his phone being shut off.

It could just be battery, but still unlike Kyle.

I shut my locker lightly, after picking a few books for first till the final period before recess.

I sighed in contempt. No sign of Kyle.

I should try his cell again.

About to dig out my phone to call, I sighted him approaching.

For that reason only, I forced a smile.


I beamed, putting on my best energetic face.

I can’t have sad vibes when we just made up.

Instead of his usual peck or smile, he simple gulped and bowed his face.

Anti climatic much?

“Well someone woke up unhappy.”

I joked, chuckling nervously.

Something is wrong with Kyle.

“You look off. Did something happen? What can I do to make it better?”

I giggled, reaching for his cheeks.

My gentle stroke didn’t affect him. He didn’t budge.

Now I’m frightened.

Is he still angry at Me?

“Camilla, I…”

“By the way, where did you suddenly run off to yesterday? I came by to say goodbye and you just vanished.”

I added curiously. I gulped again. My heart best rapidly multiplying.

He better tell me what I need to know in two seconds before I explode.

“Yes. I switched it on purpose because I left the party before you did.”This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

I nodded my head since that sounded reasonable.

“I left with Eva.”

He added. I lowered my head a little, giving him the “are you serious” look or “you better be joking” look

Either way, he’s tripping.

“You went with her to drop her off? Or you both took the same cab.”

The nervous chuckle was back. My eyes were glued to him, awaiting his next statement that better explain this entire thing.

“I had sex with Eva last night.”

He blurted out.

That simple huh?

My face froze. My body froze. Usually, I’d gulp or start trembling, but I just froze. My brain was the only part of my body still functioning, although that’s questionable as well.

A minute ago I was giggling and smiling, but now I’m frozen on the spot rendered truly speechless by my “boyfriend” who just confessed to fucking another girl.

“How? Why?”

I whispered. The moment my trance was broken, I could speak. Two words at the very least. My senses picked up again.

My eyes watered up, I sniffled several times and my fingers trembled.

“I don’t want to use the drunk guy excuse, but that’s what happened. She knew I was drunk, so she took that to her advantage, it just happened and I don’t know how I can ever get you to forgive me, but I swear I wouldn’t have…”

“So you two left the party for a quickie?”

I asked extremely hurt. If he got drunk at the party, she convinced him to leave before they had sex. This was right after we kissed, he went ahead to have drinks with her.

Are you fucking kidding me?

I felt a new emotion overpower the old one.

No more pain or hurt or shock. It’s anger.

I’m angry. They’re sick. Both of them.

“I’m sorry Camilla.”

I heard him. I whip my head to his features and glare. I glared with everything, suppressing the silly tears threatening to spill.

He’s fucking..


“You know what? I’m sorry Kyle. Not you. I’m the sorry one. Know why? I trusted you. That’s why. It sucks, but I thought we were okay. We kissed even. I’m sorry for leaving a party where my boyfriend was with another girl, I am truly sorry for not thinking about the consequences. Trust me, you’ll never get a second chance to hurt me. By all means, Have fun with Eva.”

With that, I gave him a final glare, sprinting off.

If he dared followed, I’ll hit him. I know I would.

Walking briskly through the hallway, I lowered my head a second time and felt the tears stroll down my cheeks.

Fucking Eva. Fucking Kyle.

Fuck the two of them.



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