Living With The Bad Boy

Chapter 7

I woke up early by 7am, i quickly ran to the bathroom to shower, after which i put on my clothes in preparation for school.

I grabbed my backpack and ran downstairs to see a shirtless Alex with his perfect abs in display, he was making coffee in the kitchen.

“Hey what are you doing in my kitchen and why are you naked?”I yelled.

“Good morning to you too Henderson” He said, ignoring my approach.

“Hey i was asking you a question”I yelled.

“Why do you always have to bark Olivia, you can see I’m busy here and if i can remember clearly your parents said i should feel at home so that means i have equal rights here as you, and i can put on whatever i want, i can stay shirtless for the whole day, how is that a problem to you”He said, ignoring me as he continued making his coffee.

“Hey this is my house and i get to decide who does what and how you behave”I said.From NôvelDrama.Org.

“Why do you have to annoy me this early beautiful morning?”He asked.

“Well my morning was also beautiful until i saw your ugly face!”I scoffed.

“More like handsome face”He smirked.

“Pfft, not even close”I hissed.

“Well all the girls think I’m hot” He said.

“All those girls are blind”I scoffed.

“Whatever makes you sleep Henderson”He said.

“Why aren’t you prepared for school?” I asked, changing the topic.

“And how is that your business?”He asked.

“You’re in my house so it’s one hundred percent my business”I said.

“Well i don’t see how it’s your business so run along now or you’ll be late for school”He said.

“Wait till i tell your mum you’re skipping school”I threatened.

“That’s your problem, just admit it Olivia, you just want to spend time with me”He said smirking.

“You wish” I scoffed.

“Prove me wrong, you came down here, all prepared for school but instead of going to school you’re here exchanging words with me”He said, pouring coffee into his mug and then took a sip.

“I was on my way to school until i saw you here, shirtless, half naked, infact practically naked, the boxer you’re even putting on is hiding very little”I pointed at the bulge in his pants.

“Whatever, it’s morning, my family and i need to settle first”He said, running his pants.

“Ew”I muttered and he laughed.

“Run along now, i need to rest”He said.

“Have you forgotten this is my house? you don’t get to tell me what to do”I said folding my arms.

“And have you forgotten you’re going to school? You’ll be late”He said, walking past me into the living area.

I trailed behind him.

“That is no business of yours, why aren’t you going to school?”I asked.

“And how’s that your business?”He asked as he sat down on the couch, drinking his coffee.

“Look Alex, i don’t have your time right now I-”

“I think you do have my time, if not you wouldn’t be here telling me all this shit”He said.

“Look Alex…… infact why am i wasting my saliva with you”I said.

“Exactly, now get lost, you’re spoiling my view”He said.

“Well i don’t care whether you’re coming to school or not just make sure you don’t tell anyone that we’re living together or else you’re dead meat”I threatened.

“First of all, you’re not the boss of me, secondly i can do whatever i please, thirdly, why would i tell anyone that I’m living with this…… um why would i tell anyone that I’m living with you, I can’t spoil my image like that”He said and i heaved a sigh of relief.

Great now, my worries has come to an end. Earlier i was worried that Alex would go ahead and blabber about us living together, that would have stained my image.

I don’t know why my parents have to torture me like this, seeing him in school everyday was already a punishment but now i have to tolerate living with this cunt!

“Good”I said as i spun around, heading towards the door but i was stopped on my tracks by Alex’s voice calling behind me.

“Olivia” He called.

“What?”I asked.

“See you in school”He smirked and i scoffed, ignoring him and left the house.

Why do i have this feeling that this will be a very long month.


“Hey babe, you don’t look too good, anything the matter?”Zoey asked.

“I just didn’t get enough sleep last night, that’s probably why”I said.

“Oh sorry honey” She said and i gave her a weak smile.

“Have you perhaps seen Jane?”I asked.

“Nope, she called earlier this morning, she said she was going on a three days trip with her parents, so she won’t be in school till then”She said.

“Oh, why didn’t she tell me?”I asked.

“She would have if you were picking your calls” Zoey said.

“She called me?”I asked.

“About three times yesterday”She said and i pulled out my phone to see three missed calls from Jane.

“Oh my bad, my phone was jn silent”I said.

“All the time!”She said.

“Hey don’t blame me, I just don’t like being disturbed when I’m sleeping”I said in my defense and she shrugged.

“Whatever”She said.

“I’ll call her later when i get home”I said.

“Okay” She said.

“Hey any news?”I asked.

“Like?”She asked.

“The usual duh!”I scoffed.

“Well no news, everything is going pretty smoothly today”She said.

“That’s good”I said.

“Hey so what’s your plan to get back at Alex?”She asked.

“I don’t know yet but I’ll definitely think of something soon, that boy has been pestering at ho…… how…. um i mean he’s been pestering all through yesterday”I said.

“Yesterday? but you weren’t in school yesterday so how did he pester you?”She asked “That reminds me, Alex was also absent in school yesterday”She added.

“Um…. I don’t know, I saw him at a coffee shop and he was annoying me”I lied, heat creeping up on my forehead.

“Don’t mind him, I don’t know why he’s so jobless, he has nothing better to do than to be pestering us everytime”She said.

“Just forget about Alex, I’ll deal with him later”I said and then the doorbell rang.

“Hey let’s go to the cafeteria, I’m starving”I said.

“Me too”She stated and we got up to leave for the cafeteria.

We arrived at the already crowded cafeteria with students everywhere.

We went to the food counter to get our meals and then plodded over to our usual table.

We sat down, discussing over our food.

“Hey, here comes Alex”Zoey said.

“Where?”I asked.

“Over there”She said, pointing towards the entrance.

I turned my head to see Alex coming towards us alongside his squad.

“Hey my favorite losers, mind if we join you?”Alex’s annoying voice said and i furrowed my eyebrows at him.

“What do you want Alex?”Zoey asked.

“Nothing, I just wanted to check up on my favorite idiot”He said.

“Hey watch your mouth or else-”

“Or else what?” He cut in.

“Get lost, i don’t have your time right now” I said, my temper rising.

“Hey that’s no way to talk to your housem…… aaaaaaa”He almost exposed us.

“House what?”Justin, one of his friends asked.

“Nothing, slip of tongue, she always gets me angry and makes me say nonsense”He covered up.

Phew, that was a close one!.

“Hey Alex, take your stupid bunch of idiots and get out of my sight!”I yelled angrily.

“What if I don’t?”He smirked.

“Don’t tempt me Alex, my patience is running low” I warned.

“Well, I was just passing by and decided to say hello but since you’re not in your best mood, I’ll catch ya later”He winked and then walked past is with his set of morons following behind.

“What was that?”Zoey asked.

“What?”I asked, cluelessly.

“The winking? why was Alex winking at you?”She asked.

“I don’t know, why don’t you ask him, I think he’ll be in the best position to answer that”I said.

“You know what? nevermind, i can never understand you both anyway”She said and turned to focus on the food in front of her.


I arrived home later at noon to meet Alex in the living room with a plate of bacon and cheese in his hands and his focus was on the Tv.

I walked past him not bothering to acknowledge his presence as i skidded down to the kitchen to grab an apple which i bit off as i made my way upstairs.

I threw off my backpack across the room and pulled down my bun.

I rushed into the bathroom, pulling off my clothes as i took a quick shower. Afterwards, i went back downstairs to the kitchen to make sandwiches for myself.

As i was busy making my sandwiches i heard footsteps behind me and turned to see Alex standing by the door with an annoying smirk plastered on his silly face.

“What do you want?”I asked.

“You”He said.

“Meaning?”I asked.

“What i mean is that i want you to make sandwiches for me too” He said.

“And what makes you think that I, Olivia Marinette Henderson will make sandwiches for you?”I asked.

“Because I’m awesome and you can’t resist my awesomeness”He smirked.

“Get lost Alex, I don’t have your time right now”I said.

“Just make sure you make extra sandwiches for me”He said.

“Why?”I asked.

“Because we live together and it’s your duty to take care of me, remember?”He said.

“First of all, why would i make sandwiches for you? As your girlfriend or what?”

“You could be if you wanna”He winked.

“Shut up, and secondly I think it’s vice versa, i clearly remember my parents saying they’re entrusting you with my welfare”I said.

“Olivia, Olivia, when will you add some brains to that empty head of yours?”He asked.

“Hey Alex I’m warning you, if you dare say one more word to insult me, I’ll chop your balls with this knife”I threatened, gesturing with the knife in my hand.

“Ok calm down, no need to get so worked up, I was only fooling around with you”He said.

“Thank God you finally agreed that you’re nothing but a big bag of stupidity”I said.

“Hey watch it! I’m only tolerating these insults from you because i want to live in peace but seems like you don’t like a peaceful environment, you want war right? I’ll give you war”He simpered.

“You look stupid right now Alex”I rolled my eyes at him.

“Stupidly awesome”He smirked.

“Argh wherever did i meet this idiot?”I asked.

“School”He said.

“Huh?”I asked, dumbfounded.

“We met in school, remember?”He replied.

“Just get lost”I said as i finished up with my sandwich and dished it out on a flat plate.

“Hey where’s my share?”He asked.

“Do I look like your servant? And besides when you were busy eating Bacon and cheese you didn’t remain for me so why would i include your share in my sandwich?”I asked.

“Because I’m awesome and you can’t resist my awesomeness”He smirked.

“Get a grip of yourself Alex and stop boasting, now if you’ll excuse me, i have better things to be doing”I said as i walked past him with my plate of sandwiches.

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